we were riding in a cart and saw fields of wheat all around us. The beautiful yellow wheat waving back and forth and shined upon the sun being on it. I Was watching my dad and mom fend off small monsters that look very similar to the monster in my day dreams but it was insanely more smaller and not a big deadly beast. It had small scales but more looked like the small fox like creature. Then we passed by huge green mountains that took several days to pass by. Mom and Dad had a fight on our way there complaining about which hotel they were going to use. Then my mom won the argument with a smug face.
"Were Almost there everyone!"
"This city is always as pretty as I see it with my own eye's" My dad said with excitement as everyone walked in the city.
There were buildings all around us and everyone looked like they were having a very great time. The buildings were not as big as I thought they were. It was mostly comprised of smaller cabins and stone houses the further you go in. The grand part of the city was the school and the town hall. These were obviously old and grand mostly because they were huge stone and gold buildings. They had a lot of detail and you could easily tell they were very grand and very important to the city. The buildings were looking over the city in the very middle part of the huge but nimble, small city.
Everyone was looking at all the small shops there were in the area. We saw vibrant people and everyone talking back and forth. Some even carried swords, spells, grimoires, and even just simple daggers. All of them had one thing in common though. If they had a weapon on there back or on there waist, They had the guild's necklace or bracelet on them at all times. There are multiple ranks in the whole guild system. Some even say if you reach the highest fame and glory for generations of your family will surely come. The ranks are very hard to get up and are extremely difficult to climb because of the discriminations people have against lower ranks. Even though I'm only 4 years old if I'm going to be the strongest I forced myself to memorize these ranks.
SSS - These are the Refined hero's on the continent.
Authors note - Hey guys!, just a reminder I should have 1-3 chapters out every week. So every Sunday night at 12 there should be a chapter or two released. Also just a update on the webtoon, they have been working really hard but we both still have school to attend to. Please give her plenty of time on releasing the first chapter of the webtoon. I'm also going to start to work on more detailed chapters and more longer chapters but school is really preventing that. I will start working on getting around that.