Chereads / Where We Are / Chapter 2 - Two

Chapter 2 - Two

"Oh. Jeongwoo-ssi, you're back!" A member of the big data team smiled as I came upon her in the corridor. I had just returned from a studio where I had had an interview. The other members were probably all in the dance practice room already, having returned from a guest appearance on a show. We often split up like this when our schedules clashed. For the interview, they had specifically asked for me because I was the Vocal Team leader and a lyricist. The interviewers were more interested in our music than us as a whole.

"I just got back." I smiled and bowed.

"You're working hard as always. I just saw the rest of S.T.A.Y heading towards the practice room."

"I'm heading there myself." So, they really had arrived already.

"Oh. Carry on then. I'll see you around. Fighting!" She made fists at me in encouragement.

"Ah. You too. Fighting!" I returned and continued walking with Manager Kim Youngil. "Thank you for coming with me, Manager-nim."

"No need to thank me. This is my job, Jeongwoo-ssi. Plus, it's a delight to watch you youngsters working so hard and passionately." He waved it off. "And your day's far from over. Do remember to take your meals properly."

"Yes. Thank you." I bowed when we reached the practice room. "I'll go ahead now."

"Alright." He nodded and left.

It was rare for any one of us to go alone for an event. I was no stranger to such things and yet, I was incredibly nervous during the interview today. It was just not the same without my members.

I pushed open the door and stepped into the practice room. "I'm back."

"Jeongwoo-ya!" Jaehyeon called out to me and waved.

"Go change and come, Hyung. We're just going to start." Mingyu said in between reaching for his toes. Yeojun was assisting him. They were still stretching. That meant that they had not arrived too long ago either.

"Jeongwoo-ssi, how did it go?" Manager Park asked from where he stood to the side watching the rest.

"It was decent. I think I got a little too nervous but… it did not affect the interview." I reported.

"You got nervous, Hyung?" Yeojun perked up. "That's surprising!"

I was all alone… "Manager-nim," I turned to him again. "Kindly do not send me alone, if it can be helped."

Of course, I was joking. I was a trained professional and I understood perfectly well how all this worked. I had just wanted to put it out there. The best the others could do was laugh it off.

I got changed into my trackpants and T-shirt for practice soon after and joined the others in stretching. We had dance routines for two of our new album's songs- the title track 'To You' and the relatively slower number 'Yeongweonhi Norae'. We had already made a music video for 'To You' and it had reached 13 million views on YouTube after 2 weeks since release. It wasn't overly commendable but it was something.

"Hyung. Jeongwoo Hyung." Yeojun called when we had finished our first routine.

I… was expecting it.

"The bridge, right? I noticed." I smiled sheepishly.

"Again?" Jaehyeon chuckled and Mingyu shook his head.

"It was better than the last time though." Hanseol said.

"It's the hands." Yeojun instructed.

"It's a little complicated for me." I admitted.

"Ya! Are you calling my choreography complicated?" Mingyu frowned.

"Complicated is good, just… difficult." I smiled sheepishly. "It's okay. I'll get it right eventually. I just need practice." I redid the step sequence at the entry to the bridge, a tad bit slower than usual.

"Now you got it." Jaehyeon nodded.

"Do it faster." Mingyu said and folded his arms across his chest.

I did… only to fumble at the same place again.

"No. This way." Yeojun repeated it for me. It wasn't that I did not know it. It was just too fast for me to nail it smoothly.

"You know what? We can just fix it after we finish our routines today." Mingyu said. "Let's continue. We need to shoot the Dance Practice video and the Performance MV for 'To You' this week. 'Yeongweonhi Norae' can wait till next week."

"We'll move on to 'To You' then?" Jaehyeon asked and made for the music player.

"Yes, Hyung." Mingyu nodded.

Yeojun patted my shoulder as he took his position for 'To You'. "We'll fix it. Don't worry."

"Sorry." I ducked my head, grateful for him. Yeojun was actually a very patient Dance Team leader.

"Then… start." Jaehyeon pressed the button to play the song but just as he was about to get into position, Manager Park addressed us after hanging up a call he was on. "Could you stop for a moment?"

"Yes." Jaehyeon stopped the music immediately and we gathered around Manager Park. "What is it?"

"I just got off the phone with Kim Pd-nim. He had attended an event today and he was able to talk to the hosts. They have agreed to give S.T.A.Y a slot for a live performance at their next event."

"The event that happened today? Isn't that kind of huge?" Hanseol asked what all of us were thinking. "If I'm not wrong, the hosts are really big in the industry. This… might be our biggest stage in a while."

"It is, actually." Manager Park nodded. "It's a little smaller than what you experienced on your South Korean tour last year but it is the biggest stage since then. Other celebrities and groups are going to be present too. You might be one of the opening performances."

"Opening's fine too." Mingyu grinned. "It's going to be our first live for Blue Ink. This can be good. It could help us on the charts too."

"If you can pull this off well, it has the potential for not only pushing you up the charts but also opening up bigger avenues for you." Manager Park added.

"But, Manager-nim, when is it?" Mingyu asked.

"It's next week."

Next week?!

"Isn't… Aren't we a little last minute? For an event like that…" Yeojun asked.

"Originally, another band from H7 Entertainment was supposed to perform but one of their members fell ill and another got injured. Since the gap was too much to fill, they backed out. The slot was open and Kim PD-nim was able to convince them for you when he heard about it."

"Uh… Now I feel bad." I said softly for which I earned a jab in my side from Jaehyeon who was standing next to me.

"It's a chance, Jeongwoo. You can't feel bad for every little thing like this."

"Yes, I understand." I nodded.

"If it's a week away though…" Mingyu looked at me. "Hyung, 'Yeongweonhi Norae'."

"I'll learn it properly by then."

"We still have to decide on which song to perform though. You might be able to perform only one song. We'll meet with Kim PD-nim tomorrow to decide." Manager Park said.

"This is important though. I think that we should stick to 'To You', if that is the case. It's already doing better than 'Yeongweonhi Norae' and a little more support could go a long way. It is the title track too. It could introduce the album itself to those who are completely new." Jaehyeon reasoned.

"I agree." Yeojun nodded. "We could throw it out there."

"We'll finalise it tomorrow." Manager Park said, mentally taking note of everything being said here. "For now though, practice. We can't afford to have any mess-ups."

"Understood." Mingyu responded for all of us and then turned to face us. "Let's do our Manager-nim and Kim PD-nim proud! Back to practice!"

As expected of the leader.

I could get through the routine for 'To You' without any hitches at all. I had practiced it that much. I was always a little slow at learning the routines but, thankfully enough, I had members who were willing to take the extra effort to help me with it. What I lacked in dance, I did my best to make up for elsewhere.

"Start." Jaehyeon announced, switched on the music and hurried to his position beside me. As the familiar music began playing and I fell into rhythm, I found myself smiling.

'To You' was a personal message from us to True. However, it wasn't just that either. It was also a message to the members.

'This path I walk led by candlelight

Has brought me back to a picture I once drew.

From dawn to dusk and in this waning night,

This pen scribbles, scribbles this letter to you.'

With the now confirmed upcoming live performance, we had plenty of work left to do. Speaking for myself, I was feeling nervous. This stage could make us. I was feeling nervous but I was also feeling excited.

This could very well be a new beginning for S.T.A.Y.