The moment Zhen Liu and the girls returned from the library, they were greeted by the sight of Nepherage, Hurricroak, Frosttusk and Razor Maiden, in their human disguises, standing by a pile of bodies...who Zhen Liu seriously hoped were just unconcious.
"Those guys still breathing?"
Of the four kaijin turned human, Frosttusk was the one to bend down and place a finger under the nose of one of the unconcious people.
"Zhen Liu? Why is an amazon, a giant viking, a ballerina with sharp features and a..."
"Neon popstar," Bellona interjected like it was the most natural answer in the world.
"Neon popstar, thank you, telling you that they have acquired a bunch of spies/standing atop an unconcious pile of people?," Alicia asked, "wait a minute..."