Why is the title so oddly ominous?
|Don't worry about it.|
I'm going to be worried about it, I'm the narrator to this.
|It'll be fine, just try me.|
I can objectively prove the last time you told me that, three dudes blew up like they were-
|Whoa, whoa, whoa! Don't make that comment! I don't want this thing getting shuttered for an off color reference. Just, read the quote please.|
The worst kind of death, in my opinion, are the accidental kind.
If someone dies of old age, it's a life well-lived and there's a sense of satisfaction.
If someone dies in battle, the survivors can at least get revenge and get a sense of closure.
If someone dies through no reason other than bad timing, there's nobody to blame but fate itself.
And there's no closure in a death like that.