Chereads / Vanishing Embers / Chapter 114 - To Be a Monster

Chapter 114 - To Be a Monster

"Auuuhhh… Nnnhhh…"


Aisha frowned at the tiny little grunts and pants Akane was clearly attempting to suppress. Instantly, she knew something very serious was wrong - probably something that could have been avoided if the captain wasn't so damn stubborn. It barely even took a glance for Aisha to notice - although, she noted with a grimace, the fact that it took this long to notice meant her senses were dulling.


"You're hurt." Aisha muttered. "Idiot, when were you going to tell me?"




"I don't really care what you have to say anymore." Aisha scoffed. "Everything out of your mouth is worthless, you know that? Just lies and half-truths and denials - lay down."


Akane's lips moved, something that Aidha hadn't told her to do - and her face immediately twisted into a snarl, pain and frustration rendering her patience paper-thin.


"LAY DOWN!" Aisha roared.


Akane, terrified, obliged with Aisha's order, carefully dropping herself onto the hot ash. Wincing and raising a hand to cover up her abdomen, Aisha instantly knew what was wrong - the wound on her chest had opened up. Not through any fault of the girl, but nonetheless, an annoyance that she would have to deal with.


"Alright, I'm just going to freeze it again." Aisha mumbled, gently putting a palm on Akane's chest.


But no magic came out of her palms. For a moment, she felt her palms cool, but immediately after, she was sent reeling by the wave of dizziness and exhaustion that followed.


"What?" She panted. "Oh, shit…"


"I can just… just leave me behind…" Akane whispered. "You've already done me a great service, you don't have to die too…"


"No, no…" Aisha mumbled. "I can save you. I will."



"Don't test me, okay!?" Aisha snapped. "Before I change my mind!"


Aisha looked around quickly before gripping Akane's uniform in her hand, tearing off the midsection and stuffing it into the wound. The cloth instantly turned a bit red, and Akane's eyes teared up, but like the stubborn woman she was, she didn't even cry out.


"This is bad…" Aisha mumbled. "We can't rest anymore… you're on a timer before you bleed out."

"I can make it." Akane cried. "I won't… I won't be a burden on you. Let's… let's go."


Aisha obliged.




Every second seemed longer than the last, as Aisha dragged her way through the ashen dunes of the wastes. Thankfully, they hadn't run into any monsters, but that was hardly any consolation, when they would likely die of exhaustion, blood loss, dehydration, or heat stroke.


Aisha was nearing the limit of her physical capabilities. By now, Akane was barely conscious, hardly even able to lift her feet, which led to Aisha just dragging her through the ash. Every once in a while, the woman let out a groan of discomfort, letting Aisha know she was still alive, but even still, it was hardly any recompense for the agony they had to go through.


She didn't know why she couldn't let the woman go. She wished so badly that she could, but her consciousness continued to be a burden on her survival, pity and empathy forcing her to try and save this stupid woman.


Every step was more laborious than the last. Aisha's legs burned. Her throat burned. Her eyes stung with dehydration.


But she had to live. She had… not gone through worse, but this was hardly the first time she had pushed her body this far. And it would not be the last.


"The sun's going down." Aisha whispered. "Don't fall asleep."




Aisha swore she could see the dim green glow of the nameless's defensive machina line in the distance. Which meant - that they were still quite far away, but close enough. Close enough so that - that they could maybe, if one of the watchtowers saw them -


A shadow fell over Aisha's head, and she felt like screaming. Not when she was so close, dammit!


A repulsive thought entered her head. If it really came to it… she could kill Akane. Take her soul, and easily make her way back to civilization, stronger than she came in.


But - dammit, she wanted - no, she NEEDED to do this! To protect - to protect the people she cared about - FUCK!


Eyes stinging with frustration, Aisha admit it - she did care about Akane, for some god-forsaken reason, out of pity, or perhaps stupidity - she cared about her.


Which meant she needed to save her.


Aisha glared at the descending wyverns and grit her teeth. For once, she had no idea if she could face the enemy in front of her. It was ironic, in a sense - a foe she could easily dispatch at full strength, but because she had taken on the burden of empathy, of caring - was now her greatest challenge yet.


And before she even knew it, there were fangs and teeth piercing into her body.


It was like pure chaos, as Aisha's body was thrown around like a ragdoll, the wyverns not strong enough to tear her apart, but just enough to leave wounds, the blood gushing out thick and paste-like.


(Move.) Aisha thought, desperately trying to get her body to grab onto something, anything.


Separate the task into smaller tasks. Just kill one.


Pierce its neck. With anything.


And in order to do that, you have to move. You have to move.


"MOVE!" Aisha screamed.


But it seemed like her body had reached its limit. A fang finally pierced in deep, into Aisha's neck, blood bursting out of the puncture. Robbing her of the ability to speak, she could only feel bitterness, blotting out the pain.



"Return to ash, foul creatures!"


Heat erupted in Aisha's senses, and suddenly, she felt her body go weightless, as the clawing and biting stopped. But before she could hit the ground, a pair of arms wrapped around her knees and back, hard and scaly, but very welcome.


"Huh?" Aisha mumbled.

"I… I'm sorry…" A familiar voice whispered.


Aisha cracked an eye open and frowned, at first, not recognizing the face. It was very much a demon, skin dark, keratin horns long and solid, wrapping around the figure's head like a crown. The facial features seemed… familiar, although the horns covered the being's entire upper face, making it difficult to tell. But those lips…


Aisha had trouble thinking, much less recognizing faces. But when her sides felt something squishy…


"Renna?" She whispered.


"I'm so sorry." The demon whispered. "I'm so ashamed, Aisha, I should have… because of me, you all got hurt. I-"

"Where's… Akane…" Aisha rasped weakly.


"... Over there. I think… she might still be alive."

"Save… her." Aisha whispered.


Rennala nodded, and Aisha relaxed, letting her eyes close.





I find that I can no longer understand why people form connections. 


When I was young, it was simple. I liked being around people. I liked their companionship. Or, at least, I think that was the idea - it's been such a long time, I can't remember.


Losing those people helped me understand that longing better. I didn't realize that I wanted friends until… well, until I realized that I had none. In that way, I suppose I can't call it a 'loss.' More like, an 'awakening.' Doesn't that sound corny?


It was after that I learned the meaning of a true 'friend.' Someone who cares about you… who wants good for you. But I feel like the type of 'friendship' I have experienced in this capacity is not the same 'friendship' that those people long for. A transactional relationship is all that it is… in exchange for my connections, my status… I receive their care, their effort, in all sorts of ways.


If either of us lose this, though, then the friendship dissolves. Perhaps it is my fault, but I feel… I feel if I were to lose these things, then they, too, would cast me aside, as I have so many others… Not that I could blame them. How could I blame them, when it is simply the logical thing to do?


To pour resources into someone with no hope or expectation of return… some would call that 'desperation,' I feel. Like a guy chasing after a girl who has no intention of reciprocating his affection… And yet, while we would deem these people 'losers,' we do not place the same label on those that participate in these 'friendships.'


Maybe I have simply missed that chance to form a truly deep connection with someone. Now, I find… I find I cannot find it within myself to 'like' or 'dislike' someone. They are just useful… or not.


Would you judge me for that, Feng?





When Aisha awoke, the first thing on her mind was that she wanted to go back to sleep.


She felt terrible. Her mouth was dry. Her arms hurt. Her chest ached. Her legs felt like paste. The surface she was laying on was too hard. She was cold.


God, she wanted to return to sweet, sweet slumber.


"Hey." She mouthed breathlessly into the darkness.


No sound escaped her mouth. In fact, trying to raise her voice sent pain shooting through her throat.


But something responded anyway.


"Aisha, are you awake?"


The fey girl opened her eyes and nodded, seeing Rennala, no longer red-skinned and horned, instead, her regular human self.


"I'm so sorry." She whispered again. "I… I should have come with you. You all wouldn't… be like this, if I hadn't… If I hadn't been scared."


Aisha opened her mouth again, but again, no sound came out, and a dull pain surfaced in her throat.


"Ah, you shouldn't talk…" The tall woman whispered. "You're hurt… h-here, I can help a little. You're part demon, right?"


Rennala placed a hand on Aisha's side, and heat began to flow into her body.


"You're a demon too." Aisha mumbled.


Rennala looked away in shame, although her hand never left Aisha's side, trickling in that soothing warmth. Already, she could feel her cuts heal, although the soreness and pain in her limbs refused to subside.

"I'm sorry. I realize now, that -"


Aisha put a hand on Rennala's arm, signaling her to stop.



"Don't you think this is something that everyone should hear?" She rasped out.


Rennala hesitated, clear apprehension in her expression, but nonetheless she nodded anyway, biting her lip. "Okay."


"What about Akane?" Aisha asked, turning her head but quickly turning back, the pain in her neck searing hot.


"I…" Rennala's brows creased. "She's fine. Honestly… I don't know… she looked like she was really weighing you down. Why didn't you just ditch her?"


Aisha sighed. It was her time to take on a tumultuous expression, as her own thoughts ricocheted in her head chaotically. Why had she chosen to act the way she had? She definitely should have killed her, and healed, even despite the empathy she felt… So why had she almost given up her life, just for the chance to spare her's?


"I think she deserves a chance to change." Aisha mumbled. "As someone who has been through… similar."


"You're too kind."


"I hate that."



Before Rennala could press Aisha further, two figures burst into the tent Aisha was resting in, a blur of panicked, dirty, sweaty girlflesh all of a sudden all over Aisha's bruised body, fussing over, hugging, squeezing her, like a over-loved stuffed toy.


"You guys are okay…" Aisha smiled weakly, as Kaya wrapped her smaller body around Aisha's midsection, clutching her close.

"W- we- WE'RE OKAY!?" Liberta shrieked. "ARE YOU INSANE!?"


"Mnn… Libba…" Aisha said weakly.


"You almost got all of us killed, stupid stupid leader…" Liberta cried, voice wavering on the verge of tears. "And yourself… All for what? To save that stupid woman? What's wrong with you!?"


Aisha smiled softly, glancing downwards at Liberta's legs, once more saturated with her dense, free magics, colored blue with little specks of red. Aisha smiled, relieved - 

"Sorry." She offered.


"You owe all of us." Liberta mumbled. "You owe all of us, so much."


"Yeah, that's fair." Aisha smiled.

"Stupid… stupid…"


Liberta's hands curled weakly up into fists, resting on her own thighs, as Kaya hugged Aisha a bit tighter, resting her body on top of her own smaller one. The short girl put her hands on Aisha's midsection, and Aisha couldn't help but raise an eyebrow when an intense heat emit from her hands.


"Healing magic?" She mumbled.

"You could barely call it healing magic." Kaya smiled softly. "It's just to accelerate the process a bit…"


"Her physical wounds might heal, but she is going to need a bit more than that to fully recover." Rennala mumbled. "She has an irregular soul."


"Hmph." Liberta huffed, hostile.


Rennala, who usually would have shot something back at the petulant elf, could only look downwards in shame.


"Don't be like that, Liberta…" Kaya tried to reason.

"You're asking me to forgive her?" Liberta almost spat. "I'm under no obligation to do so. Just like she was under no obligation to join us."


"She did save me." Aisha offered.


"At no risk to herself."

"Liberta, we-"


"She's right." Rennala said softly. "I… I don't have any right to call myself a part of the team… When… when your lives were in danger… I was not able… to put aside my own problems…"


Liberta was silent, although her expression was still angry, and even Kaya's expression was neutral.


"Do you still want to be with us?" Aisha asked. "To begin with, you joined… under duress."


A few deafening moments passed, before Rennala spoke again.



"Then first, an explanation." Aisha said resolutely, a sharp, focused look in her eyes, trained on Rennala. An expectant look that, while not explicitly asking for an explanation on Rennala's demon powers, were certainly prodding her for an answer.


"I… was actually born here." Rennala said quietly.


"You're part demon." Kaya extrapolated.


Rennala nodded.

"My mother was young and stupid, and… well, I didn't know my father. My mother told me stories about him, apparently… he was… kind. But he was… killed, after the village found out… well… that he was a demon… before I was born."


Aisha nodded, although the hard expressions on the other girls' faces remained unchanged.


"My mother raised me alone until I was a few years old." Rennala continued. "One day, when I was six… she took me here, to show me… where I came from. But… the whispers… the mist… it awakened the powers inside of me. Usually, demons mature in just a year, so… when I went, the powers of a fully grown demon, in the body of a human child…"


Rennala's eyes widened, horrified, as if she could see the scene in front of her, and Aisha swore she could see the reflection of a burning corpse in her dark irises.


"I…" Rennala began to choke. "My… I… I killed… my own… My… my mother… I couldn't… the smell… the… smoke…"


Aisha winced as she forced her hand up, to put on Rennala's shoulder. Kaya seemed similarly sympathetic, although her hands never left Aisha's side. Liberta, though…


"That just makes me angrier." She muttered.




"You're scared of hurting someone with your powers, but you're a full time adventurer, with destructive runes." Liberta mumbled.



"You're saying it would make you feel better if we burned to death because of some other demon's spell, rather than your own?"


"Liberta." Aisha said softly, but resolutely.




"But she's kind of right." Aisha said softly. "I'm sorry, but… your feelings are not the only ones that are important right now."


"I understand." Rennala whispered.


"The second part of apology is repentance." Aisha asserted, before smiling slightly. "I can't really talk, since I'm also going to be punished… but I think Kaya and Liberta can come up with something they like."


"You two are bottoming." Kaya blurted out, before Liberta could say the same thing.


Aisha's eyebrows shot up. That wasn't something that she had expected to come out of the usually mild-mannered Kaya. Although she would be lying if she said she didn't want the girl to take a bit of charge and manhandle her.


"Oh?" Aisha smiled.

"Yeah." Kaya smiled back mischievously, her voice husky and deep. "Or at least… that's what I want. For as long as I want, your bodies… are mine."


"I'm okay with that." Aisha giggled softly, nuzzling a bit deeper into Kaya's lap. "Libba?"


"I'm not getting tricked into this again!" She scowled. "You guys will play sub anyways! I want something… else!"


"Then what do you want?" Rennala asked softly.


"Grrr…" Liberta grumbled, looking immensely conflicted, eyes shifting left and right rapidly. "I… I don't know! But when Aisha is healed, I want-"


"Aisha's first is mine." Kaya asserted confidently, tugging the girl into herself possessively with a smirk.

"What!?" Liberta sputtered indignantly. "Why?"


"I saved you, remember?"


Liberta fumed, and while steam didn't literally come out of her ears, the mana swirling around her turned an intense red, almost singing the furniture around them.


"GODS, FINE!" Liberta snarled, gripping Rennala's wrist aggressively. "RENNA!"

"A-ah… okay Libby… I'll be a good girl for you."


"No, I…" Liberta ran her hands through her long blonde hair, frustrated, but also blushing. "I want… you're going to do the work this time... I-I'm tired."


Aisha didn't have to look up to see the grin and barely-contained laughter on Kaya's face, as Rennala gently wrapped an arm around Liberta's side, walking her out of the tent. She couldn't help but smile softly as well, watching the way Liberta leaned into the taller woman - it warmed Aisha's heart in a fluffy way, almost like she was the one being cuddled and hugged.


But of course, she was, as well.


"Mmmh…" Kaya murmured. "Aww… they're so cuteee… almost as cute as you."

Aisha giggled. "You're smaller than me."


"Yeah?" Kaya smirked good-naturedly, running a warm hand over Aisha's neck. "But you're the one running around dressed so skimpily…"

Kaya ran a hand over Aisha's exposed stomach, before continuing. "Hugging every cute girl you see… begging them for headpats, seducing them with your magic…"


Aisha blushed.

"You're the one who dressed me…"


"And you look absolutely delicious." Kaya whispered.


Aisha felt her heart accelerate slightly, her breaths growing deeper. When had Kaya been so smooth, so seductive? Where was the quiet, demure little rogue that she had been able to embarrass so easily?


And why was she so attracted to her, at that moment? She felt…


"You're such a playgirl…" Aisha mumbled, beginning to melt underneath Kaya's touches. "Aren't you? Flirting with me…"


"Does that mean… its working?"


Kaya shifted Aisha's body in her lap, leaning the taller girl on her side and letting her look up at Kaya's face, which was flushed as well, eyes half lidded.


Aisha craned her neck up, and her eyes lit up in surprise, feeling the soreness abated. But she chose not to mention it, instead choosing to focus on the feeling of Kaya's lips on her own, hungry and soft.




It had been a long, long time since Aisha had last found herself feeling so… satisfied. Not even because of the full feeling inside of her, but also because of the warm body pressed up against her, the arms wrapped around her chest, and the soft hand on her ears…


Their fluid-saturated, sweaty bodies felt amazing pressed up against each other, all the fluffy feelings, combined with the afterglow...


"I can't... ouuuhhh..." Kaya panted. "My legs... Aisha... that was really good..."


"Ehehe..." Aisha giggled, absentmindedly rubbing her legs against Kaya's. "You looked so cute..."


"I never thought you were a bottom…" Kaya mumbled. "But you love being pet and cuddled, don't you?"

"I never said I was a top…" Aisha mumbled, eyes fully closed in sleepy bliss. "Mmmh… o-oh… Kanyan… pet me more please…"


"Okay, leader." Kaya giggled softly, stroking Aisha's ears lovingly, humming softly to herself. "Wow, you're so soft…"


Hearing it from Kaya made Aisha blush. She couldn't even explain why, but just being next to Kaya just made her feel safe. Even though she was the one who promised to protect Kaya, right then and there, she was in the short girl's palm.


Aisha snuggled a little deeper into the embrace, wrapping her arms around Kaya a little tighter and closing her eyes.


"Hey, we're back!"


Aisha almost scowled, having been caught in such an intimate moment, but soon relaxed, confused at her own reaction. She had just wanted a few more moments alone…


"Hey guys." Aisha greeted, pleasantly surprised by the blanket that Rennala offered, wrapping it around herself and her bed partner.


"So, we uh…" Liberta mumbled, scratching the back of her head. "Um… we're back, I guess."


"Come lay down with us." Kaya invited, to which the larger woman obliged, filling up the tent and bedspace with their lithe, slightly-sweaty bodies.


Instantly, the atmosphere became sweltering hot with the heat and stench of tired, sweaty women, the scent infiltrating Aisha's senses like steam.


"Ough." She grimaced. "Ugh… we all need showers."


"I'm too tired for a shower…" Liberta whined, squishing Rennala's thighs as if she was fluffing a pillow, before laying her head on the softness.


"Yeah," Kaya sighed. "Although… we still have to walk back to Sakura City…"


A collective groan sounded through the entire tent.


"I'm never coming here again." Liberta moped, miserably. "Fuck that bitch's stupid mission."


"Oh yeah." Aisha mumbled.


Aisha looked over to the side, where, during her fun with Kaya, she had dumped the few belongings she had with her - the chaos magicite crystal, and…


"Is that the expedition leader's map?" Kaya asked.


"Yeah." Aisha mumbled. "I should… return it."




"Hey, speaking of which…" Aisha hesitated. "How did you guys get out of there?"


Liberta looked at Kaya with an expression full of guilt and shame that the girl didn't return, but spoke nonetheless.


"I don't remember." She whispered. "It was all just a blur… But I saw… the laser come down, and all of a sudden, I was hanging on Kaya's shoulder. And then… we just walked back."


"It's okay." Kaya smiled. "What else are friends for?"


Liberta's face soured. "That doesn't make me feel any better."


"It's okay." Aisha soothed, running a hand over the elf's smooth tummy. "We still love you!"



Liberta was clearly not mollified by the soft words, though they were admittedly genuine - Aisha couldn't blame Liberta, those feelings of inadequacy weren't ones that could just be off-handedly dismissed like that.


"What are we going to do after we get back?" Rennala asked softly, changing the subject.


"I'm going to take a break." Kaya sighed. "I think we all deserve one."

"No, I mean…' The mage shifted uncomfortably. "There's still… the guard to think about, and also…"


"Ugh, that's right." Liberta whined.


"We're also now accessory to whatever plot is stirring up in the capital." Aisha said softly. "It's probably best if we don't split up."


"In case… the assassins?" Kaya asked.



"I don't see what use killing us is." Rennala sighed. "We're just adventurers."

"Powerful mercenaries that can be tricked into doing anything." Aisha said. "Like obtaining a highly controlled substance."



"B-but, you don't think…"


"I don't know." Aisha admitted. "I don't know anything about the politics in this place. And I don't blame any of you if this makes you want to leave and have nothing to do with me anymore. All I can do is promise to protect you. Although you've seen what that entails."


"You saved us." Kaya smiled, tracing a palm down Aisha's cheek. "And you almost laid down your life for our freedoms… I will stay with my cute leader."


"Me too." Rennala said, quickly.


Liberta huffed, the girls trying not to pressure the elf into joining, but unfortunately, the atmosphere, and sheer proximity was having a clear effect on her.


"Whatever." She mumbled. "I'm not going to be like Renna. I… fuck… fine."


"Thank youuu~, Libba!" Aisha cooed playfully, planting a little kiss on the elf's cheek.

"Yeah, Libby!" Kaya laughed as well, joining in the kissing, gently placing her lips on Liberta's ears.


The elf yelped at the sensations of tongues, all of a sudden all over her body, making her yelp and jump in pure sensation - trapped underneath a hell of squishy bodies, all intent on making her squirm.


"Y-yeah…Liberta… mmmph…" Rennala mumbled through a mouthful of thigh.


"You pervert!" .




Aisha hummed happily as she lifted up the flap of the tent, stretching her limbs out in the dawnlight. Even her slight weakness didn't really faze her - it felt good to finally be able to walk around again, after being cooped up in that confined, sweaty space.


Wiping a bit of bodily fluids from the corner of her mouth, she glanced mischievously at the tent behind her before walking on her way.



"You girls are very loud."


"It doesn't matter."


Aisha looked softly at the man in front of her, looking malnourished like the rest of the nameless, but tall, looking like he was really unfit for long walks. She surmised that was why he was stuck doing the desk job - she couldn't tell if the dead look in his eyes was from that, or from the dour atmosphere.


But regardless, she slid the torn, bloody map that had been entrusted to her across the desk, crumpled and dirty, and now covered in sweat.


But despite that, the man unfurled the map like it was a sacred treasure, taking care to not add any more creases into the paper, despite already being so numerous. For a few minutes he paused, taking in the contents of the map, before he closed his eyes, bowing his head respectfully.


A few moments passed while Aisha waited patiently, and after a few moments, the nameless man raised his head again.


"Thank you." He mumbled. "Without your help, the expedition would have been a failure."

"Failure?" Aisha mumbled back. "Then what would you call this?"


"A resounding success."

"Are you serious?"


The nameless nodded, no scorn or judgment in his eyes, just a logical efficiency that Aisha could somewhat admire.


"If every expedition met the same results as this one, then within a millennia, we could claim enough of the wastes to form our own city."


"A millenia..?" Aisha scoffed, shaking her head.. "For that reason, you will just throw away the lives of hundreds of people?"


"You are under a mistaken assumption. The nameless are soulless dregs. Men without purpose. Without life. To become nameless means you give up whatever you were previously."


"In exchange for what?"


"For money." The desk worker said flatly.


"That's ridiculous." Aisha muttered. "You can't be serious."


"Would you lay your life down for someone you love?"


Aisha raised an eyebrow, disarmed by the question, but nonetheless, the answer was easy. 

"Without hesitation."


"Then would you call it ridiculous to lay down your life to make sure your loved ones do not starve? To make sure they are not hunted by soldiers and jailed?"

"You could always hunt." Aisha grumbled.


"You are missing the point."

"Yeah, yeah."


Aisha nodded her head graciously and got up to leave, walking out of the sturdy looking earthquake-proof building with a distant look.


The answer to the nameless's question had come so easily to her, when before…


"Who am I, Aiushtha?" She muttered.


(What do you mean?)


"You know what I mean. You can see inside my soul… My memories. Is there a core there? An 'Aisha?' "




"If you were to rip my soul out and put it in another body, would that be 'Aisha?'"


"What if I were to lose my memories? Would I still act the same way?"


Aiyu's answer came out in a ghostly whisper, almost like the voices she had heard in the wastes, like they were speaking to someone else.

(I don't know.)

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