Yamada lay on his straw bed, struggling to fall asleep on its stiff shape. He wished for a hammock, but he felt it stupid to ask for what, others would consider a downgrade. The Citadel was too noisy for him, with drunken citizens yelling angrily in the streets, or worse singing unfamiliar songs. He missed the crashing waves of the Maelstrom, or the gentle ripples of the Oeo, that lulled him to sleep. Yamada left the room frustrated desperate for fresh air. He walked outside, gazing at the kingdom, bathed in the pale moon light. The lanterns had faded, and the cool air was refreshing. He took a few steps forward, accidently kicking the armour Gwyneth had left behind.
Yamada clutched his mouth shut, letting out a muffled whimper, suppressing the urge to scream. He sat down clutching his foot, and felt around the cold matte black armour. He had thought that Gwyneth brought it inside for safe keeping. Why would anyone leave such precious armour outside in the streets? Surely the Citadel could not be that safe? Yamada slotted his hand into the gauntlet, straining to lift it onto his lap. As he placed it on his lap, he felt the cold metal dig into his skin, and immediately pulled it off. The gauntlet crashed on the stone floor, letting out a piercing metallic ring, and Yamada shrunk in wincing.
"WHO THE FUCK IS HAMMERING STEEL AT THIS TIME!" An angry man yelled out. "SHUT UP!" Another voice yelled out. "YOU SHUT UP!" The angry man yelled back. Yamada kept his head down, pulling his arm out of the gauntlet. He stood up huffed and short of breath, and looked up to the third ring, illuminated by the pale moon light and the braziers. It was at least a good hour's walk from his location to the third ring. Yamada looked down at the armour, seemingly absorbing the light that touched it.
He took a deep breath slipping his feet into the sabatons. He could barely move his legs, and the thought of strapping the rest of this armour on seemed impossible. The Elven Commander's words rang throughout his head. He felt the scars on his knuckles, and grit his teeth, strapping the greaves on. It took a solid half hour strap everything on, with the breastplate and plackart being the most difficult to strap by himself. Yamada was already sweating and breathing heavily.
He looked up to the third ring, taking a deep breath and took his first step. The sound of his sabaton clanging against the stone street, made him wince. "ALRIGHT! WHICH FUCKING SMITH IS TRYING TO DIE?" The same angry man yelled out. Yamada took a deep breath, entering into a jog, with each step rattling out. He winced and cringed with each step, hearing more and more, angry citizens curse and swear out the origin of the noise. Yamada made it to the base of the wall, seeing an elevator, attached to large stone slabs on a pulley. He let out a sigh of relief, shambling onto the platform, closing the gate behind him. Yamada pulled the lever inside, looking at the pulley mechanism unlock, with nothing happening.
He looked around confused, walking off the elevator platform to investigate. As he stepped off the platform, the elevator shot up to the top, and the stone slabs came crashing to the ground. Yamada looked up at the elevator dangling at the top of the wall. Two knights precariously peeked over the edge to investigate. "Can you send it back down!?" Yamada called out. "You're too heavy! Take the stairs!" One of the knights called down, pointing his torch to the enormous set of stairs. Yamada dropped his head in defeat, tiredly marching towards the stairs.
Dawn came illuminating the Citadel in its warm light. Gwyneth slept in her quarters at the keep, with the sun filling her barren room. Her armour rested by her small bed, with her cape draped over it. Her room had a dresser, with a large mirror, and a small wardrobe. Encara teleported into the middle of her room, in front of her dresser, wearing a giddy smile, the blinding light woke her up. She rolled out of bed, with lightning fast reflexes, pulling her long sword out of the cape. The long sword was complete matte black steel, forged of Deiridum, with a lilac cross guard and pommel. She pressed the edge of the blade against Encara's throat, and he froze in place, with his hands raised.
"Okay, I'll knock next time." Encara said, craning his neck towards her. "DON'T MOVE!" She ordered, with a flushed face, pressing the sword deeper into his throat. She stood naked in the room, her eyes darted back and forth between the blanket she tossed aside, and Encara's gaze. "What do you want? And don't move your head, or I will make Jacara the happiest orphan ever." Encara let out a nervous chuckle. "I'm not moving, but I just wanted to let you know. That you're squire is currently waiting for you on the third ring." Gwyneth looked at him puzzled, and then irritated. She pressed the edge deeper into his throat.
"Did you help him?" She growled. "I was told to not interfere with his training." Encara said. "You expect me to believe he carried that armour by himself without any help?" she said giving him a sceptical gaze. "That's why I'm here." Encara said, feeling the edge of the blade pressed against his throat. "You can go tell him, I'll be there soon enough, now close your eyes and I'll escort you out of my room." She growled. "Can I just say one thing, before I teleport out of here?" Encara asked, staring straight ahead. "What!?" Gwyneth yelled with a frown. "That is one beautiful mirror." He said with a big grin pointing forward. She snapped back seeing her reflection in the dresser, her eyes bulging in dread and her face going red hot. Encara clapped his hands disappearing in a blinding light. Gwyneth swung her long sword, slicing through the air. Her face was red hot with anger and embarrassment. She wore a scowling pout as she quickly strapped her armour on.
Gwyneth sprinted down to the third ring, with her emerald cape flowing in the wind, and her scowl, terrifying those who tried to wave to her. She slowed down as she saw a pair of disgruntled earth mages repairing the street. A trail of destruction, lead to the third ring, and she could see a small gathering at the top. Gwyneth made her way to the third ring, seeing the elevator being repaired, and the stone steps obliterated. She was slightly out of breath, and gazed up to Encara and Urkse waving down to her, both wearing a grin that touched her nerves. She clenched her jaw, and fist, making her way to the top. Encara and Urkse stood directly behind Yamada. He was standing up right, snoring away with his head cocked back, and a trail of drool down the side of his mouth.
Gwyneth looked at him astonished, as Encara and Urkse continued to stack more tomes, atop his head, sniggering like children. Gwyneth slapped the tomes off Yamada's head, Encara and Urkse skittered back like startled cats. Yamada continued to snore away. "What are you two doing here?" She growled. Urkse gave her a sly smile. "Encara and I made a bet on him. I've come to oversee it, and make sure he doesn't cheat." He said looking up to Encara. "I've come to see that he doesn't die, and if I'm lucky open the gate for water magic." Encara added. She rolled her eyes annoyed letting out an exasperated sigh.
She pinched Yamada's nose and clasped his mouth shut. He let out a muffled gasp, before his eyes shot wide open, and his arms flailed about. She let go and Yamada let out a loud gasp for air. "You're awake." She said. He looked around the sun past dawn. "And you're late." Yamada retorted, panting and holding his chest. Encara and Urkse winced at his response, waiting for the worst to happen. "I apologise for that." She said with a warm smile. Urkse and Encara gave each other a confused look, mouthing to each. 'Did she just apologise?' "I'll be honest with you Yamada. I figured you would still be with the Blessed, struggling to lift the armour." She said patting him on the back. Encara and Urkse threw their hands up, and shook their heads baffled, mouthing the same words. 'What is happening?'
"I won't lie this is probably the heaviest thing, I've ever had to carry, let alone wear. I don't know why you would; wear something, if you can't move in it properly." Yamada said shambling to rest himself against the wall. "If a feather and a brick were, thrown in your face, which would hurt more?" Gwyneth asked. Yamada cocked an eyebrow up at her. "Is it like a magical feather?" He asked hesitantly. Urkse and Encara turned their heads to giggle. She rolled her eyes and shook her head. "No, it's just a feather and a regular brick." She said turning back to scowl at the two of them. "Well then, the brick obviously."
"Why is it the brick?" She asked. "Because it's heavier...ooooooh!" Yamada came to the realization, nodding at her. "Yes, your strength means nothing, if what you're throwing has no weight behind it." She said. "Ahhhh, that's why I didn't hurt you. You were too heavy, and I was too light." Yamada said scratching the back of his head. He chuckled and shook his head. "Oh well, I guess you knew that. That's why you said you would marry me, if I did hurt you." Urkse took a step forward, with a cocky smirk, raising his finger. "Actually-" Gwyneth snapped back with a furious glare, that made him freeze and shrink away.
"So, if you didn't expect me to be here. What was the actual training?" Yamada asked. "He's already ten times stronger than any fourth or even fifth year squire." Encara said. "Not to mention skilled enough to disarm Yssac." Urske added. "You lack one of the fundamental techniques, that could be the difference of, life and death for any knight in the field. The ability to manipulate your arcane energy outwards." Gwyneth said. Yamada cocked his head to side. "Why would I move it outwards? Making it go inwards makes me stronger." He said, struggling to lift his arm up, and pointing to it. "Because arcane energy rises to the sky with great intensity." Gwyneth said. "It does!?" Yamada exclaimed. Gwyneth marched over to Encara, tearing off his cloak and shirt. He reeled back, looking down and up furious, as she walked back to Yamada. The scraps of clothing became engulfed in an magenta, and floated into the air. Yamada gazed in awe, and bewilderment. "I feel like there were plenty of other things, you could have used, for your example. Just saying." Encara said annoyed, clapping his hands together and teleporting away. The three of them winced at the blinding light.
"By Abaddon's estimate that entire set of armour weighs one tonne. You will train until you can move freely in it. In order to do that. Every morning, you will come here and run a lap of the third ring." Gwyneth said. Yamada and Urkse's eyes bulged at the statement. "Gwyneth have you heard of easing someone into training?" Urkse asked. "If he wishes to be strong enough to break adamantine-" "I'm lifting a tonne!?" Yamada exclaimed, cutting off Gwyneth. "Wow I'm strong! Alright, I'll get started!" He said excitedly entering into fast stride. She smiled as each step he took cracked the ground less and less.
Urkse stood next to Gwyneth dumbfounded, scratching the back of his head, watching Yamada slowly make his way around the ring. "That boy is going to make a great husband." He said with a smug smile. "I'm going to cut your head off, if you ever bring that up again." She threatened, resting her arms down by her side. Urkse was still smirking, and folded his arms. "I'm just saying he's your type. Dumb and friendly, but strong enough, to match you in bed." He said nudging her in the ribs."I'm going to cut your head off now.." She said coldly. Urkse scoffed. "Please, with my flask you can't hurt-" Urkse stopped, patting where his flask would be. He watched in silence, as Gwyneth tossed his flask off the side of the wall. "Me..." He finished his sentence watching the flask continue to plummet towards the ground. Urkse felt Gwyneth's cold metal gauntlet grasp the nape of his neck. He shrivelled in, feeling her demonic gaze pierce his soul, as she bent down to his level. "All hail Gwyneth, the celibate for life." He whimpered. She let him go and marched off towards Yamada. Urkse shuddered and coiled in. "It's a good thing, he doesn't know about his victory. With that grip, you'd kill the poor boy." He remarked. Gwyneth snapped around drawing her long sword, with Urkse running faster than the wind, down the steps.
It took Yamada three hours to travel a quarter of the third ring, he was drenched in sweat, and left an inconsistent trail of cracked stones. Some had his entire boot print, some had little cracks, but each stone needed to be repaired. "You need to focus your arcane energy outwards into the armour. You cannot rely only on brute strength." Gwyneth said sternly. The other knights and mages they passed leered at Gwyneth and Yamada as they passed through the check points. "Can I ask, why everyone hates you?" Yamada asked, panting heavily. Gwyneth grabbed a pale of water from one of the knights and dumped it over his head, the cool water flowed through his amour, and soothed his aches.
"Thank you for that." He said feeling relieved. "They hate me for many reasons, one of them being, I train them too hard." Gwyneth said, ignoring their leers. "How come you're not fighting back? You're way stronger than them." He asked accidentally planting his sabaton through the ground, down his greaves. "Focus!" Gwyneth barked. Yamada ripped his foot out, continuing to march. "Never associate with stupid or weak people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience. Now focus, your arcane energy evenly throughout the armour, not just in your feet." Gwyneth said. "Shouldn't I have a helmet? I feel like I should train with everything so I can get use to that." Yamada asked, carefully placing his foot down. "Why do you wish to become stronger?" Gwyneth asked. "I want to kill an Elven Commander." Yamada said clenching his gauntlet, his next steps were silent. Gwyneth looked at him mystified. "Were you a survivor of Kal'Nar's raid on Yamata?" She asked, hesitant to hear his answer. "Yes, I was about six, when they attacked." "This Elven Commander, who did he kill?" She asked solemnly.
"My father, and then my mother in front of me." He growled. Her eyes went wide filled with astonishment. "Did he say, that is a right only reserved for the strong?" Yamada snapped back to look at her. "Do you know who he is? Do you know where I can find him?" He asked with zeal. "He's name is Begron Argul." She said bitterly. Yamada laughed to her surprise and he clenched his gauntlets, entering into a run, each step was quieter than a feathers touch. "HE'S ALIVE!" he shouted. She looked at him surprised, but Gwyneth knew him by many different titles. The commander of the king's guard of Kal'Nar, the Last Light, the Emerald Demon, but there was only one title Gwyneth begrudgingly had to respect was true. Vasha Incarnate.
A blinding light appeared behind Gwyneth. Encara stood beside her with a new cloak. "What have you learned so far?" He asked. "He's motivated by vengeance and was self taught on arcane energy. Which means he has great combat intuition, and isn't afraid to kill anyone who gets on his bad side, but he's lacking in fundamentals..." She said trailing off, looking down at the inconsistent destruction along the third ring. "But...." Encara asked waiting for Gwyneth to continue, rolling his hand. "But, he has promise, however unlike your annoying son. He isn't aware of how superior, he is to his peers. He simply wishes to become stronger for his own purposes, and not to prove himself to a bruised and beaten father. That I can at least acknowledge and respect." She said with a warm smile. Encara chuckled. "Jacara does feel the need to prove himself to me...wait bruised and beaten?" He said looking at her confused. Gwyneth grasped the back of his head slamming him into the ground. "You ever teleport into my quarters again, or look at me naked. I will cut your eyes out, and replace them with your man jewels. Am I understood?" She growled. Encara weakly raised a thumb up, his face buried into the stone floor.
Gwyneth walked away, blowing a relieved breath. The other knights and mages on the wall, approached Encara, lying motionless in the ground with his thumb still up. "King Encara, are you okay?" One of the knights asked. Encara's thumb slowly pivoted down, and dropped to the floor lifeless. Gwyneth caught up to Yamada, the trail he left behind was insignificant, and could be mistaken for natural wear and tear. He stood in front of Vexgar, who towered over him, with Yamada barely reaching the top of his plackart.
Gwyneth marched over beside Yamada, looking up to Vexgar with her stoic gaze. "Butcher." He said with a deep visceral voice. It made Yamada feel uneasy to hear this 'man' speak. "A squire does not train to wear armour, until their fifth year of training. Or do you wish for this boy to be broken, before the end of the week?" He asked. "He's strong." Gwyneth stated. Vexgar scoffed, looking down at Yamada. "If you truly believe that. Finish the set, the helmet and weapons are in my quarters. Let me see, how you let another boy die, Butcher." He said bellowing out an wicked laugh. Yamada turned back to see Gwyneth biting her tongue, beginning to walk away and retrieve the helmet and weapon. "Hey Gwyneth, is this guy a Grand Knight?" He asked looking up at Vexgar curiously, cocking his head to the side. Gwyneth snapped back shocked as Vexgar went silent, scowling down at him. "I am the Grand Knight Vexgar Xenarith! The Black Death!" He declared heatedly, waiting for Yamada to react. He was simply nodding along with a smile across his face.
"I apologise Grand Knight Xenarith. I'm an Islander and don't know any better. Could I perhaps prove myself to you, by carrying something heavier than, the helmet and old weapons?" He said with a deep bow. Vexgar smirked, and from underneath his cape, he drew out a large jet silver tower shield. The shield lived up to its name and towered over Yamada. "Here is my shield, see if you can lift that boy." Yamada gnashed his teeth together and let out a scream raising the shield over his head. He sunk down to his greaves through the stone. "Yamada put it down before-" Gwyneth ordered. She stopped hearing Yamada chuckle with laboured breathing, and watching him take a step forward, looking up to Vexgar with a smile. "I'll meet you at the south entrance, before the sun completely sets. And when I do, you'll only call her Grand Knight Gwyneth."
Vexgar looked up to the sky nearing midday, and then to the rest of the ring. He smirked and took a step to the side. "I'll see you there Butcher's boy." He said gesturing with his arm for Yamada to continue. Yamada thanked him with a nod and continued to march, each step his sabatons dug into the ring. "Oh boy, if you're not there by sun down. I'll kill you in front of the Butcher." Vexgar said with a smug smile. Yamada continued to march forward. "What am I doing after this lap?" Yamada called out. Gwyneth tittered, walking back to the south entrance. "I'm not joking Butcher, I'll kill him." Vexgar called out after her. "Maybe, but it won't be today." She said walking away with a cocky smile.
The sun started to set and Gwyneth stood next to Vexgar. A basket of bread, fruit, meats and a large barrel of water was next to them. "Time is almost up Butcher, and he's nowhere to be seen. Hope you're ready to lose another boy in your life." He scoffed. Gywneth clenched her jaw, glaring up at him. Yamada emerged from the south east entrance sweating profusely. He looked up to Vexgar's stunned face, with an exhausted smile. Vexgar looked to the sun just starting to sit on the horizon, snarling and clenching the stone wall. Yamada let out a primal roar, sprinting towards them and, slamming the shield down in front of Vexgar.
"Here's-" Yamada took a deep gasp. "Your-" He keeled over, resting his hands on his knees. "Shield." He let out a loud groan. Vexgar snarled and walked off. "HEY!" Yamada called out. "You need to say goodbye to someone." He said dunking his head into the barrel of water. "Goodbye...Grand Knight." Vexgar paused and let an irritated sigh. "Grand Knight Gwyneth." He growled before storming off. "Vexgar you forgot something." Gwyneth said kicking away his shield. He snarled phasing the shield into the back of his cape, and stormed off.
Yamada fell onto his back wheezing, with a big grin across his face. He spoke taking a deep breath between each word "So...what's....next?" Gwyneth gave him a brief warm smile. "Dinner." "Oh thank the Blesseds." Yamada said letting out a sigh of relief. "Come on takeoff the armour, we'll head to the mess hall." She said standing over him. Yamada rolled over onto his stomach and stood up. "I got this...where's the mess hall?" He asked with a confident smile. Gwyneth pointed towards the base of the first ring, just under the Keep. Yamada ripped off his armour with alacrity and lightning fast speed.