There was no malice in his words, just pure teasing and curiosity.
Li Shengxiao ignored him.
Instead, Rong Yan turned her head, only to gaze up at the man's sternly chiseled jawline, and said in surprise, "Li Shengxiao, did this round involve a wager of ten million?"
Could they dare to make it even more thrilling?
The distinguished man casually tightened his grip on her hand, leading her to hold the golf club, and answered nonchalantly, "It's just a little game."
Rong Yan, "..."
Alright, his idea of a 'little game' was a casual bet of ten million.
"Do you know how to play? If not, I can teach you."
Ever since she had arrived, the arrogant man's attention had completely focused on her, to the extent that even Han Cheng, who was also playing, seemed to become invisible.
Did he really want her to go on?