Aisha wished she didn't have to wake up. For a variety of reasons.
She had... again, again, she had broken down for this woman. Begged her for her affection, for her love, for her hugs. Humiliated herself, debased herself. And the worst part was that mistress would probably never bring it up. Whether out of a genuine kindness, or out of love for Aisha, she would never know. Because she was far too cowardly to ask.
In a way, that was what she despised the most. The softness under her fingertips. The comforting heat that surrounded her. The warm breaths that ghosted over her sensitive ears, washing over her face and neck...
This was her reward for being ungrateful. For trying her hardest to make this woman hate her, she got to sleep in her bed, bask in her affection, and get everything that she wanted and more.
It was... humiliating, and just felt wrong. Being rewarded for being a terrible person, for spending her life trying to tear other people down, out of nothing but pure malice and jealousy. It stripped her of her armor, her excuses. Being born unlucky was no longer an excuse, because, well, she was the luckiest woman in the world.
Aisha's heart ached just thinking about the big woman in her arms, nevermind the proximity. She was just so soft. Stubborn and a bit crass, but also sweet, caring, loving, playful...
She almost wished that Lorian would abuse and beat her, if only to be rid of this... sinking feeling of unworthiness.
For a moment, Aisha considered running away again. Pushing her away, so she didn't have to deal with her feelings. So she didn't have to worry about what would happen when she woke up. About the kisses, the hugs, the little pets and caresses... the way she would rub Aisha's sides with just the tips of her fingers... massaging her gently.
Aisha's arms quivered, trying to complete the pushup. Fatigue ate at her limbs, burning her chest, but she still grit her teeth, trying to summon the last vestiges of strength in her limbs.
"Fourteen." Aisha choked out. She wasn't sure if it was her fourteenth, or if she had already completed her fourteenth. "Come on - fourteen - fourteen - four-"
"You can do it, Aisha!" Lorian cheered happily, clapping her hands and humming.
Gods, how unhelpful. As if encouragement could somehow make her limbs stronger. And yet, with horror, Aisha could feel her arms straightening, and her chest contracting. Her arms locked, and Aisha let all the tension in her body go, collapsing onto the floor in a heap.
(Ugh… that's all I can do for now… 24 squats, 14 push-ups, 27 sit ups...)
She considered pushing herself further, but doubted that over-exerting herself would do any good. Her arms were already beginning to ache at the joints, which couldn't have been beneficial to her training - and although she could just ask her mistress to heal her, she didn't want to bother the big girl.
Healing her because she was hurt was one thing. Healing her because she hurt herself, on purpose, was a whole new level of embarassment.
Though, Aisha noted with a blush, she probably would have healed her anyways.
She flipped over on her back, to see Lorian's smiling face, the sight of which brought one to her own. She tried desperately to stop her lips from curling into a grin, distorting her face, but despite her best efforts she couldn't help herself from smiling, earning herself a little boop on the nose.
She couldn't help it... mistress just made her so... happy.
"Hey! That's the first time you've smiled since we met!" Lorian said excitedly.
"Mmmm..." Aisha mumbled, face flushing red, despite all attempts to stop herself.
"I like it!" Lorian cooed softly, smiling soft and light. "You look really pretty."
Lorian leaned in towards Aisha and giggled, touching their noses together and sending a blush onto the little fey's face. Lorian absolutely loved seeing the various ways she could embarrass the cute girl. Every day, she would get a little more intimate, caress her face in a slightly different way... She was worried that soon she would run out of ways to see that adorable shade of red.
Maybe she should pace herself. Wait until Aisha got used to a form of teasing, before switching it up on her.
But restraint was not one of Lorian's virtues - rather, she giggled madly as she lowered her head again, absolutely relishing the mixed look of fear and need on Aisha's little face. Gods, she was so fucking cute. That wide-eyed look, that ruby blush, was such a nice expression, such an adorable contrast to the hateful, dead expression that she had worn previously.
"M-misstress?" Aisha whispered frantically, as Lorian came closer, terrified - what was she going to do? She didn't know if she could handle any more teasing - she already was feeling so much, she couldn't - "Wait wait wait wai-wai!-"
Lorian could only laugh as she fully lowered herself on top of Aisha, paying no mind to the sweat that stuck to her face as she began to nuzzle Aisha's cheek, holding the girl as she began to squeal, her limbs flailing as the fluffy feeling in her chest began to overflow, with nowhere to go. And without warning, Lorian began to hug Aisha tightly.
The affection in her chest made her heart race and cheeks hot as a confused mess of mewls and whimpers escaped her mouth - she just knew that she felt so overwhelmingly happy, she felt so amazing, so loved - the feeling of weightlessness as her mistress rolled around on the floor with her, the tickling sensation of a soft cheek pressed into her neck, the affectionate heat of the soft chest pressed into her own, she couldn't handle it - she was going to overheat-
And when it was all over, she was left a blushing, panting mess, as her stupid, stupid mistress giggled from below her, arms still loosely wrapped around her waist, stupidly comforting her, being stupid and warm and nice. And with a bit of apprehension, Aisha realized that her own arms were held around her mistress's plush waist, her face buried into her collar - and yet, she could only hug her closer, hiding her blush into the softness.
Eventually, Lorian decided to show mercy on the poor girl and turned on her side, letting Aisha down and getting up. She sat up and crossed her legs, still a little giddy, although the giddiness returned in full force when Aisha meekly pulled her head into Lorian's lap, making sure to face the large girl's tummy to hide her blush.
Lorian just smiled happily as she began to pet and stroke Aisha's head, her fluffy ears twitching needily as every stroke force a shuddering breath of contentment into her own stomach, the warm breaths tickling her delightfully. As she ran her hand over Aisha's slightly damp head, she hummed softly to herself, thinking deeply.
"Hey, you aren't doing anything today, right?" Lorian asked.
"Mnnn... Not really..." Aisha replied, wiping sweat from her face with a hand.
"Why don't you come with me to the university?" Lorian suggested.
"…Why?" Aisha asked, genuinely confused.
"Because I want to spend time with you!" Lorian grinned, her eyes sparkling with an excited, affectionate mirth.
Although Aisha couldn't see Lorian's face, she could practically feel the playful, affectionate energy radiating out from her. How could she say such embarrassing things without hesitation? Why did she say such embarrassing things? And why was Aisha getting all warm and squirmy, when her mistress was the one laying out all these fluffy, soft, lovey-dovey feelings -
Aisha blushed as she nuzzled her nose against Lorian's tummy. Thinking about it made her feel like she was going to pass out.
"MMmm... ok I guess..."
Aisha found herself standing on top of a massive, black teleport stone, the runes engraved into the stone similar to the ones outside her mistress's house, although carved in a much more careful fashion. Black archways rose above her and stretched around her, making a striking contrast to the tall white buildings around her, smooth and faceless, just like the streets, the stones marbly and white. Although, on a closer inspection, they were just painted, the coating strong, but uneven in some places.
Instantly, Aisha felt out of place, in her oversized little white button up and white slacks, sticking out amongst the crows of robed mages, in their heavy, impractical casting robes, dragging along the streets and tripping an unfortunate student, his books and casting materials spilling all over the ground.
Aisha resisted the urge to laugh as another student rushed over and tripped as well - she shouldn't show such malice in front of her mistress... she kind of wanted her to think... that... she was a good girl...
Aisha burned with humiliation as she quickly stole a glance at the woman beside her. The casting robes that looked comically large on the other students fit quite nice on Lorian, although the refined, modest nature of the clothes seemed ill-fitting of the bubbly, playful woman. But as she walked, her robes flowed and parted slightly, flashing Aisha with brief hints of tantalizing side-boob and soft tummy.
Aisha resisted the urge to crawl into those robes and nuzzle that exposed flesh- gods what the fuck was wrong with her-
"Heeeyyy!" A cheerful voice called.
Aisha paused her preparations to slam her head on the ground to look at the two girls that were approaching, both adorned with the same casting robes as the other students. One was a rather pretty girl, her short, tomboyish hair complementing a lithe figure, while the other was tall, with a sharp face, white hair, and piercing eyes. Combined with the muscular frame, Aisha almost could have mistaken the woman for a prince, if not for her narrow shoulders and modest breasts. Although the feature that struck her the most about the girl was the fluffy, twitching ears on top of her head, and the similarly fluffy tail poking out of a slit in the girl's robes. It swished and waved lazily as she walked, almost mesmerizing - even Aisha kind of wanted to grab it.
A compulsion that was clearly shared by the pretty girl as her face broke into a splitting grin, lunging towards the tail and almost catching it, before her hand was swatted away in annoyance.
Huffing and rolling her eyes, the handsome girl turned again to address the two arrivals, but froze at the sight of Aisha, her golden eyes widening slightly, and her tail stiffening. The shorter girl didn't share in her friend's apprehension, walking up to Lorian and beginning to converse absentmindedly, leaving the two fey to speak.
They stared at each other, giving Aisha a good look at the tall woman's golden eyes.
"You are Fey." Her voice came out soft, with a hint of tension.
"And you're Vayura."
"I hope you do not-"
Seeing Fen's stiff posture, and the apprehensive, prepared look in the tall woman's face, Aisha sighed, shaking her head.
"I don't really care about any of the feywood stuff." Aisha said, tilting her head backwards, lazily. "I'm not a part of it anymore, anyways."
With that, the tall girl visibly relaxed, releasing a held breath. She tilted her head with a curious expression as she observed Aisha for a few moments, eyes roaming up and down her short frame, clearly mulling over the meaning behind Aisha's words. But eventually, the tall woman clearly decided to still her tongue on the matter, giving Aisha a knowing look.
When the woman spoke, her voice came out smooth and buttery. It was nice to listen to, like she was a practiced storyteller - in fact, Aisha noted, her smooth hands and markings...
"I am Fenne'ris." She greeted. "But the humes call me Fen. I trust you are Aisha. Lorian speaks much of you."
"Oh. Really." Aisha muttered, all of a sudden staring at her feet, thoughts in a jumble just at the mention of her mistress's name.
Fen smiled, amused at the large change in Aisha's body language - gods, the little girl was so infatuated, it was an absolutely adorable contrast to her piercing intensity. She was absolutely perfect for Lorian.
"Yes. Her liking to you is unmatched by any of her previous suitors." She said, still smiling. "I suspect now that a large reason is because they were not small fey girls."
Aisha looked up at Fen's lame joke, still blushing, but not flustered enough to avoid giving Fen a look of intense distaste, an expression that was unable to look intimidating on such a cute woman. But Fen again chose to stay silent, leaving Aisha to twist her face back into a neutral one.
The silence between them was long, but comfortable, both women looking at each other with relaxed eyes, in a silent show of what might have been respect.
"You are very quiet." Fen said softly, breaking the silence.
"There is not much to say." Aisha replied curtly.
A long silence followed again, and again. Fen was the one to break the silence, smiling softly as she took a few steps closer, stretching her arms in a gesture of relaxation.
"I like you. You are much more tolerable company than the humes. Especially that one."
She motioned with her head towards Akasha.
"She wishes to keep me, like a pet." Fen sniffled. "Ridiculous."
"...Pet?" Aisha asked slowly, her eyes furrowing at the word.
"The humes keep them. Small animals, birds, dogs. They feed them and take care of them. I know not why. Supposedly the humes think they are cute."
"I know what a pet is." Aisha said slowly. "I'm asking.... what you mean by 'keep you'."
"She wishes to own me... ah... feed me, pet me..." Fen clarified, with a slight blush. "Ridiculous."
Fen broke eye contact and turned away to hide her blush, although Aisha didn't catch the motion. freezing in her own thoughts. She had described her exact relationship that she held with Lorian currently. Did she think she was some kind of animal..?
Fen turned back and noticed the distressed look that crept onto her companion's face, quickly clarifying herself before Aisha took her words in a way she didn't intend.
"Ah, worry not!" She assured. "She has turned away many hopeful since her words have spoke of you. Her affection for you goes beyond that of a pet. Far beyond."
Aisha's expression lightened slightly, but still, the thoughts lingered in her head. The thought of being a pet to Lorian... actually didn't sound that bad. After all, it was... exactly what they were currently, and what they were currently, was the happiest Aisha had been for... forever.
But she couldn't shake the aching feeling in her chest. A yearning. For more. Why-
"Aishaaa!" Lorian called. "It's time for my first class! Cmere!"
Aisha's ears twitched as she felt the gaze of Lorian's classmates and instructor on the fey girl currently situated in Lorian's lap. Her sensitive ears caught on well to the poorly hidden, whispered conversations in the room - in fact, she probably would have caught onto them even if she wasn't a fey, and if she had both ears cut off too.
"Who is she?"
"Mother told me that dogs were not to be-"
"Hey! We're not supposed to call them dogs anymore."
"Don't tell me you actually buy into that shit - my dad died to a dog. Pieces of shit. Filthy animals."
"I never took Lorian for a dog lover. She always seemed like such a smart girl."
"I can't believe I asked out a dog lover!"
Ordinarily, Aisha would have let the comments slide off of her, like literal garbage tossed at her body, but for some reason, the comments seemed to stick in her mind - like far too many things did, in recent moments.
She didn't really care that demi-humes were considered trash. That was okay with her. But... the comments directed towards Lorian stung. Not that Aisha cared about the opinion of human waste, but the thought that her presence might be a burden on her...
Aisha craned her neck upwards with a troubled expression, only to meet a blissful, happy smile, her mistress's soft features betraying nothing but a happy contentment, to have Aisha with her. But at the continued distress on Aisha's face, Lorian pouted, frowning slightly with an exaggerated expression of sadness.
Initially worried, Aisha found the thoughts literally squeezed out of her as Lorian nuzzled her TIGHT, forcing her arms against her chest and enveloping Aisha's head in her cleavage. The girl could only blink in response, her mouth opening dumbly before a dopey little smile broke out on her face, accompanied by a faint blush.
Lorian hummed softly as the stares died down, not that she really cared anyway. Eventually, the professor entered the room, and although the old man blinked at the blissed-out, lovestruck girl in one of his students' laps, squished into an already-too-small desk, he began his lesson, his dull, monotone voice leaking out of him like a very bored faucet.
"Please turn in your assignments," He said, and Lorian instantly grew restless, an expression of intense boredom showing visibly on her face. "If you have them, into the basket. You have until tomorrow to complete them, but we will be moving on to the next subject, so if you..."
Lorian groaned as the sound returned to her ears, in the middle of lecture. Boring! It was all stuff she knew, but packaged in a way that made it harder to understand. A bunch of terms that only made it more difficult to understand, muddying the essence of what was actually important - she felt bad for the students that actually wanted to learn magics.
"As you all know, fire magic is one of the 4 primitive types of magic. Today we will be going over the various subcategories of fire magic that can be casted by refining your casting, or combining casting methods with other elements. As you know, the more primitive an element is, the more volatile, so these subcategories are used for things like blacksmithing, while our base fire magic is used for combat…"
Lorian groaned in despair, mentally. Her patience was already wearing thin, and this was with her cuddle toy in her lap, her literal favorite thing.
She clutched Aisha close to her chest. She was so glad she was here... her cuteness gave her a nice distraction to preserve her sanity. She could feel all the stares on her as she did so.
Let them stare! She wanted the world to know that she loved her!
Lorian was brought back to reality by a loud buzz, as the magic powering the projector failed, the old instructor all of a sudden intensely animated as he began to curse and scream at the inanimate piece of rock. She rolled her eyes- the old man seemed to be more passionate about hating technology than actually teaching - although, it was rather entertaining to see him get so ridiculously angry.
"Professor, I think you just have to turn the dial-"
"KILL YOURSELF!" The old man shrieked, the aforementioned student visibly wilting in his chair.
Lorian stifled a laugh, burying her mouth into the top of Aisha's head.
Less eyes stared at Lorian in her next class, as the nature of duels left her unable to hug Aisha while casting spells at her classmates. Aisha stared at the duel going on with disdain, as Lorian casted a pitiful excuse of a fireball, barely going a meter before burning out uselessly on the ground. Her opponent held out her hand, electricity sparking between her fingertips....
For a full minute the girl stood there, her brows furrowed in concentration. Aisha looked at Lorian, who was just standing completely still, watching the girl cast her spell. Eventually the other girl gave up, stepping out of the ring, saying something about a "bad day."
Lorian sat down next to Aisha, not even a single sweat droplet on her forehead. Aisha turned to face her.
"Even the children at my village could cast stronger magic than that." She said, dryly. "I have felt the pain of your healing magic, your offensive magic should be unrivalled."
"I have to fit in here, to make sure that-"
"To make sure they don't know you are Dae-"
Lorian placed her hand on Aisha's mouth, speaking in a hushed whisper.
"Yes! That!"
"If you want to see someone strong, look at Fen! She is still holding back."
Aisha took a look at Fen, the tall girl engaged in a duel with another student. She noted that Fen did not wear the same robes as the others, instead choosing to wear a similar outfit to Lorian, with her shoulders exposed.
The Vayura made a swiping motion with her hand, glowing a dark purple. A massive claw of the same color tore through a poor student's mana shield, making a loud grinding noise and leaving small shards of condensed mana on the ground, that quickly evaporated. They held their hands up, conceding defeat.
Aisha had little example to compare her with, but she guessed that if Fen was still holding back, she was easily the strongest mage she had seen. Except perhaps Xelos… but his capabilities were still unknown.
She shook her head. What was she doing... thinking of that man, on her break day with her mistress.
Lorian's last class of the day was world history… She liked this class, because the instructor was a young, cute girl who wore oversized clothing. Oh, and the class was kind of interesting too.
"Today we're going to be going over the God Wars... please open your textbooks to page 5934.
The god wars is the first recorded event that we know of from history. We know of them because of old stories passed down to us from our ancestors… Ordinarily this wouldn't be proof of an event… but similar stories are present in fey, daemon, and elith stories. In fact, most humes of this world have stories that can be directly or indirectly tied to these wars. Supposedly, at the beginning of creation, there were 5 gods, Alrak, Zaris, Serith, Samara, and Maruna, who lived in harmony with their children.
Zaris was the god of the arcane arts. He was the one who birthed his children, the humes, and taught his descendents the ways of the mystical arts.
Serith was the god of nature. Her children were the spirits, who bred with the humes, and made all the beast races, such as the fey and the vayura - of which, it seems like we have with us today!"
If people weren't staring at Aisha before, they were now. The girl shifted uncomfortably under her gaze, instinctively burying herself a little deeper into her mistress's lap, who kept her still, stroking her chest absentmindedly.
"Anyways," The teacher continued. "Maruna was the god of the soul and rebirth. It was told in legend, that upon her death, her soul, the original soul, split and was taken in by all the humes living, and upon death, a piece of her soul is gifted to another life.
Samara was the god of the heavens, and sister of Maruna. She took the souls of her sister, and those she deemed worthy, she turned into the angels and the reapers.
Alrak was the father of the daemon. Jealous of his brothers and sisters, he left his children to suffer in the deserts, and killed Serith. Upon her death, she transformed herself into a sanctuary for her children, that the fey know as the wood.
Serith's murder sparked the god wars, which ravaged the land and created what we know now as the wastes…"
Lorian looked at the sleeping girl in her arms, stroking her head lovingly, eliciting a small purr. She felt a little guilt for dragging her to the university like this, because truth be told, she didn't really want to go herself. But the magistrate here knew her as a foreigner who came here to study magic. She sighed, thinking to her sisters back in the wastes. They had sent her here because they wanted her to live a better life, with the humes… They didn't realize that she was happy staying with them.
But she supposed it was worth it, at the end. She smiled, kissing the top of Aisha's head. Out of the corner of her eye she could see Fen, staring at her with a strange look. She smiled at her.
Aisha woke up, being brought to their next location in a princess carry. The first thing she saw was Lorian's face, so she wrapped her arms around her neck and nuzzled into her. Lorian rubbed her with her check in response.
"Mistress…" Aisha whispered blearily.
"Did you have a nice nap?" Lorian giggled.
"Mmmmm…" Aisha nuzzled deeper into her mistress.
She heard a giggle and snapped her head around to see Akasha, who had stopped harassing Fen to look at the two girls, covering her mouth with a hand. Fen bashfully turned her head away from the affectionate display, embarrassed at the lovey-dovey display. Aisha didn't want to get down, but Lorian stooped down so that the girl could get out of her arms and walk by herself.
Aisha rubbed the sleep out of her eyes. "Where are we going?" She asked.
"We're going to 275 to eat and hang out."
They arrived at the small building and went in. There was a warm, inviting atmosphere, and the elderly man that ran the restaurant greeted the girls and sat them at a 4 man booth. Aisha sat first, and Fen hurriedly scrambled to sit next to her, looking at the mischievous look in Akasha's eyes. Lorian sat across from Aisha, a pouty expression on her face, as Akasha slid in next to her friend, and across from Fen. The girls ordered, and they began to make idle conversation as they ate. Lorian was unable to feed Aisha from across the table, so the girl had to eat by herself.
The three girls stared at her as she inhaled the large meal that she had ordered, taking small bites, but constantly shoving spoonfuls of food into her mouth. Slowly, an entire bowl of noodles disappeared into her mouth. It had barely been five minutes since she had even received the meal before she had finished the entire thing.
"Wow!" Akasha giggled. "That looked impressive! Do all demihumes eat like that? I know Fen loves her food, but Aisha too, huh?"
The handsome Vayura visibly balked at Akasha's offhanded comment, staring deeply into her half-finished bowl. Her stomach growled with hunger, but despite the fact, her next few bites of food were timid and meek.
Aisha looked at Lorian and Akasha, who were talking about something… girly. Lorian's food sat untouched, as was expected, because the girl didn't need to eat, but Akasha's utensils sat similarly untouched. She decided to not think about it, reaching over the table and taking Lorian's bowl, digging into the food. Her face burned as she realized that Lorian had ordered the same thing as her, knowing that the girl would take her food. She focused on her food, attempting to not make eye contact with the woman, but still listening in on the conversation.
"So how are your sisters back home?" Akasha asked.
"I don't know.... There is no way to send letters in the wastes."
"Have you not thought of just going to see them?"
"The journey's too difficult. And a trip to the wastes would put a lot of suspicion on me..."
"You cannot just teleport to them directly?" Fen asked.
Lorian shook her head. "The mist in the wastes is too thick."
Aisha's ears twitched as she started to mull over what she had overheard.
(What's the mist?) She wondered. (You can't teleport there? Then how did I get there yesterday? Was it a fake wastes or something? There weren't any monsters.)
She supposed it was a possibility... but it was pointless to wonder, with how little it mattered.
Aisha wondered about Lorian's sisters. Did they look like her? Maybe Aisha could visit with her mistress, and then they could all cuddle together...
She stopped herself before she started to drool.
Eventually the girls finished eating and parted ways, after sunset. Aisha saw Fen push Akasha away as the girl attempted to latch onto her side.
"How were my friends? You got along well with Fen!" Lorian asked, swinging her arms happily.
"Do you only have two friends?" Aisha asked.
Lorian's face turned apprehensive. "No… "
Aisha just looked at her mistress.
"I have three." Lorian finally said, with a satisfied look and a sheepish grin.
She smiled at Aisha, taking her hand into her own.
Fen and Akasha watched as the two lovebirds walked off into the sunset, holding hands and just in general, looking quite cute and giggly as their silhouettes turned into just a blob in the distance.
"I'm going to throw up." Fen muttered.
"Huh? Why?" Akasha asked, although she held a knowing grin on her face.
"They are disgusting together." Fen said, grimacing. "It is unnatural. And difficult to watch."
Akasha giggled. "I think they're cute."
"Of course they are cute together!" Fen shot. "It is just... They are so sweet, I feel that my teeth are going to fall out. Bleh."
Akasha raised her eyebrows at Fen's noise. "Did you just say... 'Bleh?' " The tall woman stiffened in response.
"I did not." Fen muttered defensively. "You are imagining things."
"Oh Fen." Akasha giggled. "You don't have to be all stiff with me. I love you!"
Fen sputtered. "W-w-what!? You cannot just-I don't-Don't just say that!"
Akasha's mouth broke out into a wide smile, as the girl started to giggle uncontrollably, putting a hand over her mouth.
"How can you say that they're too cute when you're so adorable yourself?" She asked through her giggles, Fen fuming at the response. The upset, petulant look on the tall, athletic girl, usually so cool and sagely, amused Akasha to no end.
"I'm not cute!"
After more exercises and a bath, Aisha found herself once again in bed with Lorian, reluctantly scooped up into a embarrassing lock, her face forced into close proximity with her mistress's neck. She blushed intensely as her mistress sleepily pet her, the feeling of the soft fur running through her fingers softly lulling the larger woman to sleep.
Aisha also tried to get to sleep, but the gentle shifting of her mistress rubbed their legs together, and the sensation of her amazingly soft and smooth body made Aisha pant.
"L-let me get out." She said pitifully.
"Why...?" Lorian responded, tiredly. "Just sleeep..."
She accentuated her words with a long stroke along the back of Aisha's back, tracing her spine and sending warmth throughout Aisha's back.
"I-I- I forgot to take a pill!" Aisha squeaked.
"Mmmhm" The girl mumbled, reluctantly loosening her arms and letting the small girl out of the bed.
Aisha walked out into the kitchen, away from the suffocating warmth of her mistress that rendered her unable to think. Even though she was away from mistress, and the night was cold, there was still a burning heat in her chest. She could still feel the tingles from where her mistress stroked her back and ears, pleasant sensation radiating from the spots.
She took a tentative hand and reached up, running her hands over the fur of her ears. She felt nothing. It just felt like she was rubbing her ears, similar to if she just rubbed her finger or something.
She blushed pink. (What am I doing? I'm petting myself!)
Aisha hastily removed her hand from her ears, pink in embarrassment. It only felt good when mistress pet her. Her other owners had given her a few curious pets, but... it had never felt so good. Mistress's pets felt like her brain was melting. Just the thought of them sent heat into her chest.
She touched her chest, feeling her heartbeat through her small chest. She felt no burning heat emitting from her pounding heart, even though it felt so real.
The feeling was something she had read in so many cheesy romance novels, when she was a teenager. She just really didn't want to admit it. She was in love with her mistress. And she had it really bad.
(I don't want to love her!.. She's... I don't want to love anyone. She'll never love me back... I've... got nothing to offer her. I c-can't... provide for her, or cook for her, or protect her...
Or even give her children...)
Her ears drooped as her thoughts-
"WaH!" She yelped, surprised, as a cross-looking Lorian appeared in her vision, angry that her pillow had took so long in the kitchen.
"You're taking too long." She grumbled.
Aisha looked down at her feet abashedly as she took in the full view of her mistress. She was so sexy, it hurt to look at her. Everything about her looked so plush and smooth, and her beautifully round face was so pretty, even with the annoyed expression on her face.
Aisha got a great look at her lacy panties and bra, barely containing her wide hips and huge breasts, each perfectly round and as big as Aisha's head.
Lorian grew even more annoyed as Aisha just kind of stood in front of her, blushing and shuffling her feet together. She walked over and picked her up, slinging the girl over her shoulder.
"A-ahh... mistress." Aisha said quietly.
"Yes?" Lorian replied, the annoyance in her voice apparent.
"E-eeeum... nothing."
Aisha was unusually still as she was carried back to their bedroom, gently lain on the bed, Lorian laying down and hugging her tightly. Her head was filled with turmoil as she laid there in her mistress's embrace, the larger woman's breathing and shuffling slowly turning even and deep.