Matthew James adjusted the zoom level on his main screen. The focus took a bit to adjust but when it finally cleared up, three small carts pulled along by a few rat-like humanoids by their belts were visible treking through the hills of waste and debris. They were armed with short, hefty pipes that seemed to have been rigged into a sort of snub nosed blaster, so named from the blast that sent scrap or slugs flying out to deadly effect. A few blades and bits of scrap armor covered the rest of their bodies.
Matt scrolled the view to the carts and grinned when he saw what peaked out the top of a few. The contents of the carts hardly looked different from the surrounding bent and burnt metal bits and shredded synthetic fibers which littered the ground though the unbroken cover panels and faint sheen of unshattered glass promised the possibility of salvageable optical components or possibly even some coveted laser tech.
With a quick check around to confirm the small group was alone, matt flicked off his screen to save power and pulled down the little camera periscope from the roof of his small, dirt covered vehicle. A few cranks of an old pump jack he jury rigged up to the top hatch lifted a heavy ballista made from old vehicle leaf springs and several lengths of cable to peak over the edge of the junk pile he was behind. A bit of grease applied to the swivel mount and the weapon was broken free of the grime and dust which held it in place.
Matt quickly scoped in the contraption at the rear most rat man and yanked the trigger rope to send a heavy metal spear soaring over and punching straight through the creature's abdomen and out the other side. It let out a screeching wail as some of it's guts strung out it's backside hooked to the small, jagged barbs of the spear.
Matt barely noticed his hit as he was already cranking back the ballista to reload after having fired the first shot.