Chereads / Vanishing Embers / Chapter 118 - The Burden of Rest

Chapter 118 - The Burden of Rest

Aisha giggled. She couldn't help it.


Everything just felt good.


Warm, safe, soft…


It made her want to rest… more. Continue to close her eyes and bask in the blissful sensations. No gods, no commissioners… no failure to worry about.


It would be so easy to just go back to sleep.


But as always, that nagging feeling in the back of her head told her otherwise.


"Goddammit." Aisha mumbled, as her eyes snapped open, her vision completely enveloped by soft, silky, warm, woman-flesh, and despite how good it felt to nuzzle into, how utterly decadent the scent that surrounded her was, how comfortable and happy she felt-


"And where do you think you're going?" A sleepy, sultry voice rumbled.


Aisha panicked. What little strength that was in her limbs was dwarfed by Minerva's monstrous frame, and every rushed breath was another wave of weakness, as her limbs flailed, trying to find purchase but failing. She attempted to call upon her powers, the euphoria, hell, even her combat magics -


(Yeah, good luck with that.)

(Fuck you!)


"You're quite skilled." Minerva whispered into Aisha's ears. "Even without… your little trick. Mmmmh… You really were quite the monster last night - you forced such embarrassing things out of me… A lesser woman would be angry… but I'm not one to hold a grudge."


"L-lemme go!" Aisha squealed. "I passed your test, I- I satisfied you, now I get to leave, right?"


"Oh," Minerva whispered, cooing into Aisha's ears. "Yes. But I've yet to repay you.for your… little gift to me."


"Y-you don't sound like you're not holding a grudge." Aisha whimpered, her cheeks flushing.


"I just don't want you to get the wrong idea." Minerva whispered breathily, nipping Aisha's ear and sending a shiver down her spine. "You may have beat me… but believe me…"


Minerva's voice lowered into a growl as she started to speak directly into one of Aisha's enormous, fluffy ears, her breath sending a shooting sensation down Aisha's back.

 "I was going easy."


Those hands started to tug and tease her ears, and Aisha felt her strength melt away into nothing, as she tried desperately to resist the flood of happy, fluffy feelings assaulting her senses. Cries of protest became helpless moans, groans of exertion became adorable little mewls - her entire body turned into static, as she was pet, her body completely controlled by this giant woman. She couldn't help but melt into her embrace, as her shorts were tugged off her legs, as her shirt was deftly slid off her chest - distinctly, she recognized that she should resist, but it was simply impossible, Minerva was too sensuous, too skilled - and as the goddess began to touch her, Aisha recognized that in fact, the goddess HAD been going easy on her.


"Oh." Minerva's eyebrows rose slightly. "What's this?"


The blonde traced her fingers along the mouth in Aisha's navel, and she squealed as Minerva plunged a hand into the opening without warning.


"Another thing to play with…" She chuckled. "How convenient."

"Nyoooo!" Aisha squealed, her voice going shrill and eliciting a laugh from the goddess. 


"Just relax, darling." Minerva whispered seductively. "Be a good girl for me."








"So, how's our good girl doing?" Liberta teased.


Aisha could only look down at her lap in pure embarrassment, trying desperately to hide the rush of heat that went through her at the sound of being called a good girl.


"I never knew you were a sub." Kaya said quietly. "Or well… I didn't believe it at first, but…"


"Our fearless leader." Rennala smiled softly, leaning her head on Liberta's shoulder. "Oh my…"


"Such an adorable… little good girl..."


"D-do you think she still has… u-uh, t-the gift Minerva gave her?"


At the mention of the "gift," Aisha's eyes grew wide in horror, as her hands instinctively flew over her shorts to cover herself. Her face turned tomato red - earning her more amused teasing, which only served to make her hornier and hornier -


"Nyaya, save meee!" Aisha whimpered, laying over and nuzzling Kaya's tummy, but when she looked up and met the girl's eyes, she flinched in fear, an unfamiliar expression on Kaya's face. One of pure hunger, of restrained desire, ready to burst at any moment.


"Good girl." Kaya whispered huskily. "Good slut."


"H-hey!" Aisha whimpered, her breaths deepening. "K-kayan…"


"How can you just sit there!" Kaya growled, hands gripping Aisha's face and tugging. "And just - without any shame, say those RIDICULOUS, cutesy, stupid things!"


"Tempting us." Liberta giggled.


"Isn't it crazy?" Kaya growled, forcing a thumb into Aisha's panting mouth. "That our leader… after being called a good girl, is reduced to this?"


Aisha's eyes went wide as Kaya tugged on the side of her cheek, forcing her head to the side in a show of dominance.


"Oh yeah." Liberta smirked mischievously, crawling over to the two girls on all fours, before grabbing the waistband of Aisha's shorts.


"Imagine what would happen, if we were fighting an enemy…" Kaya whispered. "And in the middle of combat, you turned into this."


"I-" Aisha blushed, stammering, before gasping at the sight of Rennala crawling towards her legs, although even that didn't last, as two small, calloused fingers were jammed into her mouth…




"No more…" Aisha whimpered, hair stuck to her forehead in a sticky mess. "I can't go anymorrree…"


"So cute." Rennala mumbled. "Oh, we've been missing out…"


The lithe woman scooched up to Aisha's side, nuzzling the side of the short girl's neck and relishing in the embarrassed shiver that was elicit from the affectionate gesture. She smiled as Aisha sought her presence for comfort, pressing little kisses to the fey's collar as she hugged her midsection.


Liberta was nowhere near as gentle, giggling mischievously as she cuddled up to Aisha's other side, beginning to lick and bite at any exposed skin - which for Aisha, was her entire sweaty, naked body.


Aisha looked up to Kaya once more for help, her head resting on the short girl's lap, and received a brief smile, before giving Aisha a quick little peck, giggling at the needy, infatuated look that followed, silently begging for more comfort.


"It's a shame Minerva's gift didn't last longer…" Rennala mumbled.


"It's a shame Aisha didn't last longer." Liberta laughed, laying her head on a small shoulder. "Although… maybe being a quickshot just makes her eeeven cuuuter."


"Nnnn!" Aisha squealed, blushing.


"Adorable." Kaya mumbled.

"Adorable." Rennala concurred.

"Adorable!" Liberta laughed.


Although Aisha shrunk initially from the teasing, she eventually felt a warm heat bloom in her chest, as the girls began to calm down. Aisha felt hesitation in her heart, as the flush in her body died down.


"No." She wanted to protest. "Keep teasing me…"


But the words just kept getting stuck in her mouth, creating a bitter taste. Why couldn't she ask her friends… her friends, who she did love, did cherish… Why couldn't she tell them?


"I…" Aisha whispered weakly, so weak that nobody was able to hear her - her lips parted, and yet…


"Hey girls!" A friendly looking priest called, waving enthusiastically at the pile of girls.


The party's attention turned towards her, and instantly, Aisha's mouth returned to its closed position, the bitter taste lingering in her mouth like rotten coffee.


(Why can't I tell them?) Aisha asked Aiyu desperately. (Why…)


But as Aisha trailed off, she was met with only silence, as Aiushtha didn't answer. Although she could still feel the being's presence in her mind, it felt… hesitant. Pitying.


"Heeeey!" Liberta greeted back, with a smile of her own. "Wanna join us?"


 The blonde priestess simply smiled as she walked closer, crouching down and cupping Liberta's face, stroking her like an overexcited puppy, and the elf responded in kind, practically panting as she nuzzled the hand aggressively. For a solid few moments, the priest simply sat there and indulged in Liberta's body, another hand sneaking it's way onto Kaya's chest, and much to Aisha's surprise, the short girl simply blushed and let the blonde play with her.


"Hey." Rennala protested, slightly upset at being left out, only to receive a few caresses of her own, tender and light. The touch pacified the tall woman, smiling goofily, and the priest then set her eyes on Aisha, looking like a used rag in the middle of the three.


But before the priest could pet Aisha, she spoke up.


"So, why are you here?" She muttered, much to the blonde's disappointment


"Oh, well I have a message… " She pouted. "You girls are free to leave whenever you want, but-"


"Wait! I don't wanna leave yet!" Rennala protested.


Four pairs of eyes were drawn to the witch at her childish outburst, much to her embarrassment - she turned red as she tried hard to avoid making eye contact with any of her bed partners.


"Ah, you don't have to leave." The priest laughed, smiling softly at the tall woman. "In fact, you can stay as long as you want! You can-"


"Become a priest? Stay here permanently?" Aisha asked, suspicion entering her tone.


"Um, you can stay no matter what!" The priest assured. "...I mean, the girls here leave all the time to visit their friends and stuff… a lot of the priests… uh… don't like to talk about it, but I mean… I don't really have a lot going on, so…"


The blonde looked sheepishly down at her lap, smiling in embarrassment.


"The priests here are really just… they're just girls that choose to stay." She explained softly. "A lot of them… well, don't really have anywhere else to go."


"That sounds sweet." Rennala smiled. "A home for people who don't have one…"


"So what, they don't have any other option?" Aisha asked suspiciously.


"I mean… uh…" The blonde girl scratched the back of her head. "Yeah, I guess they don't… I mean, they could go out into the woods and stuff… travel?"


"Then you…" Aisha's eyes narrowed. "Then what-"

"Aisha, that's enough." Rennala frowned. "What else would you have them do? They can leave-"


"But they can't leave!" Aisha protested. "If they have nowhere to go, then leaving isn't a real option! This place is just taking advantage of desperate people!"


"Where else is there?" Rennala frowned. "The alternative is death."


"Some would prefer death over servitude." Liberta said quietly. "But… if staying is a choice… then I would say that giving up your ability to choose… is also another kind of freedom."


The priest, bombarded by Aisha's protests, held up her hands defensively, her expression clearly showing an immense discomfort at Aisha's interrogation, and the subsequent argument that followed.

"Hey… don't argue…" The blonde whimpered. "I… you can speak with Minerva if you have any problems… just don't fight… okay."


"How do you know that your will hasn't been stripped away?" Aisha challenged. "How do you know that taking in her magic hasn't changed you?"

"That is a good point." Liberta said quietly, her expression starting to slowly turn more serious.


"I…" The priest stumbled, looking like she was about to cry. "I don't know…"

"Hey…" Kaya mumbled. "You guys…"


Aisha's eyes grew hesitant as she saw the blonde whimper and sniffle in front of her, clearly intensely uncomfortable and distressed. A wave of guilt washed over her - that was right, even if these girls were brainwashed, they were still vulnerable, fragile. 


"I'm sorry." Aisha muttered. "I shouldn't be putting this on you. You've been nice to us. I'm sorry."


"Mmmmh…" The priest sniffled. "I-it's okay… really… But… I don't think Minerva would do that to us. She really does care… about our well being. I think you should talk to her."


"Maybe." Aisha sighed. "I'll… try to visit her tonight."


"Okay." The girl said with a small nod. "I'll tell her."



The priest shuffled off, leaving Aisha to take a guilty breath as the touches on her sides began to resume.

"So we're staying another day?" Rennala asked softly.

"Yeah, why not." Aisha sighed, leaning her head back into Kaya's lap once again. "Spend more time with you guys… Without having to worry about anything."


"That sounds nice." Kaya whispered, brushing Aisha's bangs.






"Yeah, I used to really think that they made milkshakes by shaking the cow."


The group of four laughed at Rennala's story, the sky beginning to turn to dusk, as the walls began to echo with the sounds of intimate, soft conversation, the denizens of the huge temple grounds beginning to settle down with their partners of choice.


In particular…


"You adventurers really are so much more normal than we thought you would be!" A brown-haired woman marvelled, arms latched around Rennala's waist. "Well… some of you."


"Hey." Liberta pouted.

"Don't pretend like you don't enjoy having all that attention on you." Kaya mused good-naturedly. "You like it."


Liberta stuck her tongue out at the short girl childishly.

"Yeah, well, I'm leaving!"


Aisha rolled her eyes.

"Don't be like that. She's just- hey wait, you're actually leaving?"


Liberta looked behind her back with a genuine look of curiosity, halfway out of the room with her clothes on.

"Yeah. I'm bored. I'm going to visit Irrinom." She explained matter-of-factly, as if her actions were completely normal.


"I thought you liked it here." Aisha frowned. "You're leaving early?"


Liberta shrugged.

"I just wanna go party!" She said with a laugh, stretching absentmindedly. "Go dancing or something… go bar fight. You know. Do something else."


"Why don't you stay with us..?" Rennala whispered softly, her voice almost begging.

"Why don't you come with me?" Liberta counter-offered.


Rennala seemed to pause, a shy, bashful look creeping onto her face as she pursed her lips, looking pleadingly upwards at the shapely elf.

"Coz its comfy." She whined childishly, rubbing together the tips of her fingers. "And I wanna stay and play with the girls."


"Aren't you tired of that yet?" Liberta asked incredulously, crossing her arms across her chest. "It's been almost two days!"


"No." Rennala and Aisha all replied in unison, while Kaya offered a small "Eh." Liberta just rolled her eyes in response, lifting up a hand and waving as she made her way out the room, the winds kicking up beneath her, forming her footwear and signifying a final word.


"Someone should go with her." Aisha sighed. "Rennala wants to stay, so I'll go…"


"No, wait." Kaya mumbled. "I'll go."


Aisha furrowed her brows. "Huh?"


"You've got to talk to Minerva, right?" The short girl mumbled, removing herself from the cuddle-pile and grabbing her clothes. "I can go."


Aisha raised an eyebrow at Kaya's behavior. The girl didn't really seem like she wanted to go, and judging by the longing look she shot at Aisha, she didn't want to leave, either.


But Kaya's business was her business. It wasn't Aisha's right to pry, and so with a parting hug, Kaya quickly grabbed her clothing and quickly left.




"What's wrong? You look upset."


"I'm fine." Aisha grunted, shooting a distasteful look at the blonde goddess in front of her, lounging lazily on a pile of blankets and pillows. 


Minerva frowned, shifting her posture with her lower two hands as she leaned forwards, resting her chin on her upper two. She looked at Aisha with a strange, thoughtful expression, as Aisha herself shifted uncomfortably under her gaze.


"You don't look fine." She said gently.

"I'm just thinking."


Minerva let out a short breath from her nose, pursing her rosy lips.

"In my experience with your types, thinking is what makes you the most unhappy."

"My type?"


Minerva nodded, folding her legs underneath her thighs. Her squishy, smooth thighs.

"You know, when I was young… well, I guess you could have also called me an adventurer of sorts."


"You were part of the program?" Aisha asked suspiciously, eyebrows going up in surprise as she took note of Minerva's incredibly soft, unmarred body.


"Not an adventurer in that sense." Minerva corrected. "But I did travel across the land. I visited Arcadia, Sakura… Damasca, Landis… you get it."


Aisha opened her mouth-

"No, I didn't slay any dragons." Minerva giggled. "Or fight any monsters. I offered my services as a healer. Back then, I was quite famous… for more than just my healing abilities as well…"


Minerva wet her lips, and a sly expression made its way onto her face, accompanied with a little grin. Aisha swore she could have seen the pink of her tongue poke its way out of those lips, but she was far too distracted by the rest of her body to really say for sure.

"Just like you, I picked up a few women. Built my own little… harem. I remember them all quite vividly. A lot of them are still here."


"And the rest?" Aisha asked suspiciously.


"Passed away." Minerva said, smiling sadly, as Aisha's own expression softened in a bit of guilt. "Their choice, of course. But I still… I miss them."


The air grew tense for a second, and Aisha began to shift around uncomfortably, shuffling her hands nervously.

"...Sorry." She offered.


"Thank you." Minerva smiled, before it quickly died, her eyes growing distant as her posture grew more stiff. "But the lover I remember the most was an adventurer as well." 


"Like you." She added, nodding her head towards the fey girl. "She wanted to prove herself. She wanted to protect the people she loved, her friends… me… she always said that making the world was too large of a task for her, so she just wanted to protect one person."


Aisha hesitated, thinking… to a few people she knew, some deceased, others… "I… I know a few people like that."


"And one by one." Minerva whispered, voice quivering. "She lost them. It wasn't ever her fault. When you risk your life so much… passing… is an inevitability. But with every lost friend, she lost some of that dream, she lost the bit of happiness she shared with them."


Aisha's stomach sank, as tears began to drip down the tall woman's face, marring her beautiful features. She knew where the story was going - it was hardly a surprise, but even so, Aisha felt an immense sympathetic guilt, seeing the beautiful woman cry - she wanted to comfort her, and before she knew it, her legs had moved her towards the goddess.


"You don't have to… keep going." Aisha said awkwardly, in an inexperienced attempt at comforting someone else.


"I just don't want to see any of you going the same way." Minerva croaked. "I know that… the life here is hollow, without any challenge or hardship. But I can't bear watching any of you go the same way as my Miki."


"I'm… sorry." Aisha muttered, her hand hovering above Minerva's shoulder, before giving her a little pat. "I don't want that either, for any of my friends."


"I know I won't stop you." Minerva whispered. "You've got… something much stronger driving you. Others, maybe."


Aisha met Minerva's glistening, golden eyes with a look of sympathy, an unfamiliar emotion bubbling up in her chest. It was unpleasant - at that moment, Aisha felt an immense pressure on her - was this what it felt like, to have someone place their trust in you?


An immense burden…


"But I'm getting off track." Minerva mumbled. "I'm sorry for taking your time. Why did you want to meet with me? Is it about the reward? I already contacted the guild."


"Oh." Aisha said, scratching the back of her head dumbly. "Er. Well… I came to… well, I don't think it matters now. You already… er…"


At Aisha's flustered expression, Minerva giggled softly, the small girl's ears swiveling and twitching cutely. She once more propped her body up with a pair of hands, the other spreading wide in front of her, facing Aisha.


"Can I have a hug?" She asked softly.

"O-oh, uh, sure." Aisha responded, trying to hide her eager, flushed expression as she wrapped her arms around the sinfully beautiful goddess, her body being suffused in pure, smothering softness. She gasped at the sensation, despite having experienced it before - was there something different? Why did it feel so much better?


"You're a sweet girl, you know." Minerva cooed softly. "I can tell you're used to being on the other end of the hug. Thank you for comforting me."


"Huh?" Aisha asked dumbly, her cheeks going a bit red, as she felt Minerva's huge chest squish against her own. "W-what do you mean?"


"It means I know what you like."


"I've had a lot of partners, you know."


"Mmmmh… let's see. What is it for you?"

"W-what do you mean?"

"Hmm… you're so adorable… oh. Fufu… I know."


Aisha felt chills go down her spine, as Minerva's eyes seemed to lock onto her own, a predatory smile making its way onto her face. Suddenly, Aisha was made aware of just how small she was in comparison to the big goddess - oh. That was right - the woman in front of her was a literal goddess, and she had just voluntarily pressed herself up against her -


"You've been such a sweet kitten." Minerva breathed into her ears, nipping the tip gently. "Good girl."


Aisha felt her chest explode in a mixture of delight, humiliation, affection, confusion - a torrent of emotions that made her head swim. Her eyes widened as her lips opened and closed repeatedly, but no words made their way past her flustered lips. She could only gasp and stutter as Minerva giggled at her adorable expression, nuzzling the top of her head with her cheek as Aisha tried desperately to form a coherent thought.


"H-hey…" Aisha eventually forced out, her chest hot, face scarlet.

"This is what you like, isn't it?" Minerva smiled, touching Aisha's nose with the tip of a finger. "Oooh… I'm definitely right. Good girl, good girl."


"N-no!" Aisha squealed, hiding her face into Minerva's chest. "I- I don't know what you're talki-i-ing about - I - I'm not a g-good- good good gir-"

"Aw…" Minerva cooed, laying down on her pile of pillows with a "fwump," dragging Aisha down with her. "You're so adorable… If I could, I would hug you forever… good girl, good girl!"


"Y-you tricked me!" Aisha wailed, squeezing Minerva's waist for dear life, squirming and squealing as sensation attacked her body, all of a sudden ten times more sensitive, after Minerva said that damn phrase, that damn-


"I didn't trick you." Minerva pouted. "I like talking to you! I wanted a hug from you, because… well…"


Minerva's cheeks turned a little pink as well, although Aisha was in no state of mind to notice, her brain being melted by pure softness and sensation.


"Coz you're cute." She said bashfully, hiding a bit of her own blush in Aisha's ears. "And I like you."


Aisha opened her mouth to blubber out some gibberish, but found all her efforts useless when a shuddering moan was forced out of her mouth.

"N-no!" She gasped. "N-no not there not theEEEERE!"


Minerva ignored Aisha's protests as she began to pet her, stroking up and down, her fingertips dancing across her sensitive ears and forcing wails and gasps out of Aisha's body, the poor girl practically wailing as she was tortured with fluffy, tingling sensation, as the heat in her chest rose to an inferno.


"Hey, you knoww…" Minerva sang. "I heard that you gave all your friends cute little nicknames."


She paused for a second, although the petting never stopped, forcing more whines and whimpers out of Aisha's mouth.


"Can I have one too? Ehehe…" She asked, smiling with an embarrassed laugh.


"W-wuh?" Aisha blubbered shyly.


"Ah… Maybe that's a little too presumptuous of me." The goddess blushed, as her playing slowed down, letting Aisha recuperate her thoughts. "Nevermind."


"I… you can have one…" Aisha said softly. "I just… nobody's ever asked me for one before."

"Oh, really?" The blonde woman said excitedly, her eyes lighting up. "A- oh, well, I'll let you decide!"


"Ah…" Aisha mumbled softly, looking downwards as she thought, flustered at being put on the spot. "Um… Mina? Do you like it?"


"I do!" The tall woman beamed. "Thank you…! Good girl!"


"Auuuuuu…" Aisha mewled, her face turning even redder.


Minerva let out a small "awww" as Aisha curled up into a ball, snuggling up into Minerva's chest as they both relaxed a bit into the pile of blankets. Aisha herself felt her body relax - involuntarily, like she hadn't experienced in a long time.


She felt so vulnerable. So small, and yet… she felt like she could trust the goddess, if only because her body told her to - she felt… safe.


But she wasn't. She didn't know this woman - it could be a trap, she could - she could be hu-


(Stop.) A voice echoed in her mind, before she felt her own powers restricting her movements, stopping her flailing. (What are you doing?)


(You bitch!)


(You were just enjoying yourself.) The mournful voice spoke softly. (Why do you have to constantly be on guard?)


(Because we shouldn't trust this woman!)


(Well, who should we trust, then?)


Aisha froze up. She tried desperately to form an answer, to-




Aisha yelped as a sharp sensation assaulted her brain - stemming from her ears, she realized, from the residual tingling, that she had been flicked. She turned red as she faced Minerva, upset at having her thoughts interrupted, but found herself unable to muster up any aggressive words, seeing the blonde woman's soft, affectionate features smiling at her.


Ugh. She hated how easily she gave into 


"...hey..." she mewled instead, sheepishly.


"Don't think about the bad things." Minerva chided, with a wistful smile. "Just relax! Enjoy yourself."

Aisha's body jolted as an unbearably sensuous tingling assaulted her head - it was like someone was tickling her brain - and when her thoughts cleared again, she realized that Minerva had stuck her fingers into Aisha's ears.


"W-whau?" She gasped.


"The fey girls here absolutely love it when I do this." Minerva cooed, although Aisha was completely unresponsive, too busy shaking and shuddering, at having the most sensitive part of her body caressed and touched - it wasn't the cloying sweetness she was used to, rather, it was like she was plugged into an electrical socket, unbearable sensation coursing through every inch of her body - 


"Just rest." Minerva insisted, the words somehow making it through Aisha's overwhelmed state. "Please."

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