The little fellow was startled by that couch's vibration a moment ago and burst into tears with his mouth wide open.
Dan Hanjie was also infuriated into a stupor.
Seeing that he had scared his son, a flicker of annoyance crossed his eyes.
Not waiting for the maternity matron to make a move, he stepped forward first and picked up the little fellow from the bed.
"Look at you, all those journalists just now didn't scare you, and now that Qin Youxuan is not here, you start acting pitiful."
Dan Hanjie looked at his son's tear-reddened cheeks and pinched them gently.
The little one, knowing it was just him and dad, a wise man doesn't suffer before his foes; even though pinching hurt, he didn't cry and just blinked his watery, large eyes, looking at Dan Hanjie.
The tiny face snuggled into Dan Hanjie's chest.
The endearing gesture made it impossible for Dan Hanjie to stay angry.
"Mr. Jie, the young master might be hungry. Should I prepare some milk for him?"