When I woke up, I was lying in a comfortable bed, I was again looking at the bleak ceiling of the infirmary, when I got out of bed, I felt pain in all the wounds in my body. Those damn goblins managed to seriously injure me in the final rounds of the test, which is really weird I know he should test my limits, but the difficulty wasn't a little too high.
Take my guns and then take my eyes off I know the matrix was created to create a custom challenge for me and it makes sense for it to take away my strengths, but I still think the matrix is a bit exaggerated if the test is to be as difficult as that. to several students who pass it.
As I reflected on the difficulty of the test, I hadn't realized someone was calling me until I was hit by a pillow. Hilda is on the bed to my right and she looked fine just some bandages on her face and arms.
"Hey idiot, are you really going to ignore me?"
"Sorry, how was the test? You passed?"
"Yes, and I passed faster than a certain idiot who passed out from blood loss on leaving the matrix."
"Evil, words hurt. How was your test?"
"Difficult, I had to survive on an icy mountain against several animals and some magical beasts."
"No monsters?"
"Not a single one, did you have to fight monsters?"
"I had to fight everything, I even had new magical animals for me, I only need a human opponent to complete the variety of enemies."
"What kind of different magical animal did you face Ulric?"
"I had to kill butterflies."
"Butterflies, were they strong?"
"More complicated than strong Hilda, her wings were very sharp and they moved quickly and without attracting attention, I was almost blinded by one of them. Their only weakness is that their body is extremely fragile, they are more fragile than normal animals, but thinking about facing a swarm of them must be scary I'm glad I never meet them in my life again."
"I've never seen a butterfly like this, so you were in a forest during the test?"
"No, I wasn't even on normal terrain, I was in a kind of stone arena except for the ground and the rest was fog."
"Wow this is rare Ulric. Few students have this kind of terrain, my aunt said it's only selected for combat-focused testing, and that's why you're so hurt?"
"Yes, my test was basically defeating several rounds of assorted enemies each round that passed the difficulty increased I spent hours fighting in that matrix."
"How many hours?"
"Like this? Didn't you see when I left the matrix?"
"Time passes differently for those inside the Ulric matrix, you have forgotten that it is an illusory matrix it can make time pass more slowly in your head or even faster."
"I think it was a five-hour test for me, and you Hilda?"
"Sixteen hours of testing."
"Isn't that too much?"
"It was a survival test."
"It makes sense, but it also means the matrix thinks you need to improve your survival skills."
"So, you need to improve your fighting skill you idiot! You should train more rather than spend your time planning Ulric robberies."
"So will you help?"
"Help with what?"
"Training, do you want to train together?"
"Why would I train with you?"
"Because I'm able to withstand your strength and I think it would be more effective to train together."
"And just for that, there's no other reason?"
"Maybe there is, but even if I have another reason, they wouldn't be bad, so what's your answer?"
"I think it would be a yes, but if we train together, I won't go easy on you I'll squish your pretty face until your mother won't be able to recognize you Ulric."
"I may not be cruel like you to aim at your face, but I'm not going to take it high with you Hilda."
"Don't you dare hit my face Ulric?"
"It's not about courage but being suicidal if I scar your face, I'm sure you'd never forgive me and try to kill me, and if you're slow your mother will probably kill me first."
"Now you are being exaggerated Ulric. I wasn't going to kill you I was going to torture you slowly and only after you were begging to die would I kill you painfully and slowly."
I talked to Hilda for a while longer, we compared our tests and of course Hilda insisted that her test was more difficult than mine, our conversation only stopped when Ingredi entered the infirmary. And to Hilda's happiness, Ingredi was without even a bruise she walked normally to Hilda's bed.
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah, you didn't get hurt on the Ingredi test?"
"No, my test was pretty easy and without too many dangers, but it looks like you two were pretty violent since you guys are looking like you've been beaten up."
"How was your Ingredi test?"
"It was a magic proficiency test, I had to pass several complicated tests that could only be solved with a great deal of control over my magic and creativity."
"But didn't even an enemy on your test?"
"No, it was a pretty quiet challenge the only risk was if I failed some of the tests or lost control of my magic, but with my skill I passed the test smoothly."
"How was your test?"
"I hate this Hilda matrix."
"Me too, I want to kill whoever created this matrix so unfair."
During the next hour off in the infirmary, we found out the content of the test of the rest of our team, aside from Ingredi's ridiculous test, the rest suffered a lot in the test. But I still believe my test was more intense than theirs.
Torris' test was very similar to mine, but the biggest difference was two the first that he had his shield and mace to fight various monsters the second and that he faced up to two monsters per round and were of a variety of types of monsters. He had to face more than ten types of monsters if you counted the elite monsters as a new type of enemy, they were goblins, kobolds, skeletons, a kruthik and some clay golems.
I'm surprised that Torris' test was a test with the objective of testing his defensive ability against several enemies different the number of them per round was small, but it was still a stamina challenge to go through so many rounds and some of the monsters he faced were very complicated.
The test of Sten and Erick were more normal and similar, both were thrown in a forest and had to survive against magical animals and at the end of the test had to escape from a magical beast, Sten's beast was from the water element and Erick's was of the fire element it ended up leaving the matrix well singed even more whole.
Raziel's test tested his skill with the shadow element and his sensory abilities. He found himself in a dark cave fighting several magical animas and then a hunting duel against a werewolf. This test was really deadly for most people, but as Raziel used his whip in a very creative way to get the upper hand in the cave he ended up hurting the werewolf in the leg and crippling him so he took his time to make him bleed to death.
This was made possible because of the shadow element being strengthened in the dark cavern the regeneration the werewolves have been countered by a very weak corrosive effect of Raziel's shadow element just so he can keep the werewolf's wounds open long enough for him to lose blood.
But as I said before I believe my test was more difficult because being unarmed was a much greater disadvantage for me than simply being in a hostile and complicated environment. And to add to the number of enemies I faced was much higher than all of them in reality I killed more than triple enemies than my colleagues.
I really want to know why the matrix hates me so much taking out monster repeats that I facilitate my test I still ended up in worse shape than my peers most of their bruises were some cracked bones and shallow cuts, not one of them was pierced by spears and knives all over the body.
It will take me four days of cutting treatment to recover from my injuries, but I'm still much better off than some other students. Excluding those who died in the matrix, which was not a small number, by the end of the test eight students died in the matrix, there were six who failed to survive, twelve seriously injured, five who lost a limb such as an arm and leg during the test and the rest who if it hurts moderately or just a few scratches.
Only Ingredi and two other students who passed their tests unharmed were different from Ingredi, but all were of a more academic and controlling nature than combat which was the most popular theme in the illusory matrix. With that the last test of the year is over, but I wonder how the institute assesses the performance of students who have passed such varied tests.