"I was born in the year X351. I was born in lab 18-D, in the Luos' sector 6th settlement. My birth caretaker was a petite man by the name Kiv. He expired during my 12th cycle.Â
When I reached my 13th cycle of existence, I was brought to Oravia, the 3rd largest settlement of what was left of the human race.Â
As many know, this pertains to the history of mankinds near-extinction due to a deadly virus that wiped out the major population with the exception of a handful of survivors that went underground, effectively saving our species after 400 years of isolation from the outside world.Â
As it stood, only 247 known human settlements remain with a rough estimated population of 3 million worldwide.Â
Once the virus died out more than 400 years ago, humans returned to the surface and after a brief period of civil conflict, a new society was born and a new age resulting in the creation of the X-Calendar.Â
However, due to the virus and genetic mutations in the atmosphere over time, the male to female ratio had suffered an explosive decline in mass.Â
The virus not only killed a lot of humans, but also made it so new male reproductive organs discontinue when exposed to the new world air. Â
No one knew this at the time and many men lost their biological connection with their members. Forever unable to release the pheromones ever again due to the exposure and the birth rate was critically low for a natrual born old era human.
Although hope was not all lost as after 200 years, the brightest minds of our time developed a method that could combat the effects of the new world air and a new splinter-species of humans, sworn and created to overcome that obstacle.Â
We are called BOAS. Or Bio Organic Artificial Species.Â
We are born of the female egg and nurtured inside a facility where many of us are being born each day to raise the human population again. No male sperm can be used and it is only between 1 old era female's entire set of eggs that are required to birth only 1 or in some extremly rare cases, 2 of BOAS.Â
As it stands, there remain only a few handful of old era Females with natural working female genitalia to this date.Â
As for BOAS, our purpose is to reproduce as we were given a universal sex trait that could determine us as both male or female in due time at some point in our life. We became both hermaphrodite and neither at the same time. Since birth, our sex is not detemrined until we reach a sutiable age and find a potential mate. Our bodies next change at a molecular level to better suit those needs of our partner although, that phenomena rarely happens as most BOAS remain in their undetermined sex for most their life as they could reproduce even without a problem just by initial contact with their potential mate.Â
Added that less than 12% of BOAS are capable of harboring emotions. The rest are either ethically inclined or are of logistical thinking.Â
And last summer, I found out I was in the 12% for I cried deeply when I lost someone close to me.Â
And here I stand today to share who I am and how I view our current world.Â
My name is Valerie and this was my report. "Â
*Sniff* Rubbing my left eye with my wrist, I raised my gaze and couldn't help but sigh when I met the rest of my class empty, emotionless gazes.Â
"Thank you. You may sit. "I did not have to turn to my teacher who was just as emotionless as the rest of them but nodded and walked back to my seat. "Now that the report presentations are some, we will be moving on to Science. Take out your textbooks and turn to page-"
Resting my wary gaze out the window, I stare at the beauty of the world that has become tempered with time and nature. Beautiful vines encompass our entire school. Flowers, trees and entire forests surround our settlement which was once called a city in the old era.Â
I moved to this boarding school by choice as not every BOAS is allowed to be given the chance to decide. Many are forced to enter into them all around the 3 major cities before they turn 20. It was a new law passed by the United Humanity Council Society. UHCS. I was not even born yet when it passed and I was not the last who would have to follow that law as more BOAS are being born each day.Â
It was getting harder and harder to tell apart the old humans from the new.Â
As of late, descrimination of old era humans and BOAS continues to skyrocket. The 12% of BOAS did not like how our kind were essentially breeders for humanity. Old era humans could use a BOAS and discard them once they have given birth to a child in the old era way which was more physical than the new way.
The worst part yet was that a BOAS deaths would still be within their rights as old era humans. So many of the emotional BOAS have begun resisting against the UHCS views and ideas.Â
I was not disliked by my kind, but I was despised by many old era humans who still believe the old ways are true and just and see BOAS as abominations toward their beliefs.Â
I could somewhat understand them but I try not to hate them because of it.Â
All my life, I was born to excel and rise to greater heights. My name was even given to me by Kiv, my caretaker of sorts and he was an old era human who worked for the UHCS.Â
When he expired of old age, it was then that I let my emotions run from me. Many old era humans hated that I was there at his funeral but I did not care. The man was like a father and I love him. At least, that was what he taught me which was to love those I cared about.Â
After that, I was shuffled around various cartakers but none kept me for long as I did not like listening to them. Some were abusive, others did not acknowledge me and just kept me for the money the UHCS gave to support me.Â
I eventually got old enough to go to a boarding school and from the very second I became of age, I chose the very same school Kiv had told me about where his ancestors once attended before the apocalypse hit the old era.Â
Now that I am here, I found out that this place was at the very edge of the settlement borders within Varista. The 2nd largest settlement in the new world and also where the descriniantion was less impacted as there were only a few hundred old era humans keeping watch over the settlement.Â
I had not met a single old era human since Kiv and I was surrounded by BOAS, my own kind.Â
However, after just 1 week here, I still felt very empty. Very alone.Â
Driving away those thoughts, my eyes adjust to my reflection on the mirror and I give a soft smile.Â
With short silky almost translucent white hair reaching my chin, I look at my silver-grey colored eyes which were a distinct trademark of a regular BOAS anywhere. I was only different because of my facial expressions that many BOAS did not possess.Â
I was petite like many others and was inherently taller than the old era human. All BOAS were engineered and designed to be beautiful and the peak according to old era standards.Â
It was also why many BOAS would often disappear and reappear dead or mutilated or killed the next day or weeks. Many old era extremists see BOAS as things, objects with no will and could do whatever the wish to us.Â
This was also why the 12% of BOAS began their rebellion and strung up those who did evil against BOAS by their legs and left them dead on the tallest buildings where the UHCS and the new world could see.Â
I did not like those violent acts but I did not know about those aggressions either as I had lived all my life sheltered in a facility while other BOAS entered society right away at the age of 13. To find work, whatever it may be and find a mate as well. It was drilled into every BOAS mindset since birth and once they left, they were on their own as the UHCS gave all they could to provide for them.Â
Many BOAS who fail are often seen in ditches or lingering around the more darker parts of the settlement waiting for any old era human to pick them up.
It was a disgusting thought but I could not fault them as they either chose wrong, were not given that chance to choose, or just plain unlucky.Â
*Ding~* An old, creepy sounding hell rang that still gave me shivers but it also signaled the end of class. I had spent 4 hours zoned out and alone in my thoughts that time passed relatively fast.Â
"Valerie. "I stopped halfway out the door with the others when my teacher, who still did not have a name and simply went by teacher, waved at me to come toward their desk . "Valerie, your report today was phenomenal. "
Their same, monotonous tone remained plain as I stared with a sad gaze.Â
"I have news to share with Valerie. "Catching my attention, I put my hands to my side and tilted my head slightly. "By tomorrow, our class will be getting a couple of new additions. A transfer student from the 8th settlement and an old era human from the 1st. "
My eyes widened at the last part and the second student. I tried to keep my face calm but the teacher's silver-grey eyes glistened as they knew I would be intrigued by an old era human.Â
"What will you have me do?" I spoke with a slight hitch in my voice that did not go unnoticed. "Simple. You are the only among us that has genuine emotions. "
I could tell that my having emotions wa sno secret but it often went unsaid by the BOAS for many reasons. One major one was for my saftey.Â
"Will you represent our school on behalf of us BOAS." Speaking without it being neither a question nor a request, I nodded. "Good. You may go. "
Leaving, I was still in a daze as I was picturing what the old era human around my age would look like. What would they be like and I could see how her emotions stack up with my own. The youngest old era human I had seen was a female around her 30'z who was my caretaker for a few weeks.Â
After classes ended that day, I went back to my dorm and walked inside to find three other BOAS sitting in their beds. The room was small but the two bunk beds made up for most of the space.Â
"Hey guys!" I sat down on my head which was on the left and the bottom bunk. The others nodded without any change in expression and they returned to their books as each studied continuously.Â
In fact, the lowest grade in any subject within our school was 128 out of 159. And it was because one of the BOAS missed a day after an altercation when they went outside to meet with an old caretaker. Things got ugly and that particular BOAS had a difficult time using their hands for the more critical grading tests. I only knew about it because I was nosy on the 2nd day here and went along to spy-erm… it was coincidence.Â
Putting my head on my rough pillow, I looked up at the underside of the top bed and sighed. Closing my eyes, I began to think of many things until I swiftly fell asleep.Â
I woke up later that day as one of my roommates shook me lightly as she was holding a bowl with conditioner and shampoo in her hand.Â
"Wake up Valerie. It is time for baths. "They said as I nodded and got up to get ready.Â
I yawned and walked beside them as I eventually arrived at the shadower building. Not bothering to wait, I took off my clothes and walked into one of the open showers straight away. The cold water hit my head and spread down my body. I looked down at my developing muscles and thought back to my morning runs I began doing with Kav when I was 4. He was an 'exercise-nut' as he used to say.Â
I still do them even after he is gone. I sometimes cry during my runs but my bangs hide away my face.Â
"Valerie. "Turning my head, I glanced behind me and found another BOAS looking at me. I wanted to be left alone but something just snapped and I pulled her along with her plastic bowl in with me. The other BOAS watched but turned away on the same moment. Pressing the petite BOAS which was the same in height, I hugged them gently as they turned and began washing both of us.Â
I began doing this on my 4th day here when I wanted to see if I could get a reaction out of the BOAS, but it didn't work. Although, the comfort was very much welcomed and the BOAS didn't seem to mind.
My mind wandered for a bit when I felt the BOAS I was hugging speak.
"We are sufficiently clean. " Opening My eyes, I was still holding them but, when the time came to leave, I released them and they walked away without another thought along with everyone else who finished at the same time.Â
"Haaah~" Sighing, I slipped down the bath and wrapped my arms around my legs. There I slipped into an uncomfortable nap until one of the BOAS from my room would come and take me back. It was All I had as it reminded me that I was still here. I began doing this yesterday and thought that maybe they would come. Anyone really as it was incredibly difficult to tell the others as everyone had the same stoic face.
After a while, they came and I got up and walked beside them as we went back to our dorm room. Once there, the lights were off but I did not go back on my bad as I wanted comfort this time. So I snuggled into my roommate's bed and hugged them from behind. They did jot seem to mind and I nuzzled my head into their slender neck. Wrapping my arms around their spender was it, I began getting weary and finally, I fell asleep.Â
Waking up, I froze slightly when I met the sleeping face of… something magically beautiful.Â
It was someone unfamiliar, but also I could tell from.the posture, it was a BOAS who had assimialted unto their sex. Long brown silky hair, black eyelashes, light brown brows, a round face and small button nose. A rosy hue on their cheeks and ears. Her warm breath tickled my skin and before I could recover from the shock, a set of dazzling dark red hair and matching eyes as they glistened as she rubbed her eyes with her small hands.Â
"V-Valerie?" She spoke, with a groggy and yet, real genuine sleepiness. It was real emotion, she was speaking, she stuttered and spoke to me first. "Why are you looking… my voice? It… huh? What… "
"You assimilated… you have subcinsiously chosen your sex, congeadualtions. "Was all I could muster as my eyes did not leave her shocked face for a second until her eyes scanned my face intently. "What?"
"V-Valerie… you too!" I felt a pit drop in my stomach when I glanced down and saw two large, bountiful mounts erupting from my chest and stretching the small shirt that was failing at containing them. I compared them to the girls and mine were bigger. I felt a sense of pride for a moment but it swiftly left me when I jumped up and took off my clothes. "Eeep!"Â
I turned to the cute noise and turned to see the girl blushing fiercely as she covered her mouth with her hand while sitting on the bed.Â
My emotions were erupting, ny mund in chaos, and my body was heating up as I felt my instincts wanting to take over and assault the pretty girl. Putting on My school shirt as it could hold my just, I walked over to the and sat down while looking at my hands. They were lightly tan along with my skin. My hair was now long, silky, and darker brown. I had grown taller and my legs became more fairer as my various curves and muscles complimented my slender build.Â
I turned to the still dazed girl as she was doing the same and in that same moment, our two BOAS roommates returned with the school doctor.Â
"I see. "Was all they said as nearly the entire school is present in the hallway. "It is without a doubt, the assimilation of sex. Two females at that from what I can visually see from here. "
I creased my brows and then blushed as I was only wearing my school shirt and covered my garden. Though, curious, I turned and saw the girl doing the same as she was already hiding behind me. She was trembling and I suddenly felt instinct to protect.Â
"What happens to us now, doctor?" My new deeper, lucious voice broke the silence and many BOAS starred in faciantion but without a change in expression. "W-What?"
"Valerie. You and this newly assimilated BOAS will be registered within the UHCS records and a magistrate will come by within the following weeks. Until then, you two are banned from touching any other BOAS as it will run the risk of producing an heir if we are not careful. "
"What!?" I practically felt the girl trying to make me go deaf in one ear. "What about us!?"
"You are the newly transformed BOAS, yes? Do you have a name?" The girl flinched as she stared down and I pouted. "In any case, you two will understand that two assimilations have never happened in our schools' new era history. In the upcoming weeks, it would be wise to keep you away from the other BOAS just in case. This is also new to us as well as it is for you. There may be many things we still do not know and you two change to the same sex, which is even more strange. "
After clamping down and getting new clothes, me and the girl now had our very own room meant for just the two of us. She was still in shock over her new body transformation and I couldn't keep my eyes off her. They trailed to anywhere she was and my heart raced every time she looked up and met my gaze.Â
Nothing seemed to matter for me at the moment as I had only thoughts of her in my head. I thought I was sick or something but I felt as fit as ever. It was something that the girl only caused that made my body go crazy.Â
"...why do you keep staring at me, Valerie?" She spoke in a low tone, her voice sent shivers down my spine as I could not help but smile. "D-Do you think I am… Weird?"
"I think… I love you. " Kiv always said that the people who care about specific people in particular develop a deeper bond and that means that they love them. "I really, really love you. You are all I can think about. "
"Aaaaah~" Her face went red and I felt my heart tighten as I wanted to… do many things to her. It was New, it felt warm and right. And I wanted to hold her.Â
Forever. As I was about to motion toward the unsuspecting girl, there was an abrupt knock on the door and I snapped my gaze with a click of my tongue as I seriously wanted to shout at whoever had the gaul to interrupt me!
"V-Valerie! Help!" I saw a flash of blonde and black run into the room. It was then that I got a good look at the two sobbing messes.Â
"Aren't… you two from our dorm as well? "They smiled brightly that I recognized them even though it was just a guess. "What is going on?! You two also assimilated!"Â
The two stared at each other once and then back to me while nodding.Â
"Ugh… what is happening. "All my previous emotions soon vanished but were still there as I had to take this new matter seriously. "Alright, come in and take a seat on the bed."Â