'If this becomes more of a trend in the future, I'm learning how to read tarot cards or bugging Pathos on making me a handheld.'
=No anachronisms outside of the Library!=
Zhen Hai and Zhen Liu were currently sitting inside of a parlor room on the Corrada Family estate, with the former looking rather tense and nervous, with the latter looking tad bored.
'Well...at least the decor doesn't look like it came from a horror show...minus the plants.'
Unlike the Marquis de Howlite's palor room, which was a bit larger, had decorations and art pieces straight out of a gothic era horror novel and had a generally icky vibe, the Corrada's parlor was a tad cozier and had a more...victorian vibe. Except for the decorative plants that looked as if they would eat his fingers...strike that, definitely would eat his fingers.