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Demon King Alixuron Scalius is the ruling monarch over the Empire of Scornsije. He was cursed when he was but a child by the Hags of Conventrellis, a witch demon kingdom, to never be able to bear a son. However, this curse was placed upon him from his grandfather’s arrogance. His grandfather, King Lemorphin Scalius, was enraged by this but being upon his deathbed was unable to retaliate. King Sezura Scalius had died shortly after King Alixuron’s birth. All of this is to say that King Alixuron cared not about the curse as his daughters are strong, wise, and very capable dragon demons that shouldn’t be discounted. Though none share a mother, they all still held an unusually close bond with one another due to him treating them all equally as his children. However, the young females have become too relaxed in their lives, one could dare say even bored! What’s a father to do besides sending them off to govern individual holds within the kingdom? Exert: “Introduce yourselves to Prince Verocul Howlsend of the Kingdom of Thropanio.” King Alixuron nonchalantly orders his daughters. The werepanther prince looks each princess over with intrigue, lust and appraisal. The King keeps a small smile to himself, holding back a chuckle. “I’m the second eldest daughter, Princess Natalion Scalius.” The proudful demoness offers a slight smile as she eyes the prince and his procession after stepping forward. She places a hand on her hip with an arched brow as she does so. “I’m Katilis Scalius, it’s ever so nice to meet you!” The ever cheerful daughter came forth, her eyes gleaming with interest as she eyes the group with a playful expression. She holds a rather cute poppet that felt like it stared into one’s soul. “I’m Brightana Scalius, I hope you find your time here pleasant.” The next in age steps forth with a slight curtsy before she nonchalantly pulls out her journal once more and starts to write in it once more. She held the air of indifference as she spoke. “Oh! I’m Gripillia Scalius, please do feel free to share any stories with me.” The next daughter states with a blossoming smile after being prodded to attention by her sisters. She clasps her hands in front of her as her eyes sparkle with anticipation. “I’m Veriona Scalius, I’m glad to see the tales of how handsome the demons of Thropanio are is proven to be more than just tales.” The final daughter in line steps forth with sensuality running through her very movements, offering a wink and smirk as she brazenly looks the group over. The doors open, drawing the attention of the room to a smaller, daintier female surrounded by guards and attendants, her being helped to walk on both sides as she comes over. “Ah, this is my eldest daughter.” King Alixuron announces before turning to address her as she reaches the line. “I’m glad to see you’re feeling well enough to join us today my dear.” “Thank you father.” She replies, leaning against her sister Katilis before turning to the prince. “I am the eldest daughter to King Alixuron Scalius, Princess Doniverea Scalius. I apologize for my late arrival, but do hope we can be friends.” She looks at the prince with the calmest energy one can imagine, serenity coming off of her in waves. “It’s my pleasure to make the acquaintances of ones so famous and beloved as your majesties. I look forward to us strengthening relations of our empires!” Prince Verocul Howlsend offers a bow, followed by others of his party while all of both sides have smirks on their faces.

Chapter 1 - Prologue

Amurial Acupalgion hmms softly as she effortlessly glides through the halls of her beloved, King Alixuron Scalius' castle. The King holds many consorts, all beautifully deadly beings that wish to become his true wife by offering him a strong heir. As it stands, Amurial has just became the latest of his favored, birthing a gorgeous daughter a month before. Of course, the rumors of the King being cursed and thus could bear no sons was also well known. Some snicker at this, but she's seen the King herself and how he tended to his daughters. No, she held no fears of the demon treating them any less than he would a son. That was why she accepted his proposal, uniting his demonic dragon kingdom with her family's demonic siren kingdom.

"Gripillia must receive this royal mixture soon." Amurial sighs to herself as she looks at the vial clasped in her hand. It was a Siren tradition, one only the royal family undergoes to ensure the child is strong and healthy.

"Shall we see her now my Queen?" Amurial's loyal servants beckoned, particularly one of her most trusted Ladies in waiting, Pratricura Rosinue. The group of sirens followed her from her home to here, pledging their loyalty only to her and now she hoped her daughter would find herself having a similar group.

"Yes, we shall!" She replies with happiness, picking up her step as she feels her child call to her. "Gripillia has need of me." It was a familiar prickling feeling, not quite one demanding sustenance though. She feels slightly anxious, well aware that her child was so fragile at the moment. But the bouncing baby girl already held their King's love, him staying with her for hours with his other daughters in tow. Yes, seeing him being such an attentive father made her happier than ever in becoming one of his consorts! Oddly, the usual fears a female had with entering such an agreement was quickly eased by him. The only issue to contend with was the other females' scorn, but now that she was a favored wife that wasn't one to worry her so much. As doting and kind as he was, he was also terrifyingly viscous!

All of her thoughts screeched to a halt as she enters her chambers, the smell of blood thickly pervading anything else. The scene of butchered bodies caused her heart to run cold as shock rocks her to her core. "Waaaaa! Waaaaaaaaaaaa! Waaaa!" Echos down the hall spring herself and her attendees to attention.

"Chlovreen, bring the King and any guards! Baskleece and Troverl, please assist her! Everyone else, accompany me, we must protect Gripillia!" Amurial orders, all rushing to comply with obvious trepidation written on their faces. She swallows her own fears as she rushes into the room, fear and anger raging through her as she sees assassins standing by the crib. They slam their blades down towards her wailing child only for a cracking bearer to stop them. She silently thanks the dead mages that sprawl across the floor that must have created it as she leaps forward, taking one by surprise as she sinks her fangs into their neck with a screech.

"STAY AWAY FROM MY CHILD!!!" She demands dangerously as she stands between the last ones attacking Gripillia and the innocent infant herself. The others were now attacking the rest of her party, successfully splitting them up.

"And here we thought we'd have to hunt you down after we took care of the babe." One mockingly says before jumping over the assailant she killed to get to her.


"Father has killed the last of them." Katilis murmurs as she sleepily rubs her eyes and slides into bed beside Doniverea who is holding a sleeping Gripillia.

"Such a shame, I had liked Amurial quite a lot." Brightana pouts as she continues to stare out of the window. The Queen was cut down just as the King arrived, her blood covering Gripillia. Him slaughtering the group was putting it lightly, but the princesses weren't amused in the slightest.

"I suppose we'll be weeding out some distasteful bitches again." Natalion all but growls before she downs a glass of wine. She clasp and unclasps her hands repeatedly, obviously eager to start hunting out the ones responsible.

"Calm yourselves sisters, Gripillia has been through much this evening and needs to recover." Doniverea hushes them as she rocks the child and feeds her the sirens' royalty mixture they took from Queen Amurial's body. "We will take care of it as we always do. You would think they'd learn by now to conduct themselves more appropriately by now." She huffs but appears calm and aloft as always.

"Easy for you to say, you're the daughter of beloved Queen Fiolina Degrassin Havenslink." Natalion shoots back, annoyance and aggravation clearly etched into every word.

"And I ensured the assailants that killed your mothers were found and appropriately dealt with as well. Do not pretend that I don't care for my sisters." Doniverea shoots back icily as she stares down her younger sister.

Natalion only hold her gaze for a moment before she averts her gaze and bows her head, showing difference to the one that practically raised her. "My apologies sister, I didn't mean it like that…" She trails off, suddenly feeling ashamed and admonished.

"It's fine, tonight's been rough for all of us. Come, rest Tali, we'll have our fun tomorrow." Doniverea replies with a gentle smile, patting the large bed that the other two girls were already snuggled into. She tucks the trio in, giving them each a peck as she does so before she places the baby in it's cradle, humming softly as she rocks it and stares out of the window. "Father, you rest too." She chastises to the wind, it carrying her message to him.

"I will when these bastards have been disintegrated. " His rough reply carries through, his anger prominently hiding the grief she could barely recognize.

"As you wish." She replies as she closes her eyes, she glances at her four sleeping sisters before she turns and enters another room. Her study would be used well this night…


She finally left, the trio of anxious assassins watches her move off to her study. They wait on their perch though, one stealthily casting a spell to conceal the area around the child so they wouldn't be detected. Leaving it right by the window is bold but the Princesses no doubt expected the assault to be over now. The King had almost caught all of them, but their group was just in case the original one didn't finish the job appropriately.

"Now" The leader announces, barely over a whisper as they move in. As quiet as the wind, they open the window and slip inside. The other two follows their lead, and stands at attention on either side of them as they raise a poisoned dagger high over the child.

"How bold of you to attempt an attack in my rooms."

Startled they whip around to spot the eldest princess sitting prescinely on a plush chair so casually and nonchalantly one would mistake that they were to attend a tea party with her. With a curse, the leader quickly thrusts the blade down towards the baby at the same time their heart is pierced.


"I almost feel sorry for these ones, but honestly who's stupid enough to attack one of the princesses infront of her." One of the maids gossips to another as they clean the blood soaked room. It wasn't often Princess Doniverea's rooms required such attention.

"I hope they all get their souls ripped asunder!" Snorts the other maid before they both pause and watch the five Princesses take a stroll through the gardens. The King wasn't far from them, holding a meeting with some of his most trusted while keeping an eye on them. "Such disgraceful trash to try and slaughter a babe for no sin. Not to mention Queen Amurial, she didn't deserve assassination from a jealous harlot." The maid seethes, many other servants agreeing.

Most households didn't like their staff to express their thoughts and feelings. However, this royal family liked it. Moreso, the more one did the more the servant was liked and appreciated. This leads to many always clamouring to grab a job here. That being said, it also allowed their staff to learn how to masterfully navigate disagreements and debates. However, on this topic, there were no such discussions. Of course, only ones guilty would disagree of such sentiments…


"We, the Royal family of Scornsije, have found all these brought before you now to have committed the highest of treason! They have orchestrated and attempted an attack on Princess Gripillia Acurial Scalius, daughter of King Alixuron Scalius and Queen Amurial Acupalgion!" The crier pauses as many gasps and screams of disdain and scorn is released from the audience. "Their attack has lead to many deaths and injuries, including the death of Queen Amurial Acupalgion whilst she protected Princess Gripillia from their assault!" He continues, pausing once more at the horrified outcries from the many demons present.

"To further their unashamed and disgraceful actions, they then preceded to attempt to attack all of our Princesses as they slept!" The crowd howl in rage as all of the princess were beloved and held their own followings. "What do the accused have to say for themselves?!"

The group of demons beg for mercy, some denying their involvement, some proclaiming that they did it for the King, and some outright beg for their lives selfishly accusing the others of being the ones that did it all. The whole time, the royal family stare them down with cold gazes and masks of stone.

"I've heard enough!" King Alixuron shouts, quieting all in one sentence. "The evidence against all of you is too great and indisputable! Your actions are far too horrendous and daring for you to beg for mercy now! I can't bare to even look at such filth any longer!" He growls out, smoke coming from him as his anger fights to escape and consume them. "I sentence you all to Eight Years of Torture!" The crowd goes wild with joy at this, his anger getting reigned in at their panicked reactions. The name was slightly misleading, as each of them would received their own personalized torment, eight stages each with each stage having eight years. At the end of it, their souls are shattered and then fed to the land, effectively destroying any bit of consciousness left in them. Any reincarnation that happens with some of their soul shards, none of who they were or what they did would carry over. This made them effectively nonexistent….


"Father, your harem has lost many. Do you wish to take in more?" Doniverea asks her father politely as she stands beside him with a stack of folders in her hands.

King Alixuron gives a world weary sigh before sipping his glass of brandy. "I would prefer not to be bothered with this, but it's been a few months and I'm aware that we must strengthen our alliances…" He replies, though he continues to gaze at his skylight watching the stars above.

Doniverea gracefully takes a seat and gingerly places the stack down. "I think the ones in here would be best for us right now." She pauses until he meets her gaze. "Pick one or two to keep the pressure from the empire down, and vacation with all of them. It will do you all some good to bond and take a step forward from this."

Alixuron gives her a half smile as he gently pats her cheek. "I tell you, It never gets any easier."