Chereads / Self chosen fate / Chapter 2 - Town

Chapter 2 - Town

It's time to finally leave for nearest town.Approach the dirt road cover in snow,began walking down road.After 5 hours of walking,finally found a city.

Looks at sign above the city the town of Far Water. So the towns name is Far Water. Walks up to the gate of towns sees a few guards.I would like to requests entry to this town.

Guard "why hello their sir"

Hello guardsmen

Guard"city entry fee is one cooper sir"

Grabs a one piece of copper out of his pocket, Hands the guard one copper.

Guard"you free to entry sir"

Walks through the gate,walks down the main street.See a sign on one building that shows sword and shield.That must be blacksmith,need to go get proper weapon.Walk through wooden door of blacksmith shop,the bell on door rang.Nearly scaring me to death,a rather large fellow I would have to say.Probably about 6,5 going bald and have nice long brown beard.Approach the counter.

Blacksmith"hello their little fellow,what can I do for you"

I would like to buy scythe.

Blacksmith"all right sir that will be one gold coin"

I hand the man one gold coin.Blacksmith walked into the back to go grab my scythe.The he walk out with it in hand. He then hand it to me.

Blacksmith"Their you go sir you good to go"

Alright thank you sir.Hear screams suddenly,runs out the door.See a man beating,a female fox Demi human. Man is about 6'1,brown comb over,runs over to man.

Hello there,what is you name sir?

"Roger" the man replies

So why are beating on this girl.

Roger"she a slave I can do what ever I want my property"

She still a life breathing being just like you and she feels pain.

Roger"why should I care about my property and if don't stop pestering me I will just kill you" Take out his sword and put to my throat.

"Pls don't do these sir"

slave"sir don't worry about me just go sir leave with you life. I am just a lowly slave,my does not matter"

"You really have balls to put a sword to my neck " flicks the tip of his sword cause the whole thing to shattered.

Roger"You can just have buy her from me if care that much"

"How much then sir"

Roger"one gold?"

Toss him the gold.Run over to her.Pick her up in her arms princess style.Slow walk away.

"Hello their M'lady"

Slave " I am just a lowly slave no need to speak me in such respect"

"First let's heal those wounds" began chant a heal spell "Now that get good look at you your quite pretty" height about 5,3,blond bus size c

Slave blushing"master you are too kind"

"Might I ask you for you name M'lady"

Slave"I don't have one master "

"Then I will give one you,how about Nelli"

Nelli "Master that is wonder name thank you so much"

"Well let go find inn to stay in"

Nelli "I am just lowly slave these not luxurious that I am allow to have as slave,plus most place don't allow Demi-human.I can just sleep out in the streets."

"I would never put a fair maiden such as your self out on the street. Plus I will end anyone who has balls to hurt you".

Nelli "Master you too kind,nearest inn is about mile a away form us.Near gate at begin of town"

"Ok I will take that way" we began walk down road me still carrying her."Nelli what race are just out curiosity"

Nelli"I am fox Demi-human master"

"Tomorrow we get you new clothes to wear" They walk to gate by begin of town,a long they way the sun begins to set.

"We better hurry before it gets dark"Runs carry her in he's arms.Read's the sign The Moonlight inn. Push the door open see barkeep standing at counter.

Barkeep"GET THAT FILTHY DEMI-HUMAN OUT OF HERE" points to sign on door saying no Demi allow.

"I DON'T CARE WHAT YOU SAY" walks over to the bar sit Nellie down in one of the chairs, then sit down himself.

Barkeep "I told you get that detestable thing out of her"

Nelli"I will just sleep out side master"

"No your not going to sleep out side and not going let your rudeness go unpunished"

Barkeep"what you going to do about"

"How about we duel if I win get this inn and if I loss me and her will become you slaves.Sound far to you"

Barkeep"sure thing let's take this out side"

We all walk out side pushing open the door.

"Ready when every you are barkeep" The fight begins the barkeep pulls out his sword,charge forward at me.Thrust his sword at me but I quickly dodge without issue.

"My turn now"pulls out my new scythe,much heavier then one I made.Swing my scythe forward at his leg.Barkeep dodges it but now before it could graze his leg.

Nelli"Master you have to this for me I am just a lowly slave "

"But I can't let my future wife hopeful, be disrespect to her"

Nelli face with red with embarrassment"master I am just a lowly slave I don't have choice who I am to marry."

"Well I am going give lots choices with me"

Barkeep charges me will was take to Nelli,probably think he caught me off guard.Charges me with sword stabbing into were my heart would Thrust his sword till tip sticks out.

Nelli screams earth shattered "Master are you ok"

"Yes I am fine"blood black as night would pour out of the wound."Oh so that the color of my blood"

Barkeep"how the hell are still alive"

"So you where under the assumption that was human. What a pity,now it's time to end this" Grabs barkeep by his neck pick him up with one hand. Toss him a few hundred feet,hear a loud crash as barkeep hit the ground"not as far as except"barkeep had broken 4 ribs and one was stuck out his chest."How pitifully are you"

Barkeep"pls spare me"

"You dare ask for forgiveness after you treat my love of my life as mere beast"

Nelli bushings"Master pls quit saying those embarrassing things."

"You ready to die barkeep?"

Barkeep"shout guards help"

"They won't arrive in time,all that will be left of you when I am will be your bones.slow walk over to the barkeeper,he try's to slow back.Chain magic binds the bar keep to the ground.

Nelli" Master pls don't kill some for my honor,I don't want you to be a monster for my sake"

"Fine I will let him go,barkeep where deed to the inn in my pocket hand it over"barkeep hands over the deed."Now get out of here".we walk to the inn together.