The Bunker Hill monument was still standing, so that was something, but even from a distance, we could see it wasn't in the greatest condition. No real surprise considering it was over four hundred and fifty years old by now. Considering the world had been bombed to smithereens, I was happy it was still standing as some sort of beacon.
The road leading from the BADTFL office should have been straight and true, but because of wreckage, and barriers, we had to circle around, skirting what looked like small raider camps, that didn't seem interested or didn't notice our small group passing by. What I didn't miss in the distance, though, was the sight of a ship stuck on top of some buildings.
"That's the USS Constitution!" I exclaimed, pointing at the triple-masted frigate that had once sat in dock at Charleston Navy Yard. "Nora and I did a tour of it one day. It was called Old Ironsides. She was in active service for nearly eighty-five years, but even after retirement, she was maintained and remained sea-worthy for decades, even centuries after."
Haylen looked at me with a grin. "You sound so excited, Nate."
"We loved the ship. Not just the people of Boston, the United States loved it. She was one of the first ships constructed by an independent United States Navy. Six ships in total were built and she was the last one still sailing." I paused and sighed. "She meant the world to a lot of people, particularly those in uniform, a reminder of a bygone age, a reminder of what we had once fought for."
"Want to go take a look?"
"Later. We've got a lot of other things to do first. But we'll definitely take a look and figure out how it ended up there."
The wooden barricades that surrounded Bunker Hills did led us to an entrance. The gates were closed so we had to knock, hearing a voice from the other side, asking who it was. When I identified as a Minuteman, there was slight surprise but one of the gates slowly opened, a weapon appearing first before a head poked around the corner.
"Minuteman in power armour?"
"It's a long story, ma'am."
She gestured with the weapon. "Quick, get inside. Raiders are probably watching."
The three of us walked inside, the gate closed and locked, looking around to see what looked like a small settlement. All of it wooden shacks as I'd seen before, but the base of the monument also appeared to have something inside it. Though we'd been let in, and we were unarmed, I could see the fact I was in power armour still caused suspicion, so I wandered to a corner and stepped out of it, popping the fusion core out and placing it into my pack.
Approaching the woman who'd let us in, I offered a hand. "Major Nathan Shepard, formerly United State Army, now Commonwealth Minuteman."
The titles took her by surprise as she shook my hand. "Mayor Kessler. What brings the Minutemen back to Bunker Hill? Considering what happened to them, and how they abandoned us, I'm surprised anyone from your group would be brave enough to show their face here again."
"Yes. Ah… Memories linger and we heard enough stories about how the Minutemen fell apart that we're not exactly going to trust you not to fall apart again. And because you abandoned us, the only reason we're still standing is that we pay exorbitant bribes to keep us safe."
"How can I convince you that the Minutemen are back and here to stay?"
"Right now, you can't. No-one here is going to trust the Minutemen again. But since you are here, you're free to trade and speak to others. Maybe they'd be willing to throw you a bone. But I've had to do things to keep this place safe that make my skin crawl. It's not your fault, I know that. But I just cannot envisage me trusting your group again."
Without another word, she turned and walked away. I stood there, slightly dumbfounded, to be honest. Her tone wasn't exactly dripping with hate, but she was angry. Considering what had happened to the Minutemen, I guess I could understand the feeling of abandonment, but I was left wondering just what Bunker Hill had to do to survive. It didn't take much thinking to figure it out.
"What do we do?" Haylen asked.
"Talk to some of the others around here, figure out what's going on. And if we can somehow help, maybe that'll open the door just enough to at least start negotiations."
The rest of Bunker Hill was relatively friendly in comparison to the rather frosty but somewhat understandable reception. There was scepticism about the return of the Minutemen, but I did explain about the settlements now within our influence, and the fact raider camps had been cleared to the north and west of the river. One or two traders were marginally convinced but knew it was up to Kessler to make the decision.
While I figured any sort of agreement wasn't going to happen quickly, I figured getting into the good graces of Bunker Hill would present opportunities, perhaps proper trading routes and we'd make further agreements from there, until the powers that be believed the Minutemen had returned, and this time, were here to stay.
Approaching Kessler as she patrolled the perimeter, she noticed my approach, stopped and looked at me. "Look, I know you're here for a reason but, right now…"
"Who are you paying off to keep your caravans safe?"
She met my eyes, then looked at Haylen and Curie to my side. "Follow me."
Following her into the monument, there was a small room she must have called an office. A desk. Filing cabinet. Chair to one side, a couple of others opposite. Taking a seat, she offered a drink while I offered a cigarette. She took one, Haylen shaking her head, though she'd joked back at the police station that she usually only enjoyed a cigarette after sex.
"Where are the Minutemen based now?"
"Place called Sanctuary. North-west of here."
"Hmmm. I know at least one of my caravans has journeyed north. Lucas."
"Yeah, I think the rest are independent. Don't mention Bunker Hill."
"We only trade with settlements we've come to agreement with. So, while I'm not promising any sort of alliance with the Minutemen, not so soon, perhaps we can come to some agreement regarding trade routes. But I'll only do that with proof you can practice what you preach."
"What do you need?"
"I need the raiders we're paying protection money to off our backs. Lying, cheating scoundrels. First, they agreed that, long as we paid caps, our caravans would be safe. All they'd done since is jack the price and now our caravans are attacked regardless. So I think it's time that little agreement is ended. You kill those raiders, release prisoners I know they're holding, and we can certainly come to some sort of arrangement regarding trade. Won't want your people here, not yet, but surely that's better than nothing, right?"
"Where are these raiders?"
"They've taken up residence in an abandoned school, east off here."
"Have a map?"
She nodded, finding one folded up in the filing cabinet. Spreading it out on her desk, the only possibility was East Boston Preparatory School. It was situated across the bay, surprised they were the raiders causing the issue, though I guessed with travelling west somewhat problematic, they'd head north across the bridge, and raiders could easily place some sort of 'toll' there.
"They have a leader?" I asked.
"Yeah. Calls himself 'Judge Zeller'. I've heard rumours about what they do there."
"We'll head there first thing tomorrow morning. Sun will be going down soon."
"You're welcome to stay here, of course. Plenty of spare rooms around."
"Can I head up to the top?"
"Sure. View is spectacular from here."
Telling Curie to just stay downstairs, I bought a bottle of whiskey from one of the traders before taking Haylen to the top of the monument. Taking a seat on the edge, we shared a couple of drinks as we watched the sun go down. Haylen leaning into my side. Wrapping an arm around her, it was surprisingly peaceful where we were, gunfire only echoing on the wind.
"Do you miss it?" Haylen asked.
"Miss what?"
"Life before the war? Do you miss it?"
"There are definitely certain things I miss. Can't deny that. But I've told myself that this is the life I now have in front of me, so make the most of it. I'm a soldier and have my mission. But while I'm doing that, I'm also going to enjoy myself in certain regards." I gave her a little squeeze. "Certainly helps with women like you by my side."
"Spend too long with you and I definitely won't want to go back."
I looked at her as she looked at me. That first kiss was something else. The only reason we stopped was fear of falling from a great height, but resting my forehead against hers, eyes gazing into mine, the smile on her face certainly caused the old heart to beat a little faster. Agreeing to return downstairs as it was now dark, the traders had packed up for the evening, the gates had been locked, and only the bar seemed to be doing business.
Finding a small room for ourselves, we resumed making out though added removing each other's clothes to that. Once down to underwear, I laid her down and enjoyed slowly taking off hers, before finally using my mouth on other parts of her body, hearing her moan lightly as I gave her breasts attention before slowly moving down to her pussy. By the time I arrived there, I could almost feel the heat radiating off her, and even in the near darkness, I could it glisten with excitement.
"Nate," she whispered as I slowly ran a tongue along her slit.
"You taste wonderful, Haylen," I whispered back, looking up to see her blushing, "Not used to being told that?" She shook her head. "Well, I'm going to tell you everything tonight. How much I enjoy your taste. How much I'm going to enjoy eating you out. How good you'll feel once I'm inside you. How much I want to cum in you as we make love. How much I want to see you cum when you ride me later."
"Please," she whimpered, "I want all that."
Using my mouth, I groaned more than once as it was almost far too exciting for myself at times. As for Haylen, she had to cover her mouth, not wanting to moan or cry out too loudly, considering we could hear people talking in small rooms to either side of us. When she did eventually orgasm, she cried out quite loudly, and I'm sure everyone in Bunker Hill figured out what we were doing.
She wanted only one thing after that, almost urging me on as I carefully slid my cock inside her again. We made love all night, just like we had at the police station. She'd learned the very first time we'd made love how much she loved riding me, and though she loved being on her back, legs spread wide, as I just fucked her, she was eager to have me roll onto my back so she could straddle and ride me.
No idea what time we stopped, only doing so when I enjoyed another orgasm and she simply couldn't keep moving either. Resting on my chest, my fingers running up and down my spine, feeling her legs almost squeeze me, she started to giggle. "Nate, there is one thing I have to be careful about."
"Yeah. I mean, I obviously take precautions. But when you cum in me each time, I just have this little thought that excites me so much."
"Nora and I… not long before it happened…"
She lifted herself up so my cock fell free, but she otherwise remained resting on my chest. "You were trying?"
"Not exactly, but we'd talked about it." I sighed. "She was going to visit the doctor the week it happened."
"Do you want children?"
"Before the bombs, absolutely. It was something Nora and I had discussed before we'd married, and though we enjoyed our life, we knew we definitely wanted a family that included at least a couple of children. But this world now? Part of me says yes, because we need people to keep civilisation going, but life is hard as it is, and bringing children into the world won't be easy." I continued to stroke her back. "What about you? Before me, did you think about it?"
"Of course. Can't help think about it considering I'm capable. But once I joined the Brotherhood, I always assumed that was it. My life was about service. And even without it, I enjoy exploring and doing all my experiments. I'm just not sure how motherhood would fit into that."
"Well, all we do is make sure we're safe."
"Could always have you pull out and cum in my mouth instead," she said with a chuckle. I cracked up laughing too, Haylen rolling off so we could lie facing each other, resuming our making out before she shuffled closer to me and we slowly drifted off to sleep together.
After breakfast the next morning, I stepped collected Curie, who had spent the night doing nothing inside the monument, before getting into my power armour and leading us away from the monument. We headed east towards the ship though stayed north so I didn't get as good a look at it as I would have liked, crossing the bridge and heading east overland to the bridge south towards the school.
Standing by the shore, that gave us a great look at the ship. "Guess sea levels rose after all the bombs?" I asked.
"Yes though no-one is actually sure what happened around here. But considering the ship ended up on the roof of a building, it would suggest the waters rose rather high for a time."
We were heading towards the airport. Military aircraft hadn't landed at a civilian airport. We'd landed further to the north-west at Hanscom AFB. Nora and I had long ago discussed perhaps going on a trip together, but with the world how it was, at most we figured a trip within the continental United States would have been the most sensible option.
I asked Haylen if she knew who controlled the airport. The Brotherhood had never been this far east themselves so she simply didn't know. It was assumed it would either be completed abandoned, or one group or another might have claimed it for themselves. Raiders might have been interested in controlling the ruins, though there was little reason to do so. Not like planes were going to start flying anytime soon.
The school soon came into view. From the outside, it looked in good condition though I figured inside would be a different story, particularly if raiders had taken hold of the place. We checked the perimeter, again finding no guards on patrol. To my mind, it was a sign of over-confidence, even arrogance, no doubt believing Bunker Hill would just continue tolerate whatever the raiders did to them.
Approaching the front doors, I didn't need to issue orders to Haylen. She knew, in my armour, I'd take the lead, giving me a grin as I took my shotgun from its slot on my thigh. I did tell Curie to take it carefully but she was allowed to open fire once we made contact. The only person I wanted alive at the end, like usual, was the leader. Maybe he could answer some of the burning questions I had about the raiders and their organisation. While they seemed to be separate groups, I had no doubt there were a few major figures that managed to come to agreements over territory.
Half the building must have collapsed while the two floors above us had slowly disintegrated, enormous holes appearing that meant we had to circle around through classrooms. We didn't meet any raiders until climbing to the next floor. Poorly armoured and equipped as always, more than one actually turned and ran upon seeing my armour, which left me a little perplexed. Raiders always stood and fought, quite stupidly, but they never just ran away.
I fired my shotgun a few times, leaving raiders on the floor behind us, but I was left thinking something else was going on. Climbing to the third floor, I eventually found raiders almost cowering in a room in which there was also half a dozen small cells, each of them holding a prisoner.
"What the hell?" I asked.
"Good god," Haylen muttered.
Stepping towards the four raiders who were on their knees, hands held high, the look of fright in their faces was something I simply wasn't used to seeing. The fact they seemed to be shaking had me glancing at Haylen, and even she was startled by the reaction.
"Please don't kill us," one of them whimpered, "We had no choice!"
I pointed the barrel at him. "What do you mean?"
"Zeller. He… did things to us. All of us. Tortured us. If we didn't agree to join, he'd kill us." He lowered his hands, but a prod with the shotgun had them raised again quickly. "The contract we each have to sign. It's in my pocket."
"Mine too," a female added next to him. The two others added their voice.
I took the offered notes. Each of them was the same. "With my blood I do swear my life to the Judge and his Jury until the end, upon pain of torture and death," I read.
"He did things to us, man. You can read about it on these terminals."
"This won't take too long."
What we read bordered on horrific. Thing is, what I read was certainly a reminder of Alaska. We'd done things to captured Chinese when interrogating them that was awfully familiar. As I'd told my companions more than once, the war had been brutal and inhumane. We knew what they had done to American soldiers. We simply returned the favour on theirs.
But Zeller had been doing this to civilians. He'd done things that no ordinary man and woman could tolerate. No wonder all of them had cracked and signed the contract. Honestly couldn't blame them. The four remaining there looked at us with nothing but fear, perhaps believing I'd just end them.
"Where are you all from?"
No surprise they were from all over the Commonwealth. A couple had been caravan guards. Others had been explorers and scavengers. Zeller didn't care who ended up in one of his cages. "You have to kill him," one of them begged, "Kill him so no-one else has to go through this."
"What do we do with them?" Haylen asked.
"Find them some civilian clothing and get them out of here."
"You will?" one of the others asked. I nodded, and I found four of them wrapped around my legs, almost kissing my feet in gratitude, all of them bursting into tears. "Thank you, thank you, thank you."
"I'm not letting you leave with weapons. I'm going to release the prisoners, they'll take weapons, and they'll escort you back to Bunker Hill. From there, you'll have to come to some sort of agreement."
"I know some people there," one of them said, "Probably thought I've been dead for months now."
"Are you going to kill him?" another asked.
"I will. Soon as you're on your way out of here."
Releasing the prisoners, we were soon showered with praise by six more people. Finding them weapons to carry, once the hopefully former raiders were in civilian clothing, we led them to a different exit, giving them directions towards the two bridges they needed that would take them all the way back to Bunker Hill, letting them know that I would return once Zeller was dealt with.
Making sure they were safely on their way, I escorted Haylen back inside. The first thing she was somewhat awkwardly hug me. "And that just proves you're a good man," she said.
"That's the first time I've ever seen raiders just drop their guns and run away. Tells me everything I needed to know. Hopefully I wasn't just taken for a sucker."
"You weren't. The terror on their faces was genuine. And the relief was palpable in all of them. They'll go back to Bunker Hill with stories to tell."
Having cleared the three floors, there was one section of the school we hadn't checked. The auditorium. Wanting elevation, I made sure we entered through the second floor doors, walking along the metal walkway to find Judge Zeller sitting on what looked like a throne below us, flanked by two remaining raiders. He looked up, laughed and simply applauded me.
Stepping over the railing, I dropped down to the next level, Curie hovering and lowering herself down next to me. Haylen didn't join me, so figured she was watching from above, no doubt with weapon now in hand.
Raising my shotgun, I aimed at him, before turning it to the raider next to him, pulling the trigger, while Curie fired at the raider to his other side. They both dropped to the ground, leaving him alone. "Well, you have my attention, whoever you are. What do you want?"
"I'm here to ensure Bunker Hill and their caravans remain undisturbed. Now that all your raiders are dead, or have finally escaped, all I want from you is information." Placing my shotgun in its slot, I stepped towards him. "Now I realise I've made an error of judgment previously by using my weapon. This time, you will tell me what I want to know, as I'm going to slowly break every bone in your body until you start to tell me. Haylen?"
"Yes, Major?"
"You don't have to be present for this. He's going to be make a lot of uncomfortable noises. Take Curie and see what you find regarding supplies. Pack a couple of bags and we can take it back to Bunker Hill."
"Okay. Take as long as you need."
Once we were alone, I met his eyes. He was undoubtedly absolutely fucking insane. I didn't want him getting any idea, so I took a few steps back, and once I had my pistol in hand, put a bullet in each of his legs. That had him howling as I stepped away, got out of my power armour, and found a few things I could work with.
Handcuffed by each wrist, arms raised over his head, he was breathing heavily, looking at me with nothing but hate in his eyes. Just what I wanted, because he'd spent a long time breaking people. I was going to have him begging for his mother by the time I was done, in addition to having the information I wanted.
Grabbing a chair, I sat in front of him. "So reading your terminals upstairs, it seems you like to torture people. Call yourself 'Judge' and these raiders were your 'Jury'." I paused a moment, looked him up and down. "I've told some of your raider friends what I've done. Served my country. Served it well. But you think you know torture. Burn a few soles. Maybe pull a few teeth. Break a few fingers and toes. Childs play. There are things I can do to a man that will have him telling me all his secrets within a few minutes. There are other things I can do that will have him begging me for the sweet release of death after a few minutes more."
"You're all talk. You don't have the fucking balls."
I grinned. "You see, that's generally a region men think that won't be messed with. But you emasculate a man, even just threaten it, and he's soon singing like a canary." The first sign of fear. "I'm sure I can find implements in this building where I can put you through so much pain, but I know I'll keep you alive and breathing for hours and hours." I stood up and walked towards him, grabbing him by his mohawk, lifting his eyes to mine. "And trust me on this one," I growled, "Sometimes, I used to really fucking enjoy it."
Letting him go, I sat back down and met his eyes. "Who the fuck are you, man?"
"Someone who has seen far too often the inhumanity of man. I have seen the sins of man. Saw it in Alaska, and now I see it nearly every day here. The word civilised was used before the bombs. Between you and me, I don't call what I see out there civilisation. Not yet. Not while groups like yours thrive. Once I've eliminated the raider threat, and then the other enemies, only then can rebuilding perhaps begin properly and civilisation can begin anew."
"I won't tell you anything. I'm dead anyway."
"Good. You've got fight in you. Spirit. It means I'll have to work for what I need. It will simply make it more enjoyable when I break you."
It took a while to get him talking. Bones were broken. Blood was spilled. But once he broke, I'd spoken the truth. He sang like a canary. He gave me buildings where raiders had set themselves up. He gave me the names of three main leaders based around Boston that controlled vast swathes of territory. He was even able to give me information regarding buildings controlled by the Gunners and other areas where super mutants had caused a problem. He answered any question I had for him, and by the time I sat back down, he was begging me to just kill him.
"Are you finished?" Haylen called from the doorway. I could understand her not wanting to enter.
"In a moment. Wait by the front door. Just need to finish our conversation."
"Plenty of supplies here at least."
Hearing her footsteps lead away, I turned my attention back to Zeller. I'd rested my pistol on the floor next to the chair, so I picked it up and looked it before I met his eyes. "Seems I now find myself in the position of judge. So the question is, how do I judge you? The evidence found is irrefutable. You were responsible for the incarceration, torture and execution of who knows how many people."
"Done it to me in return," he groaned.
"True." I leaned forward. "I'll level with you, Zeller. That young woman out there. She thinks I'm a good man. Most of the time, I try to be. But when the bombs dropped, and Vault-Tec took my wife, a little part of me died with her. And when I wake up and find people like you making life a misery for everyone out there, I will use everything I learned and bring terror upon you in return. I will walk out of here in a few minutes, take a deep breath, and forget you ever existed within five seconds." Standing up, I walked around so I could place the barrel to the back of his head. "I could go on about how I find you guilty, blah blah blah, but that's just being melodramatic."
I pulled the trigger to at least end his misery.
Finding something to wipe the blood off my hands, arms and chest, I put my shirt back on before stepping back into my armour. I left Zeller where he was. No doubt explorers would come searching one day and find his body. Would certainly leave them wondering just what the hell went on.
Haylen and Curie were waiting outside. She looked at me, taking my hand. "Are you okay?" she asked.
"It's a little scary how easy I can flip back into that mode. Just… no mercy whatsoever." I gently squeezed her hand. "You keep calling me a good man, Haylen. What I've just done in there, no truly good man would do."
"He was a raider. I have no sympathy whatsoever. And I read every report he made of who he tortured. It was horrible, Nate. He deserved whatever you did to him." I met her eyes, another gentle squeeze of the hand. "Anyway, you saved four raiders from themselves, and half a dozen prisoners. I think that outweighs whatever you did just then."
"You reckon?"
"Yes. Ten souls saved versus one damned to hell." She gestured with her head. "Come on, we should let Bunker Hill know their caravans are safe."
The walk back to Bunker Hill did take place mostly in silence, only Curie continuing to make comments about what she could see, which at least amused Haylen and I, our robot companion still rather innocent in regards to the world she now explored. It was late in the day by the time we walked back through the gates of the monument, Kessler waiting for us, and the fact she greeted us with a smile suggested the others had already returned.
Stepping out of my armour, she offered her hand. "Joan Kessler, Mayor of Bunker Hill."
"Nathan Shepard, Commonwealth Minuteman."
"Alicia Haylen, Brotherhood of Steel."
I looked at her and smiled. "So you do have a first name?"
She looked at me with a large grin. "Got to keep some secrets from you, Nate."
"And our robot companion is Curie," I added.
"Come with me, we should talk," Kessler suggested.
Back in her office, she took a bottle from the bottom drawer of her desk, pouring us each a drink before we sat back with a cigarette in silence for a minute. Then she cleared her throat. "Are they all dead?"
"Zeller will no longer be a problem. Your caravans should be safe from now on."
"Thank you. That's one less worry. We have enough as it is."
"So, what sort of agreement can we make?"
"I can't agree to Minutemen being stationed here again. Not yet. You might have personally helped us, but as for the organisation… until I know you're back in control, that means back at the Castle, perhaps also working with Diamond City again, then I'd agree to working with you so closely. But I can certainly meet you halfway regarding trade. You're in Sanctuary, correct?"
"Yes, ma'am."
"I'll spread word that all traders should start heading across the river and visiting your settlements. Give me a list of names and they'll soon add them to their itineraries. I assume you will have tradable commodities?"
"Plenty. Depends on what they will want in return."
"Trust me, anything and everything can be traded, but I'll let those who run the caravans worry about that. Doors to the Minutemen and anyone from your settlements will be welcome here, but it's going to be baby steps."
"I understand. It's fine."
"Thank you for believing those you released as well. Two of them were guards. The stories they've already told, the look in their eyes… I pity them. But at least they still live and breathe."
"It was the right thing to do. What I did to Zeller afterwards…"
"Bastard deserved it," Kessler muttered, "Awful human being."
We enjoyed another drink and cigarette together before we left Kessler to it, I'll admit relieved that she was far friendlier than our first introduction. But I was used to doing favours to get in the good graces of people so I didn't mind. Walking outside, food was being cooked on a spit. I asked what it was before offering caps, told it was mirelurk. Hadn't actually tasted it yet. Even Haylen had, assuring me it was even tastier than brahmin, so I bought us a couple of steaks with corn on the cob as a side.
Sitting on a bench with our food and a bottle of beer each, I was surprised to be approached by an older gentleman, dressed in what was a rather well pressed suit. "Are you the Minuteman?" he asked.
I nodded and offered my hand over the table. "I'm Nate. You are?"
"Most call me Old Man Stockton."
"Take a seat. Is there something you need?"
He sat opposite us, one of the guys behind the nearby bar walking over with a beer for him. Once he'd taken a sip, he nodded. "I'm aware you've just done Kessler one hell of a favour regarding those raiders who made our life hell. I'm hoping you might be willing to help us further."
"What's the problem?"
"It's my daughter, Amelia. She's gone missing. She runs a caravan for me. I have four in total, you probably know one or two of them, aware they've been heading up north lately. Hers was attacked recently but I haven't seen any sign of her. I've hired someone, a mercenary, to investigate, but I've heard nothing back recently." He took a sip of beer then sighed. "I'm just a worried father, Nate. And I'll spend all the caps I have to find my daughter. Last place I know she was seen was a place called Covenant."
"I've heard of it. Think I've walked past it."
"Help me with this, find my daughter or at least find out what happened to her, and I assure you, Nate, I will support your endeavour regarding the Minutemen. Kessler has a long memory, and I understand her reasons. But we need protection, and if the Minutemen are truly rebuilding, and willing to exert their influence and offer protection once again, we'd be fools to turn you away."
"I'll help because it's the right thing to do, but I can see the benefits too. I know a detective in Diamond City who can help with this."
"Nick Valentine?" I nodded. "I considered hiring him, but because he's a synth… I know the people of Diamond City trust him, but outside those walls, people see a synth, many are liable to freak out. But if you want to ask for his help, I won't say no."
"Okay, we'll bunk here tonight, head to Diamond City tomorrow, then we'll wander over to Covenant and see what the deal is."
"Thank you."
"No problem. Hope I return with some good news for you."
He finished his beer and wandered off. Haylen and I finished our meal, Curie just hovering about, as we headed to bed for the evening. Back in the same small room we'd been in before, we stripped naked and made love, Haylen wanting to ride me slowly, something we both enjoyed, but we spent most of the night just cuddling together. She was aware my mind was elsewhere, lying on her side facing me, feeling her fingers run up and down to my side, all the way up to my face.
"Can I ask a personal question?"
"Your wife. What drew you to her?"
I grinned. "Her intelligence. Smartest woman I ever met. Felt like a dullard compared to her. She was working in a bar when we met, but when she wasn't serving, she was reading through endless textbooks. She always had this cute look on her face when concentrating. I asked what she was studying, just showing an interest, and our relationship started from there. She was the brains; I was the brawn." I paused before asking, "Why do you ask?"
"The rings you keep around your neck. I understand completely why you do, so I'm just curious as to who captured your heart."
"I think it was Piper who I told, she'd be looking down now saying to everyone else 'See, my husband still has it. Look at the women he's with now'. Then she'd add that she was the one to get a ring on her finger and probably go into great detail about our sex life." I pulled Haylen towards me, kissing her softly. "I know she'd approve of you. Just as smart as she was."
Haylen definitely blushed. Running a hand up my arm, she whispered, "Well, you definitely have the brawn."
I kissed her again before she snuggled into me, wishing each other goodnight, before drifting off. It was going to be another long day in the Commonwealth when we woke up.