'[Taboo]? We're calling that [Regalia] enhancement thing, [Taboo]?'
=The terms, [Omen] and [Stigma], have also been submitted for two other aether cultivation abilities.=
'For what and what?'
Zhen Liu's initial plan was to have Nepherage hold the Dragon Thief Monkey long enough for him to come in and impale the bastard with the assistance of Razorstella's [Taboo].
Then again, it probably didn't help that her [Taboo] replaced his normal legs with slightly more blade-like ones that made it hard to maneuver. At least he looked sexy AF with his new star motif though.
Unfortunately, the Dragon Thief Monkey didn't appreciate the sexiness and had also managed to muster enough power to not necessarily break free from the giant hand of volcanic rock, but just enough to wiggle away from the flying human dart that was Zhen Liu, and suffer a glancing blow instead.