Chapter 7 - Eun Ha

Eun Ha was confused, she was about to make the biggest decision of her life. She quickly freshened up and slipped into a very casual dress. she wore baggy jeans and a tank top.

"Mother, I'll be back, let me talk to Mi Sun".

She took a taxi down to Mi Sun's apartment. She stayed in Jiang estate, they weren't so rich but were well to do, They lived in a 4 bedroom duplex apartment in one of the well-developed areas in the city, she stopped in front of the estate and got in, the estate security had stopped to ask her where she was headed, she then realised he was new, a lot of them knew her and never stopped to ask. she gave the details and made her way to the 5th block where Mi Sun's house was located.

She pressed the doorbell, she was anxious and scared. All she thought of was the money, to her, this was the only alternative she had, none other. she repeatedly told herself she wouldn't carry the man's child, at least that was what she wanted to believe, Mi Sun opened the door, giving her a big hug,

'Eun ha!!!

so happy to see you, come in already she said as they both walked into the apartment, the interiors were spectacular, the walls were made of black wallpaper with a silver lining, the air-conditioned living room had a 56 inches television and a home theatre. the dining was made of a black glass dining table with leather dining chairs.

Eun Ha made her way to the sofa and fell on the soft couch,

"what's up girl, you don't look so good, you look like you've being sent packing out of your home, and haven't eaten for days," she said with a bit of concern

"I'm just tired Mi Sun," she said as tears welled up in her eyes, she was frustrated at this point and tired.

"Oh my! Eun Ha what's wrong?" she knew Eun ha wasn't a weak person, she barely ever cried, in this friendship of theirs she was the cry baby.

"Okay calm down," she said moving closer to Eun Ha, she sat beside her as she placed her head on her shoulders rubbing it

Okay, tell me, what happened to you?"

"my father, they have my father"

"who has your father?" she asked as her eyes widened, this was way more serious than she anticipated.

"The X force, the loan sharks"

"What!!! not again, he borrowed from them again?" she asked rhetorically in disbelief.

it's alright Eun Ha how much is it 10,000 dollars.

"What!!!!! 10,000 dollars??? that's huge" she exclaimed

"I just need your help right now Mi Sun I don't want him to die."

"I understand, it's okay

how much do you have currently?"

"a little above 2000 dollars, It's my life savings" she responded wiping the tear that dropped from the side of her face.

Okay, I don't have that much now, I just paid my tuition and my father you know how he is, he would never agree."

"I understand"

I can get you 3000 bucks, will you be able to get 5000 bucks"

"I doubt that," she said sniffling, even if I mortgage the house it won't be enough and I'd be running into more debts, I'll need a better job of which I'm not confident it would be able to get it.

"hmmm" Mi Sun sighed, she wanted to help her friend, but this was beyond her. her hands were tied.

"Mi Sun, there is a way," she said calmly

"really? which is?"

I met someone yesterday at the hotel, and he offered to help me with the money, on one condition.

what's that? Mi Sun inquired impatiently

"contract pregnancy"



"and what did you say?"

"I declined"

"you declined?? for what reasons Eun Ha? your father's life is on the line and what exactly are you considering to be greater than that."

"it could ruin my life, I have made enough sacrifices for them."

Mi Sun stopped to think for a bit, she was right, she had done so much for her family and what have they done in return? they have made her life more miserable.

" okay I understand you, I apologise for my reaction earlier"

"so what are you going to do?"

"I don't know, they will kill him by6:00 pm this evening if they don't get their money, I can't go to the police if I do, he'd be dead before they get to him and I'll lose everything and we'll be in more danger."

"I just want this to go away," she said with a faint voice.

I'll get the $3000 from you and go to the bank to see if I can get a loan from them.

have you asked Park Jin Hoo?

"no I don't want to bother him, it's quite a huge favour to ask."

Eun Ha had turned Park Ji Hoo proposal and they had been good friends since then, she didn't consider him earlier because she couldn't bring herself to ask such a huge favour from him.

she knew he could probably afford to give her the money.

"you can try," she said with a wink

making Eun Ha chuckle slightly "Naughty you"

oka, I'll give him a call if I can't get any help from the bank."

Whatever happens, just let me know," Mi Sun said hugging Eun Ha tightly.

"you'll be fine girl, I know you will"

they bid their goodbyes as Eun Ha placed a phone call to Ji Hoo.

"Eun a" as he usually called her

"Jin she said distressingly"

"are you okay? hold on, have you been crying?"

"where are you?"

"I'm just leaving Mi Sun's apartment,"

"Okay hold up, I'll come to pick you up"

Ji Hoo had spent the night with a prostitute he picked up from the bar the previous night, he was a Playboy, he had the looks and the money, Eun Ha had met him through Mi Sun, he attended the same college as Mi Sun and she had been there for Mi Sun graduation, she had been in the lobby waiting for her and had decided to walk to the cafeteria to get a cup of coffee, she bought two cups of it and carried it with both hands she had been distracted by her phone ringing in her bag and had not noticed person coming, they bumped into each other while the coffee spilt on his shirt, she felt embarrassed and had apologized to a fault, which made Ji hoo pick an interest in her, she was attractive and she had the most innocent looking eyes he had ever seen.

If he had thought she was calm and quiet, he knew he had thought wrongly now.

but he had liked her ever since maybe he wanted to just toil with her emotions as he did with the rest, well... it didn't matter, one thing was for sure, she wasn't interested in him, but they had been good friends notwithstanding.

After 3 minutes of waiting outside the estate, a black sedan pulled over,

" Eun a get in already,"

she smiled slightly and opened the front door of the car, sitting close to him.

"you don't look good, what happened to you?"

Eun Ha explained it all to Ji hoo.

he listened to her and saw this as an opportunity, he's had a huge crush on her and she had refused him, perhaps this time she'd be desperate enough to agree.

oka,y I'll give you the money, "but...

But what?! Eun Ha asked impatiently

"you will have to sleep with me."