Chereads / Yellow Hoodie Girl / Chapter 1 - Once upon a time....

Yellow Hoodie Girl

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Chapter 1 - Once upon a time....

The brown broken signboard stood proudly in front of the forest. On the brown signboard was written "Mystery forest" in the dark red ink. The font writing looks like when you guys went to haunted house. This forest was called "Mystery forest" because of something odd, mystery that happen in the sizeable and beautiful forest, that the big and strong tree full cover the forest.

In the middle of mystery forest, there was a batch of people was camping and having campfire. The batch of people, which is their name, Elly, William, Sana, Bentley, Alia, and Jordan.

The sound of crickets having a concert in the forest. The darkness encloses the whole sky. The fire on the center of ground lit up beautifully. The group was laughing and chatting happily until one of them feels boring.

"Guys, do you know a true story about wandering ghost in this forest?" asked William.

"No! please do not tell a ghost story in the middle of night in forest!" Elly sound scared.

"Sound cool." Sana, Bentley, and Jordan shouted excitedly.

The group shifted their body closed to each other while waiting to listen of the William story.

"Alright, cool. Listen, I heard this story based on the folks that I accidently eavesdropping. They said that there was a beautiful girl that always wears yellow hoodie, went to this forest, and come back home when twilight. One day, she did not come back, the villagers just found strange because she did not come back from the forest until midnight…."

"Wait! I know…. I know. I think she was died, right?" Sana asked William excitedly.

"My story did was not finish yet. Just listen." William chuckled.

"So, the next day, all of the villagers had a meeting and all of them suggest that they should find this girl. All of them were seeking in the forest until the night come but they could not find the girl. The next day, they went to police station to report it. Soon, the police searched for the girl but did not find it until the end of the month. So, they closed this cased and make a statement that she died." William ends the story.

"That's it?" Sana asked.

"Yeah, that's it. They closed the cased." William answer.

"Guys, I think she did not dead yet. How you guys think?" Elly questions them strangely.

"I think she dead. Because she suddenly disappears. Maybe she was been eaten by wild animals?" Jordan answer.

"I think she be possessed by ghost." Sana answers excitedly.

"No way! You just watched horror movie to much Sana." Elly answer while her voice sound stuttered.

"What do you think Alia?" Jordan asked while raised his eyebrow.

Alia fidget her fingers while looked at them one by one.

"Humm...I think, she…. has been... killed..." Alia answer slowly.

"Why? I think she run away from her home. Maybe she has conflict with her family or the villagers I guess?" Elly answer while shrugged.

"Can you elaborate it?" William asked questionably.

"Well…. I just guess. Because…. hmmm…." Alia answer slowly.

"Liam, do not pressure Alia too much." Jordan glared towards William.

"Ok…Ok…relax bro." William surrendered.

Alia took deep breath and told them.

"Alright, I will…. tell you. This is based on what I understand…...she always went to forest alone. Do you guys know why she went there?" Alia asked them.

All of them shaking their head.

"I think she have an affair in there. Maybe her family did not bless their relationship. I think her family was poor, so they want their daughter to marry with an old richer in their village, but she did not want and told them that she has boyfriend. So, her family has beaten her, and she went to the forest to meet her boyfriend…."

"So, how she had been killed? Maybe her boyfriend killed her?" William asked questionably.

"No!" Alia shouted angrily and her shout was echoed around the forest.

Everybody looked at her shocked and the goosebumps soon clinging their body.

"I am sorry…. hmmm…. I think…. that her family killed her." Alia slowly answers.

"Why did you think her family killed her?" Sana asked.

"Humm…. maybe…...when she did not return home her family searched her in the midnight and found her with her boyfriend. So, to defend their love, her boyfriend told her family that he will be responsible with their daughter. But her family did not buy it because he was poor. Her father found the thick branch and beat her boyfriend and she cried while protecting her boyfriend." Alia tears drop and she hurry swipe the tears.

"So, she died when protecting her boyfriend?" Sana question while drink cup of hot chocolate.

"No, I think that she and her boyfriend did not dead?" Elly answers bluntly.

"Alia, how do you think that she had been killed?" William asked while looking at Alia and raised his eyebrow.

"I do not know…." Alia answer and sighs quietly.

"So, I think this was end of the story right. We do not know whether they died or not. Or maybe we asked her family." Sana asked them.

"No, I heard that her family was dead because they stressed her daughter did not come back home." William answer.

"Alright, I think that it is. Let us go to sleep. It's almost 2 a.m." Jordan tells them while look at his watch.

Everybody agreed and went to their tent except Alia.

"Alia did you not want to sleep?" Jordan asked softly.

"I will…. but…. just give me a second." Alia answer slowly.

"Alright, just do not stayed too long okay. It is pretty cold here." Jordan answers while hug his body shivering.

Alia keep silent and nodded. That night when silent suddenly, only the sound of windy whisper. Alia keep sitting near the campfire when everybody goes to their tent for a long time. The fire was blowing harshly because of fight with the wind. Soon, the sound of sobbing mixed with the eerie laughing. Alia was crying in tears of blood and her clothes was full of dark red. She suddenly smiles creepily and looked at the tent one by one, chuckled, and disappear.

The group in the tent did not realize that night, Alia was wearing a yellow hoodie.