Nothing seemed to happen for a full minute as Zhen Shi watched this vaunted genius of the Bai family just stand there, surrounded by unbloomed lotus flowers.
But then, she drew her sword.
The sheer amount of grace in that one single motion stole Zhen Shi's attention and demanded he watched what would happen next. Once he saw the visible streams of a strangely verdant aether coming off of her, he knew it was going to be inter-#+_-breathtaking.
Bai Hua began to go through some type of sword form that Zhen Shi was unfamiliar with. He was more used to fighting with a spear or his fists, swords were too...self-inflicting for his tastes. But watching Bai Hua do her form made the blade she was holding look ike it was the most natural thing in the world.
"Huh...I guess she can use wood aether. Crazy," Zhen Shi observed.