Chapter 6: First day, first impressions, first familiar
It was a Monday that meant the first lesson today would be Transfiguration, one of the things I enjoy yet find annoying. I understand that you need to build a firm foundation, but why do you have to start transfiguration matches to needles; it's so irritating.
With that thought in my head, we set off to the transfiguration corridor, where luckily we would be taught by the head of Transfiguration. Yes, head of Transfiguration. Do you really think that a community that has not suffered from the aftermath of two Dark Lords would only have 400 students? No currently, each of the four houses had at least 500 students. Well, good news for me when I found out since that equals around 2000 more minions.
A Head overlooks each subject's curriculum, and they only teach a single class per year group. Four other teachers teach the remaining six years due to there being too many students. Since classes are split up into houses, we rarely see other Houses; thus, there are fewer quarrels apart from the usual remarks bigotry here and there.
POV Change- Professor Switch, the head of Transfiguration.
Professor Switch was a strict yet funny teacher. Well, he thought so, at least. He loved to see his students progress as they grew up, teaching was a fantastic Job. Thus, he had accumulated twenty years of teaching experience and subsequently became the head of Transfiguration this year. 1912. A good year, if his arithmancy calculations were correct.
He saw a trio emerge 10 minutes before classes started, and they sat on the last row in the right column. Studious, prompt and ambitious students. The best ones to teach.
The one on the left, the tall blond boy, his father, Lord Malfoy. Lord Malfoy was a man who strived to be the epitome of society. While he may not have as much a mind for business as his father, he was known for only engaging in deals where he would be the primary party to profit or win, especially in the Wizengamot.
A slightly below average brown-haired boy stood on the left of the trio, son of Lord Slughorn, a family known for the wonders they've created in the potioneering sector, especially their potions to do with their unique potions for healing.
And lastly, the one in the middle, a well-developed boy, taller than his compatriots by a couple of inches. He had long black hair parted to the side, accentuating his steel-grey eyes and broad shoulders, Arcturus Black, son of Sirius Black, a ruthless politician famed for his prowess in battle magic and his ever-increasing wealth. A politically powerful trio indeed.
Back to Arcturus:
We walked in side by side and sat down on the last row on the right. I felt a presence in the room, 'probably someone disillusioned and observing us', I thought, 'Considering it was 8:20, it was most likely the teacher, Emeric Switch, head of Transfiguration and the best transfiguration teacher you could ask for.' Yes, I was excited. It's not every day that you meet the guy known to be at the epitome of Transfiguration; unfortunately, his magical reserves were relatively weak, so he avoided fame due to potential ridicule. But as a son to Hesper Black nee Gamp, I knew of his prowess in Transfiguration, and I was told to get onto his good side and display my talents. Adding onto the fact that he was the Head of Slytherin, making a connection to him would not be complicated.
Time skip 9 days.
I had built up a reputation for being a genius in all the subjects, resulting in my status within the year group shoot upwards. Subsequently, my overall rank in the Slytherin hierarchy rose as a result. No one would be foolish to attempt to stop the future Lord Black in his goals, and I just cemented that idea. I had opportunistically saved Fleamont Potter from a broom accident, well who would have thought that a recognised Life Debt would be so easy to get. Anyways, more of that later. I just got news today that Sharpy's squadron had gotten a lead on the shadow wolf.
It was 11 pm on Friday when I disillusioned myself and walked out of the common room, not to brag or anything, but no one could have known even if I were to be in a metre of them. The masterful control of my magic made it so that it ensured that it would efficiently and effectively mask out everything. I had taken every precaution silencing my breath, my footsteps - whilst preventing any magical leakage.
I made my way past the Great Hall, down to the courtyard and thus towards the Black Lake. I called out for Sharpy, who led me towards where the apparition ward ended. "Sharpy, apparate me to within 30 metres where the shadow wolf is". "Ok, Master", I heard a squeak, then a hand which touched my knee.
I was in a forest.
Surrounded by towering trees, trees hundreds of times the height of the trees that I saw in the forest behind our mansion.
'But was it really so surprising?' I thought to myself.
'What would you have expected from an ancient forest that even the founder of our clan knew about. The fact that this forest is known to be neverending being true is astonishing. Apparently, it is connected to a sub realm meaning that it continues onwards for ages. Well, that sounds like an adventure. Let's explore. NOT. What do you think I am? A Gryffindor? This forest is so deep that even Merlin had to retreat here whilst fighting Morgana.
I had asked for instructions from Sharpy regarding what direction where the pregnant shadow wolf would be. Well, exercise does do its wonders, especially when accompanied by nutrient potions.
I parkoured over giant roots and meandered through the forest, then I abruptly stopped.
10 metres in front of me lay two figures, one countless time more prominent than the other, the smaller one being the size of a dinner plate. Two sets of eyes looked upon me as if judging me for the actions of my past. I slowly released my magic, displaying my intentions towards the mother.
I almost started jumping happily when I saw the shadow wolf nudge her cub towards me. A midnight black coloured wolf giddily jumped towards me with its tiny paws and barked towards me with its immature vocal folds. Knowing what to do, I threw a wandless diffindo towards my left palm and held it out towards the wolf.
It started licking the blood that seeped out of the cut, and almost like magic, the wound began to heal and subsequently glow. Simultaneously the cub also started to shine, and I felt a new presence in my mind.
"Kuro, that will be your name", I spoke to my new friend softly.
The familiar bond strengthened my ability to interact with magical beasts. Making it easy to communicate with Kuro - even without speaking and relaying emotions or messages mentally.
Since it was getting late, I asked Kuro to morph into my shadow and then asked Sharpy to apparate me back after giving the mother shadow wolf a nod, which she surprisingly returned.
Back in my room
"AI empty my magic into Kuro before I go to sleep," I commanded.
'The timing of Kuro was impeccable. It was taking ages to empty my magical reserves before I went to sleep before. Luckily, I have a familiar, a familiar that can absorb all the magic that I give, help facilitate his growth'.