As I keep reading, I looked from time to time in the store. When I looked at it, I shook my head and then at one point, I had done reading emails. When I had done this, I stretched a little, and then I could see that it, isn't near to the end. While seeing it, I shook my head and then waited. While doing it, Kevin called me. When I answered, he said, "where are you?"
"Mall. Don't come yet. Maybe later Sofia is having a good time with the rest of the girls," I said.
"Ok, but she forgot her card," he said.
"Oh, Megan has hers. Oh, wait, she has one gold," I said while seeing that Sofia paid. While I looked at it, Kevin's voice come, "oh, she took my mind. I received information. So time to see how much she will spend."
"Life," I said while smiling, and when I looked into the shop, Kevin said, "ok keep an eye on her."