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Beautifully Damned

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Chapter 1 - Welcome to create on WEBNOVEL

I felt it. This sense of freedom.

In this moment, my mind was as clear as ever.

Free from constraints.

Free from pity.

Free from anger.

Free from my regrets.

Free from the mental bondage.

I was free from myself to be myself. The restricted emotions are now free and I am every inch of myself. I am not wrong for feeling. For wanting. I am not wrong for this life that I am living. I hold my own freedom in my own hands, never to let it go. No one owns me, for I am one with the world. Power flows within me and it is I who must send it back into the world. My spirit, my soul, my heart, are ignited by the flame of life.

I felt my body shift to the ground. As I struggled for air, gasping, I looked at the white light that greeted me. The further I drifted the faster it came to try and pull me out. This white light.

My light.

Save me for I have been lost for so many years. Does freedom include self-destruction? Am I closer to harming myself than I am to true freedom. All the things I desire are right in front of me, but what will be the risk of me running to catch them. To caress freedom in my hands. To finally smell the sweet aroma of the air.

When will my freedom be given to me?

Chapter 1

"Scarlet! Scarlet, wake up!" A loud voice boomed through my head. I weakly opened my eyes, to see a big crowd around me. Some snickered at the sight of me. "Move! Give her some room to breathe." Coach said. "You feeling alright? You hit the ground pretty hard." She said pointing up at the rope hanging from the gym ceiling.

"Yeah, like three inches from the ground." Everyone started laughing.

I looked around ashamed of my lack of upper body strength. Coach helped me to the nurse's office to get an ice pack. We went past the locker room into the office. Ms. Qur looked up and shook her head.

"Again? This is the third time this week Scarlet." She went to the freezer to get the ice pack.

"Yeah, she fell pretty hard this time." Coach said, sitting down on the chair.

"Ughh, my head hurts," I said, patting my head. "It feels like it's going to explode."

"Stop, you'll only make it worse." Ms. Qur said, passing me the ice pack. "Here." I put the ice pack on my head, exhaling as it cooled my forehead.

"Am I wimpey?" I said, staring at them both. Ms. Qur and coach stood there quietly until a student barged in yelling,

"Coach! David and Anthony are fighting!" Coach and the student left running down the hallway.

Still waiting for my answer, I stared Ms. Qur down until she said something.

She sighed and said, "You're not wimpy." She took the ice pack and poured me some water. "You just have different talents than other people." Moving to the medicine cabinet, she took out an aleve. "Some people are athletic and some are book smart. Not really into sweating and all that stuff." She handed me the pill and the cup of water.

"So I am a wimp." I said, rolling my eyes.

Ms. Qur laughed. "You're not wimpy. You're a smart girl who likes to read and solve math problems. You like to explore the world in your own way," She took the cup and threw it in the garbage. "That's what makes you unique. So stop saying you're wimpy." She hugged me and sent me to my locker.

That was the worst first day ever. I wasn't even fully registered for classes. The day was almost over and I had gone to my locker to get my stuff. Thinking back, I realized I was on my own. I didn't have any friends, I kept my distance from people, and I never spoke out. I was the loner type, but it helped me excel in my academics. But then, it was also lonely. Not having someone to help you with your homework, even though you wouldn't need help because you're the top student in all your classes. But it would still feel nice to have someone's company.

I rarely talk to my dad. Ever since my mom passed away, me and him have been really distant. I miss her. The way she walked, talked, smiled. The way she would listen to country music with her spaghetti strap shirt on and her long sweatpants covering her ankles. The way she danced gracefully around the kitchen as she added spices to her soup. The way she would comb through my hair, treating each strand as if it were unique. She would even bake cookies for new families who moved into the neighborhood. My mom was a friendly person who loved to enjoy the company of others. So I don't understand why people like that have to leave us so soon.

Once I got my things from my locker I walked out the school doors. I did the usual thing. Walk down the school steps, then check my phone that never got any messages. I wanted to call my dad but what was the point, he wouldn't pick up. He would probably be out somewhere getting drunk.

I walked around the corner from the school and went into the corner store. As I walked in everyone stared at me. I quickly walked to the back of the store to get my juice. I rushed to the

counter and paid for my juice. I remember the first time I was ever embarrassed. My dad came to my middle school to pick me up from my play that he was supposed to attend. He came in drunk as always, with a ripped up shirt and pants. My teachers were too scared to let me go with him but I reassured them that he was a good person. Me, a ten year old girl telling her teachers about her drunken father. Telling them he was a good person was a big mistake. He then started yelling saying I have no say in anything because he is the one taking care of me. But from the looks of my tangled hair and dirty skin he wasn't doing a good job of taking "care" of me.

I continued walking straight until I hit my block. I turned left and walked down my block until I came up my house steps. I pushed my ear close to the door to see if I could hear my dad. It sounded silent as if he wasn't there so I opened the door. The house smelled of smoke. I covered my face as I walked upstairs to my room. I stepped on one of my father's empty beer bottles laying on the steps. I picked up the broken pieces and threw them in the garbage in my room.

I dropped my bag on the floor and flew to my bed. Days like these are the only days I had. I curled up in my bed and reached under my pillow to pull out a twenty dollar bill. When I pulled it a note was attached to it.

"Scarlet, I'm not going to be home until 10. So go out and get dinner for yourself." I laughed because this was the first time ever he wasn't too drunk to let me starve.

I jumped up out of my bed and ran downstairs to the door. I took my keys and walked out the door. I went to the chinese store and ordered sesame seed chicken and a shrimp roll. While I was ordering some teenagers were standing out front smoking a cigarette. I never understood why kids my age started smoking. Was it the feeling of the tobacco rushing through their lungs causing lung cancer? Was it because they were pressured into doing it? Or maybe it's because they had no care in the world and did whatever they wanted?

When my food was ready I paid the lady, grabbed my food and left out. It was pitch black outside and I saw little kids playing outside in the street. Some guys on the corner smoking, a woman and her husband arguing about which street to go down in their car. Once I got back home I took off my shoes, my jacket, turned on the Tv, sat on the couch, and started eating my food.

I turned to Cartoon Network and watched my favorite shows. It was going on 11 o'clock and my father still hadn't come home. I wasn't worried, he was probably at the bar or something. Instead of going upstairs to my bed I fell asleep on the couch.

While I was sleeping I heard loud thumps and pounding on top of the roof. The rain pattered on the glass window. The thumps seemed to get louder and closer each time I exhaled. I kept getting this feeling. This feeling that I needed to wake up. But no matter how much I screamed and yelled in my head my body wouldn't move. Then I felt water touch my skin. Little tiny drops tickled my arms and legs. I couldn't move any part of my body like I was paralyzed. So I didn't fight it. I let my mind and body drift away to wherever it wanted to go.

I opened my dainty eyes and stretched wildly. I felt around for the remote control to turn on the Tv. I couldn't really see because my vision was blurry. I cracked my neck and blinked a few times. I ran my hands through my hair to feel it was dripping wet. I felt my shirt and my pants which were also wet. I looked at the time on the cable box that read 10am. I ran off the couch nearly falling because the floor was wet too. I quickly but carefully walked up the stairs to find a trail of clothes going into my room. I slowly walked towards my room, I picked up the umbrella lying on the floor. As I creeped towards my room I realized there were red streaks going across the wall into my father's room. I carefully crept over to his bedroom door. I gently pushed his door open as it made a little squeak noise. Walking in slowly I reached down and found my dad's car keys on the floor and a woman's lingerie.

I couldn't make sense of what could have gone on. Why am I soaked in water? Why are there red streaks on the wall? Why am I holding some ladies panties? Why are my father's car keys here and he's not ? None of it made sense. But hey! Who am I to panic? I just calmly cleaned up the mess and sat on the floor.

Knock, knock

Someone was at the door, I flew to the door, flinging it open only to see my cat loving neighbor, Ms. Jensen.

"Hi Ms. Jensen!" I shouted.

"Don't 'hi' me", she said rolling her eyes. "I told you and your good-for-nothing father to stop putting your garbage in my bin!" She was 72 years old, no family or friends to speak of. Her wrinkly orange skin and pointy nose always threw me off. She always smelled of cheese and never had the best attitude. "I'm getting sick and tired of having to come over here all the time to yell at you ignorant people."

"I'm very sorry Ms. Jensen," I rolled my eyes and gave a fake smile. "I will make sure my father won't make that mistake again."

"Yeah! That's what yall say all the goddamn time." As she turned down the steps, I bidded her a good day and closed the door.

That lady has been around in this neighborhood longer than anyone. Everyone calls Ms. Jensen a witch, which is not true, even though she can act like a total bitch sometimes.

But before I go any further, I would like to introduce myself. Hello, my name is Scarlet Michelle Jones. I am 17 years old, and I live with my father Thomas Jones. My mother was Rishida Amaria Jones. My parents being an interracial couple really freaked people out. My dad being white and my mother being African American, and living in a white dominated community was really rough. My identity was all off. When people saw me they saw a hybrid, a mixture of the two races that were haunted by a history that still separated us to this day. But the two races having a child changed everything. As you all may know my father is a good for nothing dead beat with a poor job and a very bad alcohol problem. But he wasn't always like that. After my mom died in a car crash when I was seven, my father gave up on everything. I was just a pain that helped him remember that his loving wife is not here anymore. Me and my father live in Sleepy Hollow, NY. Awkward place to live, I know. But my mom was so in love with this place for some reason and before I was born, my parents settled here. I am a junior at Hollow High, very antisocial. Not your average girl. But hey, what is an average girl?

I ran to find my phone

"Umm hi, my name is Scarlet Jones, I'm here to sign up for classes." The old lady looked up at me with her wrinkly eyes and pale skin. She kept popping her gum like an unwanted cheerleader, and asked what teacher I was assigned.

"Mr. Nieto" I replied.

I began to look around the room. It looked like sad desperation. Gray walls surrounded the room in all four corners. Ripped calendars, cluttered desks, and sticky floors. Hollow High looked like a total wreck. I just started school. From elementary school to middle school I was homeschooled. It was my parents doing, they didn't like how the other kids would look at me like I was some monster, and parents didn't want me to be in the same class as their kids because it would "confuse them about race".

"Here is the sign-up sheet." She handed me a survey sheet with all of my available options. "You can sit over there on the bench and fill out the sheet." she pointed over to the far right of the room to the old black bench. "When you're done filling out the survey return it to me and I'll put it in the computer to help create your class schedule." I nodded firmly and took the paper.

I slowly walked over to the bench and sat down hard. School. It wasn't that hard to get into high school. Before my mom died she always used to lecture me on the importance of education and how education is the key to success. My father, on the other hand, with his white privilege and rich family history, he didn't have to do much in order to be successful, until he met my mother.

When my father met my mother he was a snobby rich brat kid in college who got everything he wanted, including female companions. Being on campus, my mom told me, she was happy to be away from home and she could finally explore the world. However, my father had explored everywhere already. He would bring back gifts of high stature and woo people into treating him like a god. When my parents first met it was in their anthropology course.

Amaria slowly made her way to her seat as she marveled at the bright lights and shiny tables in the lecture halls. Even though most of the kids did not look like her she was still so invested in this new experience. Her long silky hair swaying across her back. Golden brown skin, and a firm posture. She was the definition of perfection. Her eyes wide yet so tense. Tense to see the light of day through a nearby window. As she made her way through the aisle, she caught the eye of a stranger. A slender young man with straight black hair. His skin is smooth and pale, but not too pale where it is unpleasant to the eye. He stared into Amarias eyes as if he was searching for something. Turning his body to meet hers, she looked away feeling uncomfortable at the sudden interaction.

Amaria made her way to her seat. Plopping down in her chair she gave a loud sigh.

"Rough first day?" A voice from behind had said.

"Yeah, you can say that." Amaria turned about to see the young man with straight black hair. She looked up in awe as he was so close to her face. His chill breath touched her cheek. His eyes blazed with a warm hazel staring deeply into hers. "Well….isn't this an interesting way to say hello." Amaria cleared her throat, shifting her body to remove herself from his gripping gaze.

"Well you just seem really interesting." He smiled showing all his teeth. Each tooth was a sparking white color. He was gorgeous. He was something like a prince. " You know you look good." He stepped down in order to sit next to her.

"Thank you….." Amaria looked down to avoid his gaze. "I guess." She didn't know what to say. Well it's not like any guy hasn't hit on her before but this one was different. He wasn't one of those guys who were standing out on the corner trying to holla at a cute girl walking down the block. He was… he was like a prince looking for his lost princess. He was like a god looking down on a pitiful human who was in awe with his undeniable beauty.

"So where are -"

Before he could finish his sentence, the professor began talking. Later on that day she found out his name and both of them were walking out of class together to the local cafe.

"So I heard about this party that's going on in the girls dorm." He looked at Amaria and winked. She chuckled a bit.

"And what does this party have to do with me?" Amaria raised an eyebrow.

"Well..." Thomas said spinning in a circle. "I heard that males are invited so I was gonna ask if I could bring you." Amaria was taken aback a minute. Why would he be asking her to go with him to the party? What is he up to?

"You see… I would attend this shindig, however," Amaria batted her eyes. " I will not be able to participate in the festivities." Thomas looked dumbfounded to the fact that he had just been rejected.

"Wait… you can't go?" He said, astonished.


"Wh- why not?" He stopped in the middle of the street looking down to the ground.

"To go to a party I have to find a nice outfit, and right now my closet is not so party ready." Amaria kept on walking as Thomas began to catch up.

"So then buy a new outfit." He laughed.

"You say it like it's easy." She said, scrunching her face at him.

He laughed at her. "It is that easy. Go to the mall," he made a walking motion with his fingers. "Then go straight to the women's clothing store and buy a dress or whatever you're into." He said,waving his hands in a way to dismiss her.

Amaria looked astounded. Obviously he wasn't the prince she thought she had saw an hour ago. All she saw was a stuck up brat with no type of knowledge of other people's living conditions.

"You obviously aren't aware of other people's situations aren't you." Amaria scowled at him. "People like me," She said motioning to herself. "We can't afford the luxuries of just going out and buying whatever we want." She flung her hands in the air.

"Listen, all I'm saying is that it's not that hard." He said, shrugging his shoulders.

Amaria scoffed at him and walked away. Her mind raced. She rushed around the corner going towards her dorm room. She made sure she was at a clear distance from him.

My parents' relationship in the beginnings was really fucked up. It really seemed as if they were going to hate each other for a long time. But my mother couldn't blame him. It was how he was raised. People like him were selfish and never cared for other people's conditions. But my mother's heart still burned with anger. How could he be so incentive? To think that she almost fell for his bullshit. The continuous looking into her eyes, making her feel special like she was the only girl in the world. But one thing she will always remember is that she is no princess, and she will never get the prince.

I looked up from my survey. Sighing deeply, I turned my head to meet the lady's eyes. I got up from the bench and handed her my survey.

"Thank you." She took the survey and clicked some buttons on the computer. "There..." She paused. "There you go." She handed me my schedule and I was off to my first class. As I made my way to the door I was bum rushed by a boy with dark brown hair. His eyes were a light brown color. He wore a navy blue button down shirt with jeans and some black sneakers. My body flew to the ground due to the impact. All my papers flew up in the air. It looked like it was raining snow indoors.

"Oww!" I squeaked.

He turned his head towards me and chuckled.

"Sorry." He gave me a hand with my papers. "I didn't see you there." He handed me the cluttered papers from his hand and turned to face the women. "Hey Ms. F, I came to pick up some papers for Mr. Davidson." He motioned to the back room.

"Yeah, yeah I know." She said waving her hand at him.

When he finished helping me with my papers he ran to the back room, got the papers and left without another word. Still dazed by the sudden interaction, I slowly put my papers away and made my way to class.

As I walked down the hallway I felt certain that someone was watching me. I began to feel sweat drip down my face as my fingers twitched. It began to creep its way behind me, trying to attach itself to me as if it was some type of parasite.