After Suzzy met alot wealthy and prominent men and women who had arrived from all over the world , she seemed exhausted and the journalists weren't going to leave her until she answers all their questions .
At the same time ,Jakes and Eloise were also caught into a business talk with a few prominent investors .
After the event ,Suzzy didn't hesitate to ask for Ida's help with her dress .It was so heavy and she needed someone to help her take it off .
She changed into a simple blue dress and relaxed a bit on her bed .
"Oh damn! My feet is hurting so badly ."Suzzy got up and removed her long heels off her feet and stretched her legs ."Oh God ! I'm so exhausted from that party . Is this how the rich live their lives ?
Ha! Don't they get tired of talking and giving answers to the questions of those curious journalists ?
I'm damn tired ! "Just then she receives a message on her phone ."Oh no ! Not that Chinese guy again .What do I even tell him now ? "Suzzy was a bit disturbed as she received a message from Li Chung Pei .The son of the Chinese architect Leoh Ming Pei who wants to invest into Riddles Construction Firm .
He took Suzzy's contact number and now Suzzy was getting bored at him already .
However ,Suzzy sent him a reply about her wellbeing in Chinese too , like he texted .
"Nîhâo " He texted and Suzzy replied with the same "Nîhâo" .It meant hello in Chinese .
"Nî hâo ma "He asked Suzzy about her wellbeing .
"Wô hên hâo "I'm fine ! Suzzy replied him in his language .
"Wô ãi ni " I like you ! He texted to Suzzy in his language .
"Huífu wô xî huán nî "I also like you too .Suzzy replied .
"Zhénde ! "Really ? He asked Suzzy .
"Zhén de huíying "Yeah .Suzzy replied .
"Yánzhóng di ,ni zhén piáoliang ! "Seriously ,you are so beautiful ,he texted to Suzzy .
"Mā ya ! ,xièxiè nî ."Oh my God ! thank you .Suzzy replied .
"Nî hâo shuài "You are handsome too , Suzzy returned his compliment .
"Xièxiè nî hè Chuán yī fu zhén peî nî .Wo xiângnî hé wô dui nî gân xing qu .
Yīshi xí âng nî dāo shì wô de wéihúnqi ."Thank you and you looked so great in those clothes .
I'm interested in you and I want you to be my fiancee .Li Chung Pei expressed his feelings for Suzzy .
"Duibúqî , wô shi bùshi gân xìngqui de zài nî .
Hè ,yīshi bùnéng shì nín de wéihúnqi ."Sorry ,I'm not interested in you and I can't be your fiancee .Suzzy replied to him refusing his proposal .
"Wô míngbái . Ná women zuó péngyôuba ."I understand . Let's be friends then.Li Chung Pei proposed to Suzzy .
"Wô rénwéi zhé shígé hâo zhûyi ."That's a good idea .Suzzy texted back to him .
"Hâo de ,wô dé zôule .Bába záì jíáo wô.Wân'ān ."Alright ,I have to go now ,dad is calling me .Good night .Suzzy texted to him again .
"Nî yê yīyáng "Same to you .Li Chung Pei replied to Suzzy .
"Argh ! finally I got that Chinese boy off my back .Because of him ,I had to use the Chinese dictionary to reply to his messages .
What a stress ! I'm tired ! "Suzzy said and grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge .
"Wô xiâng ní wô de piàoliang " Suzzy heard the voice in her ears and turned around only to see her beautiful stunning mother standing behind her ."I missed you my beautiful daughter .That was what I said in Chinese .I saw you from a distance chatting with that Chinese guy at the party earlier tonight .And so I thought I should also tell you how I've missed you in Chinese language too ."Eloise said and hugged her daughter tightly in years ."You don't know the pain mummy went through without you .
Suzzy ,I love you so much .I can't consider losing you again . Come with me and we can go far away from here where no one will be able to separate us again . Come with me my dear ,come with mummy and let's start afresh .
I swear I will make it up to you for all those moments and for all the suffering you've been through while I wasn't with you .
Come with me Suzzy ."Eloise held Suzzy's hand and moved a step forward but Suzzy still stood in her stand ."What's wrong Suzzy ? Why are you hesitating to go with me ? I'm your mother and you shouldn't be afraid .I thought papa ; referring to Nicholas who is her father has talked to you .
He told me that he has explained everything to you so why are you adamant on going with me ?
You don't believe I'm your mother ,is it ? Okay ,look into my eyes and tell me what your heart says .
Look here ,do you remember this mole behind my neck ? You always admired it whenever you played with my hair .
You used to ask that "mummy ,why don't I have a similar mole like yours at the back of my neck ? We are mother and daughter right ? "
I used to tell you that "my baby ,you have a butterfly birthmark at the back of your neck too and it's just like mine .We are mother and daughter and we have only ourselves ."
My baby , don't tell me you don't remember your mum .
Please don't tell me that ! I'm sorry for not being there with you but now ,I'm here .
Your mother ,your cherry pie like you always called me , remember ? "Eloise was in tears seeking for Suzzy's recognition .
"I know you are my mother .I'm happy that you are still alive but I can't do what you are asking of me .
I don't want to go with you if you will not tell me where we are going to !
I don't want to be dragged in you and Jakes' hatred for each other .I don't want to be in the middle of your fight !
Forgive me but I can't go with you ."Suzzy said to Eloise .