"Don't be broken, don't be broken, please don't be broken!," she kept muttering as she ran down the hall.
As her feet pounded the hallway floor towards the chamber, Nausi...Rianna began to recall more and more of the day her father disappeared...
As Rocko watched Frederick beginning to falter with the venom cocktail flowing through his various insect bits, his face twisting in pain and even the tentacle in his sternum starting to slacken considerably to the point of falling out, he began to plan his counterattack...well not yet anyways. He had one more thing to take care of.
'Hey...magic saber...can you make those jets of flames without me swinging you around? Can you use it to move yourself around?'
{Technically, yes. If you swing me hard enough I can use the flames made to move us around. Not sure how that's gonna help now since you're-}