Meanwhile, somewhere in Umbral Spider...
[Huh...well, that's annoying.]
[Hmm? What's wrong?]
[It appearzzz that the captured Grafted have officially met their ends.]
[Oh...were they executed?]
[Not exactly. I placed a failsafe inside them that could only be activated if someone were to try and examine their memories and look for information about yourzzz truly.]
[I've been doing this for centuries, this is the first time it's been used.]
[Huh...wait, didn't you say that anima wielders weren't able to do such a thing because of the grafted parts acting like a barrier to such intrusions?]
[Who said it was due to an anima wielder?]
[Besidezzz, this actually works out for us.]
[It does?]
[Yes, but whether we can make use of it or not depends on the actions of the Kaijin Lord.]
Little Later, and in Undertow...