Chereads / BECOMING THE TYCOON'S DAUGHTER OVERNIGHT / Chapter 125 - Chapter 124..another bottle

Chapter 125 - Chapter 124..another bottle

"Oh stop it Greg ! You just blather nonsense as each day goes by . What's the use of studying if I don't get anything I study ,huh ?

I'm already tired of schooling ,you know ? It's just fucking me up each day , school sucks !

The only thing I want to do now is to become a super top model like Meredith Grey and this means I have to get more expensive dresses henceforth ."Criza said .

"So sorry dear sister but in case you don't know ,your dear darling father has reduced my allowance to twenty percent and he says that if I want more money then I've to work for it because he doesn't uproot money from the ground .

He said I'm so useless to get myself locked up behind bars and and also get suspended in my first week of college and that too ,for two semesters .

Your dear father has favoured you by making your allowance forty percent , probably because you are his sweet little daughter .

So I suggest that instead of buying new clothes and showing it your fans online ,you should add interest and sell it online .

You always buy new clothes and so you don't wear the old ones that you barely even wear for three times and this means that you can sell those old clothes .

This way ,even the laundry woman would rest and your dressing room would lighten up .

Sweet sis ,all this is Marketing and that's what Hamilton's is known for .You carry that name with a task so perform your task well if you don't want us to rank in millions .

You know what ? If you want to sleep in my room then make sure you don't mess it up because I'm going to meet up with Ace ."Greg picked up his car keys ,hugged his sister and left the room.

"Hmph ! don't worry bro ,by tomorrow ,I will figure out a way to settle out our situation ."Criza hopped onto Greg's bed and off she slept off .

... ...

"Hey man ! It's been a while ,how far ? "Greg shook Ace with a hug as he met him at their usual pub .

"I feel like a dope ! Hey man ,meet my catch Jade Spencer .

Babe ,meet my buddy , best friend and partner in crime Greg Hamilton ."Ace introduced them both to each other .

They began chatting about their usual staff .

"Hahahaha ! come on Greg , don't tell me you allowed yourself to get beaten by a girl ,huh ? This is so funny you know , hahahaha ! "Ace laughed till he almost cried when Jakes told him about the incident that happened between he and Suzzy .

"I mean man ,I heard about the issue ,you even got locked behind bars but she slapping you and pouring a jar of kiwi fruit juice on you is so embarrassing and you are Greg Hamilton after all , hahahaha ! "Ace continued laughing at Greg who was having a glass of whiskey and lime .

"Stop it Ace ,this is not funny okay ? I didn't know she was that audacious but anyways ,I like her .

She's the only girl apart from my crazy little sweet sister who has man up in front of me to thrash me in the face .

Who is she because I don't think she's the same girl I met at the charity fair .

She was so innocent and her smile was just amazing .

Her eyes caught my attention on first spot but you know my ego ,it never bows down .

Ace , she's changed so much ,I mean so much .Her beauty is just exquisite like an embellished goddess ."Greg said admiring Suzzy's beauty .

"Oops ! the playboy has become the love poet ,haha !

Who knew that the lady who embarrassed you at the cafeteria could turn out to none other than Monalisa Susana Jenkins Riddles .

But I'm sorry to tell you that you've lost her completely man ,because you called her a street girl , remember? "Ace gulped his beer .

"I messed up man ,I really messed up big time and I know it ." Greg 's tone diminished sadly .

"So what now ? So what are you going to do ?

That lady is the true definition of beauty and a whole pack of dignity ,you know ?

But every lady can't resist the charming night in bed with us right ?

We are playboys and not lovers so shine your eyes playboy Greg ."Ace hit his bottle of beer against Jakes' glass .

"Ace ,she's not anything like us .We can't play night games with her .Have you forgotten whose daughter she is ? "Greg shrugged .

"Look over there , isn't she the girl of your dreams ? "Ace pointed at a direction where Suzzy was drinking her heart out .

"Mona ?"Greg almost puked out of surprise and walked towards her direction .

"Good luck boy ...! "Ace said ordering for another bottle of beer .

"Mona ! "Greg called and when Suzzy turned to look at him ,there was only one thing in her mind .

"You are the son of the person who ruined the complete and happy family that my parents once shared ."Suzzy thought staggering but Greg caught her so that she could not fall .

Everyone's attention fell on them and some even pulled out their phones to video the scene .

"Let go of me ,you jerk ! "Suzzy answered him with a slap across his face and moved back to her spot .

"Awww! "Most people said and Greg didn't seem to like that at all .

"Another bottle .."Suzzy said but the bar tender refused to give her any more bottle of whiskey centering his argument on how drank Suzzy is .

"Mona , let's go home now . You've drank too much already ."Greg tried helping her up off her stool but she pushed him aside .

"What's wrong with you ,huh ? Do you want another slap or what ? I didn't come here with your money so stay out of my business you good for nothing a**hole !

Now you ,give me another bottle of whiskey right now ! "Suzzy demanded from the bar tender .