The temperature of their surroundings was constantly dropping. Yvann could feel his teeth chattering. The shirt and jeans he was wearing were not enough to make up for the biting cold.
It was like they were walking inside a freezer with the highest temperature available. And it keeps going higher and higher by every passing minute.
Szeina wasn't faring any better. Her hands were shivering, and Yvann thought about helping her out by pulling her hand to him. At least half of their body was receiving heat compared to the rest.
It was better that way than no warmth at all.
Amethyst suddenly came to a halt. Her other two companions followed suit.
"What's going on?" Szeina whispered, breaking the silence that hang around their little group.
Amethyst turned sharply towards Szeina, a finger on her lips to keep her from asking another question.