Hey everyone, Chapter 2 is up. Sorry I haven't been writing but I've had a lot going on in my life from graduation from Webster University with my Bachelor's degree in Film, TV & Video Production to paying on the rent for my first apartment to buying my first sofa to moving into my apartment. It's been crazy like no tomorrow but I'm slowly getting it together. On top of that, trying to decide if I'm going to get vaccinated so I can get through what's left of this COVID-19 pandemic madness. But once I've gotten things straighten out, I'll be able to start writing again so I ask you all bear with me. Also, since this chapter is just an update of what's going on; I should let you know that the next two chapters will be a "Q & A" page where I'll post questions regarding this novel and you'll comment your answers on what you want see in the story and what you want to happen to the characters in the story as well as a "Character Bios" page (there may be plenty of them in this story depending on how many characters I introduce) where you'll read about the characters that are in the story. So that's what going on. I appreciate your patience with me. Thank you.