Herman packed his things, this time he was really serious about leaving vino's house, he already had another job, channeling his hobby as a streaming host, but when he pulled the door handle a husband and wife surprised him.
"Why did you bring the things you had?" Vira looked surprised, she looked at the luggage in Herman's hand who was working.
Herman was also surprised, he looked at vino's face then Vira in turn, "I can't believe if you guys go home today, I happened to have packed my things so I decided to get out of this house, you guys have spent quality time so I won't disturbing your household again, now I'm completely relieved to let you go," said Herman to vino.
"No, no, what you have said, you will continue to live with us." Hearing Vira's words, Herman was surprised.
why does he have to stay here, isn't it time for Vino and Vira's relationship to be better, Herman, winked to give a code to Vino.