So let's rewind back to the year 2021 for a little bit. this is when things start looking up for poor Exe. He gets Chris to go out with him. All because he asked her... finally! He gets a good paying job so he can start saving up some money for basic life things, like toilet paper... scary thought I know. So Exe was starting to get annoyed by all the rules about masks and 6 feet of distance between people and all the crap about the rona. He was just starting to date Chris so he was pretty pissed when they said they had to cancel his reservation at a really expensive restaurant and wouldn't give his money back. He worked hard for that money. But anyways, he just took his girl to a park and played some basketball with her cause he knew she enjoys it. So Exe lost every game horribly but he didn't care cause he had fun with his girlfriend (mind outta the gutter people). She had fun, he had fun, they both had a good time. Until they had to leave. Exe was tired and had to work in the morning and she still wanted to play more basketball. So he made a compromise. He said one more game to give and hell buy her something to eat. She agreed happily cause she won't turn down a free snack. But he finally won a game and he bought get a pack of Oreos. She was so happy when he brought her back home that since she lived alone she let him live with her. He said he couldn't but he appreciated the offer cause he lives in a hotel room in the one down the street from her.