Chereads / Nothing But the Internet / Chapter 15 - The Pussy Squad Comes to You

Chapter 15 - The Pussy Squad Comes to You


It was raining heavily outside. Alphonso glanced out the window and all he saw was a torrent of rain kicking up a storm beyond the balcony of the hotel where he was staying. Ain't no way in hell anyone's getting any fun today, not under this shit, he thought to himself before letting the curtain fall back into place. He scratched an itch under his T-shirt, then went and slumped on the bed in the single room he was sheltering at. What made it worse was that he knew even without the rain, he shouldn't be venturing beyond the compound. The city was under permanent lockdown. All morning they had repeated the string of appropriate warning on the news; he had even received text messages affirming the same. Stay indoors, maintain a safe distance from other individuals, report to the nearest health clinic if getting any symptoms of fever/flu. Basically, try not to do anything stupid to catch the fucking infectious virus circulating the world.

Even from where he lay, he could hear the invasive noise of rain interspersed with claps of thunder. The TV was off, and even that was a bore—nothing to watch except sit-com re-runs, boring old movies, and the news. Right now, he could do without the news. What he needed was some pussy. Didn't matter what type—pussy was fucking pussy—or what age-grade—Milf, snow bunny, cougar (hell, he'd take a redneck skank if she smelled good)—as long as the bitch knew how to work it. Al felt his penis come alive in his jeans as he lay there locked in his fantasy. Damn! What's a brother to do to get laid in this fucking town!

Al grabbed his phone beside him and scrolled through his contact list before finding the right number then pressed the dial button. A voice at the other end came on in seconds.

"Yo, Al! What'd up, my man?"

"Shiit, Jimmy, you don't even know, negro," Al sighed before continuing, "Man, I got into town on the worst motherfucking day. They got me on quarantine lockdown. My ass can't go nowhere right now."

"Yeah, it's a bummer. It's all over the country, man—hell, the whole world's talkin' about COVID-19 right now. Damn thing's scary than a horror flick. Where you holding up at?"

"A joint down on Pilsbury Road—The Continental Lodge. Some fucking lodge it is. Only thing close by is a Seven-Eleven that's next door."

"How come you didn't head straight to town? You know I've got enough room in the crib."

"Yeah, but your old lady don't like me that much. Anyway, I didn't wanna bother you and your folk. Plus, I'm only supposed to be in town for a night."

"Hate to tell ya, but it looks as though that shit's canceled, bro. Word on the news is they're shutting down the airport."

Al cursed aloud and slapped his palm on his thigh. As if his day couldn't get any worse. "That's my luck. I'll probably be on here for a week."

"Yeah. You got bread on you?"

"You know me, man. Money ain't my problem." He went to the window and spied past the curtains. "Fucking raining cats and dogs outside, too."

"Same here. You bring enough clothes to last you through the haul?"

"Ain't got clothes to worry about, Jimmy. What's bugging is what a brother's gonna do to pass the time. I was thinking how I wish I had me some pussy right now."

Jimmy burst into laughter.

"Alphonso! Man, all these years you ain't never changed."

"Fuck you, motherfucker," Al laughed with him, "I ain't the one that got you pussy-whipped into marriage. That's your cup of tea. I've got my needs."

"Ain't that a bitch. So why not wander about the hotel, maybe your ass might get lucky and catch yourself some piece of honey to give it to you."

"Yeah, maybe. But I can't right now 'cos of the fucking rain. I'd be soaked by the time I make it down to the lobby."

"I've got an idea," Jimmy exclaimed, "how about the Pussy Squad? Give 'em a call."

"Pussy Squad?" Al turned away from the window. "The fuck is that?"

"It's a sort of escort service strictly meant for brothers only. It's horny white chicks that love to bang brothers. It'd cost you a hundred, but truth is they'd slash you a discount only if you give 'em a good fuck."

"The Pussy Squad. You shittin' me, Jimmy?"

"Nah, man. What I'm tellin' you is legit. You can check on them online if you think I'm lying."

"I just ain't never heard of this. They some hookers?"

"Nah, these ain't your average street hustlers, man. These are legit horny white bitches that love nothing but dark meat. They all about fucking or getting fucked by brothers, Al. I'm telling you, it's real."

"Wait a minute, you tried them before?"

"Fuck yeah," Jimmy declared, then lowered his voice, "Some friends of mine set it up on my bachelor night. But that's between us, man. Linda would go ape-shit if she found out."

"Yeah, yeah, don't sweat it. Your secret's my secret. Just tell me this shit is real, and not some online scam shit."

"Won't be tellin' you it's so if I hadn't tried it, would I? Take my word for it, check out their website, fill out a form that's on there, make the necessary payment, and presto. They gonna come to you, you ain't have to go find them."

"Do I just type pussy squad and it's gonna pop up?"

"Yep, simple as that, bro. Gotta go, Linda's hollering my name. Give me a try, Al. You want pussy, this is the next best thing you can have. Talk later, bud."

"Yeah, later."

The call ended. Al went and pulled up a chair across the room and sat at the table. He thought about what his friend had said, and pondered whether to give it a shot or not. He went digging in his carry-on bag and took out his iPad and brought it to the table. He inputted the hotel's Wi-Fi password, then Google-searched the name. To his surprise, the name, including its site address, actually came up.

Al thought for a moment, then figured what the hell, and clicked on the address.


The site announced itself in bold, glossy letters. There were cartoon drawings of salacious-looking broads in fetish outfits—one was a nurse, another was a cop, and another a lifeguard—and below were two separate words: ENTER and EXIT.

Alphonso McNeely clicked on ENTER.

The website was eye-catching but unassuming. It had photos and video gallery featuring an assortment of women. They ranged in different sizes, from slim to athletic, to BBW-type chicks, as well as age range. They wore skimpy outfits showcasing their bodacious assets to the camera. Al went about perusing the women's bio pages. Neither one looked like professional porn stars, not even from the stuff he read about them. The older wives looked more like next-door housewives. Only a few were in their twenties; the oldest chick was in her seventies. Gaddamn! There sure ain't no retirement plan for horny broads out there.

Al continued combing through the website. He was no stranger to adult/swingers sites, but this was fascinating. He barely knew when the downpour began to lighten. His erection was nudging in his jeans as he played several videos of the women having sexual fun with respective clients. All the men were black, most of them had their faces blurred or blacked out, but not the women. The women looked like they were enjoying themselves more.

Done with the videos, Alphonso read some user's comments and testimonials posted on the site. Feeling emboldened, he clicked on a link that took him to the sign-up page. Al typed in his details, but in the place that required his address, he used that belonging to his friend. Since he wasn't from around here, there's no way he could tell if the escort service operated out of state. He clicked on the REQUEST page and began filling their question boxes, including a sub-section requiring his health details, and if at all, he was suffering from any known ailment/illness, including the pandemic coronavirus. It took him a long time to answer the questions. He looked at his watch by the time he was almost finished and saw that it was a quarter past noon. The last remaining detail was his credit card information, then came the easy part: how soon would he like a visit, and where.

Alphonse licked his lips as he typed in his answer. "As soon as fucking possible, thank you very much," he chuckled, then included the hotel's address and his room number, as well as his phone number.

He received a confirmation saying he would be receiving a call from the establishment soon. Alphonso signed off from the page and sat back with relief. It felt as though he had exerted himself with all the writing he had submitted. The expectant call came in less than five minutes later. A woman with a Mid-Western twang in her voice spoke to him.

"Hi. Am I onto Alphonso McNeely?"

"Yes, this is him," Al replied.

"Good. This is the Pussy Squad hotline. You put in a Pussy Squad request for a scheduled visit. I want you to confirm for me the address where you're staying at."

The woman read out the address of the Continental Lodge that Al had inputted. He replied that the address was correct.

"Very well. Your designated escort will be there in a few hours," the woman said, "I suggest you remain in your room and don't leave. Please confirm for me once again that you have no flu or coronavirus symptoms."

"No, I'm in good health."

"And you have no possible sexually transmittable diseases?"

"None whatsoever," he said.

"That's great. Your escort might inquire further to make sure you're in good health. This measure is for our benefit, I'm sure you understand."

"Yeah, sure. Whatever you want," Al replied. Already he was growing irritated from the line of questions.

"Thank you once again for your response. If you have any questions regarding our services, don't be afraid to call, or send us a message through our web page. Have yourself a nice day."

"Yes, thank you, too."

Al was only too happy the call was over. He felt better with himself after dropping his phone. His penis, too, could sense the anticipation of pussy. The question was what to do until his escort arrived. Alphonso peered out the window and was happy to see the downpour had reduced. It was a good thing, too, because he was starting to get the munchies.

He opened his door and headed downstairs to the lobby.

There were several people in there. Al couldn't tell if, like him, they were accommodating themselves in the lodge or waiting for the downpour to dissipate. Already the clouds were breaking to let the sunshine through.

Al approached a buffet table that had been set up at a corner of the room, away from several lounge chairs where few people mingled. He wasn't the only one at the table. He grabbed himself a plate with utensils and a tray and stood in line behind a platinum-blonde woman in a beige suit, wearing owl-shaped pair of glasses on her face. The woman took a moment to glance at him before returning to pick out her meal. Al went about selecting croissants, salad, and cupcakes on his plate. He didn't intend to eat much, just something to assuage him until his woman arrived. He went to a refreshment table and poured himself a cup of coffee.


Al turned toward the voice and saw that it came from the platinum-blonde. The woman was staring at a large bay window that faced the lodge's parking grounds. He realized she was addressing the onslaught of rain that had kicked up once again. The woman looked at him and blushed as she saw he had overheard her cursing. Her hazel pair of eyes seemed to glimmer behind her glasses.

"I'm sorry," she said. "I thought the rain would have stopped by now."

"So did I," Alphonso replied. He made a way for her to get to the table and help herself to a cup of tea. "You wanting to get to somewhere?"

"Not anymore. Not in this weather."

Al found himself a table; the woman came and sat across from him. They introduced themselves to each other. Her name was Linda, and she looked to be in her forties. She arrived from out of state two days ago for a company meeting scheduled weeks ago, but with the quarantine in full effect, she had opted to remain at the lodge waiting to receive word if the meeting was canceled or not. The last call she got was for her to stay put.

"I'd love to get back on a plane and jet out of here," she was talking fast as she forked cheesecake into her mouth, "but that's cutting my flight schedule in ways that's going to cost me plenty. And that's if the authorities haven't closed down the airports seriously, which I fear they have."

"Yeah, it's a bummer," Alphonso agreed. "I'm in the same boat as you."

"You're not from around here?"

"No, I arrived yesterday. All hell's come loose since then."

"Yeah. This coronavirus thing is a huge letdown." She consumed her cheesecake, pushed her glasses up her nose while lost in thought. "What's most depressing is there's absolutely nothing better to do."

"Nothing better to do?" Al raised an eyebrow as if only now admitting to some shared kingship with the woman.

He glanced about the room and observed other people conversing, whereas others sauntered about as though shell-shocked and perplexed by the sight of the ongoing downpour. A family of four occupied a table ten feet from theirs. The dad had a pitiful look about himself as he too was gazing outside, while his wife struggled to quiet down the little tots.

"It's so quiet in my room," Linda mused despondently, again adjusting her glasses on her nose. "I've been up all morning watching the news. So many people are getting sick and dying—so horrible and depressing. It's like the world's coming to an end, and here I am, stuck at this lodge. That makes things even worst."

"You can find something to do to while away the time," Alphonso politely suggested while sipping his coffee.

In reality, he had no idea what he was talking about, except it felt good sitting here chatting with someone. Not just any someone either—a woman! God, ain't that what he'd been wanting since? A warm-blooded female to possibly screw and chat with. Linda wasn't that gorgeous. Matter of fact, if he were to pick her out of a line of beauties based on his standard of choice, she would be near the bottom litter. However, these were trying times, and a brother's got to make do with whatever bird that's in his hand. He noticed the outline of a ring on her finger; she wasn't wearing any. Likely she was super-bored like him and had come down here searching for some company.

"What do you mean by something?" Linda inquired.

Al shrugged his shoulders. "I dunno. Read a book, or maybe fall back to bed."

"Been there and done that already," Linda snorted. "And no, I didn't come with any book. I've got nothing except boring office notes and my diary, and those I can't stand to look at anymore. What about you?"

"What about me?"

"What are you going to do to pass the time? Got any well-thought-out plans?"

Alphonso reckoned the woman was seriously tempting him. His penis was itching in his jeans; he could barely ignore it. "I've got a few in mind, yeah," he said carefully.

"Care to share? I mean, that's if you don't mind."

Al caught the eagerness in her eyes but couldn't decide what it meant. What the hell, he had already staked himself into the conversation, might as well see where the chips fall.

"I'm alone and lonely here, and likely you are too, and it's pouring rain outside. I suggest we both upstairs and have sex."

A brief but tense silence passed between them. Alphonso maintained his stare at Linda, whose feature underwent a drastic change of emotion. Her eyes grew wide, and her cheeks glowed red as if she had unexpectedly swallowed the sun. He expected two things to happen immediately: she would curse him then hurl the content of her tea at his face, or she would accept his offer without question. Neither was the case.

Linda glared viciously at him. "Do you dare take me for a prostitute?"

"No," Alphonso answered, surprised by his calm demeanor. "Just figured you'd want to do something to pass the time, that's all."

"I'm not that type of woman. And I'm sorry I wasted my time talking to you. Good day." She rose to her feet with her tray in hand and marched away from him.

Alphonso watched as she went and dumped what remained of her meal down the chute of a trash bin. She dropped her tray on a counter then strutted out of the lobby. He was disappointed but simultaneously grateful that she had turned him down without making any dramatic scene. Alphonse checked his watch, then finished with his meal, and went and disposed of his tray. There was nothing to further keep him there in the lobby. He walked back to his room.

He glanced about hoping to run into Linda once more and likely apologize for his approach. Not sighting her at all, he came to his door and let himself inside. Oh well, at least he had his impending date to look forward to, he thought. Depending how soon the escort got here.


Alphonso fell on the bed and was asleep within minutes. He would have slept onward if his phone hadn't begun to ring. Al stirred awake and ran his hand over his face. He scrambled for his phone, didn't recognize the number, but still answered the call.

"Hello?" he murmured.

"Is this Alphonso McNeely?" a woman with a southern twang inquired.

"Yeah, sure, it's me."

"Can you please come to the door? I've been standing out here for a while now."

Al's senses came to him in an instant. "Yeah. Just a second."

He ended the call, then went and unlocked the door and opened it.

The rain shower had stopped, but what held Alphonso's attention was the voluptuous-looking blonde in a cop's uniform standing there. The woman had on aviator shades that reflected Al's feature at him. She wore leather gloves and wielded a baton in one hand.

"Good evening," the woman addressed him. "I'm Officer Sallie. The lodge sent us a notice about some complaints coming from this room."

"Complaints? What sort of complaints are we talking about, officer?"

"It'll be better explained if I come inside, Mr. McNeely."

Al invited her inside, and she then took off her shades and gazed about the room, sniffing the air as though she perceived something strange.

"Are you alone?"

"Yes, I sure as hell am."

"Quit that tone of voice with me, boy," she snapped and waved a finger at him. "I'm picking up some marijuana stink in here. You been smoking any reefer? You got any on you?"

"No, officer. I don't fucking smoke ever."

"That's what men like you always say," she sneered, then shoved him against the wall. "Assume the fucking position and spread 'em—ya know the drill—don't make me fucking ask twice. I'll bet you've got some illegal shit on you."

She pressed Alphonso against the wall and propped him to splay his hands above his head and then proceeded with a gruff body search. She stopped her hand grabbed at his crotch, squeezing his tool.

"What is this? What the fuck is this?" she turned him around and thrust her baton against his chin. Her hand continued squeezing his crotch.

"Ain't nothing to do with you, officer," Alphonso pleaded. "Look here, I just got into town, I'm alone all by myself."

"I don't give a shit if you're homesick. I wanna know why you got a hard-on in my fucking presence. This the type of shit ya wanna try pulling here?"

"No, no, office. I'm sorry."

"Damn right you fucking sorry," Officer Sallie slid to her knees, still groping his crotch. "Don't ya fucking move, boy. We're gonna see just how sorry you are."

Alphonso kept still as he then watched Sallie unzip his fly, reached a leather-gloved hand into his briefs to extract his phallus. She purred as she stroked his cock to full erection, letting pre-cum drip on her bust.

"Yeah, you Negroes always got a big black dick to offer a horny bitch," she murmured. "I hope you're up for this, boy. You're getting a joy ride if you don't give me what I want."

She rolled her tongue around the swollen cap of his penis before ingesting more of him. Alphonso tensed as he felt an absorbing sensation rise from his groin to his brain. He felt tiny hairs in the back of his neck stand out as through electrified, and goosebumps stretched across his arms. Officer Sallie went on tugging at his cock, deep-throating his shaft like she was sucking on a lollipop. Her head jerked from side to side as she rolled his cock in her mouth. Her lips pulled on his foreskin just as her hand continued stroking him.

"This is such a gorgeous looking cock you've got here," Sallie remarked as she then slapped his cock repeatedly against her cheek, coating her face with saliva. She gave him a leering stare that emphasized her horniness. "I bet you know how to use it, don't you, big boy."

"Fuck yeah I do, bitch," Al answered. "How about you step back and lemme show ya."

Sallie smiled then rose to her feet. She flung aside her police hat, then undid the buttons of her cop outfit. Al took off his shirt, then hurried toward working his feet out of his jeans. Sallie discarded her blouse, but kept her bra; her tits resembled cantaloupes wanting to jump out of her bra cups. She sat on the bed and pulled up her skirt for Alphonso to see what he had paid for.

"My fucking God," Al gasped as he fixed his eyes on her pussy as he clumsily struggled out of his briefs. "Oh man, that's some fucking view I'm looking at," he remarked.

"Better come over and get at it before it gets cold," Sallie chuckled while slapping her hand on her pussy.

Al came and dropped to his knees and wrapped his arm under her thigh then pulled her crotch toward his face. Sallie rested both hands on his head, compelling him to consume more of her. She squirmed and made mewling cries as his tongue ravished the enticing warmth that was her vagina. She fell back on the bed and continued thrashing her body, responding to his tongue probes. Dirty talk spewed forth from her lips the whole time she thrust her pelvis onto Alphonso's face.

"OOhhhh yeah, yeah . . . keep eatin' that pussy, boy! Awww . . . Aaahhh fuck, you've got quite a good pair of lips on ya! Uuhhhh yeah, keep on tasting that sweet pussy," she panted aloud while jerking her pelvis at his face, "I can't fucking wait to see what ya gonna do to me with that fancy cock of yours."

Alphonso was hyped and charged like a battery. His cock stood like a tentpole, dripping pre-cum, ready for battle.

He climbed onto the bed, and Sallie got to suck his cock for a while before mounting him.

"Yeah, this cock looks strong," she mused as she wielded his shaft and tucked it between her legs. "Let's put you to work and see what ya can do for me."

"Put that dick in your cunt and then I'll fuckin' show ya something," Alphonso replied.

Sallie rubbed the tip of his dick against her labia, teasing him, before pushing it past her entry wall.

"Oh fuck yeah!" she gasped as Al's prick slid into her tight cunt. "That's the fuck I'm talking 'bout."

Her buttock settled on Al's pelvis as her cunt swallowed his prick and her hips began earnestly bucking against him. Her tits bounced and jiggled in her bra. She fanned her head from side to side as she, too, got swept in the euphoria of their activity. Alphonso attempted to free her tits out of her bra cups. Sallie unclasped her bra, and then her pendulum pair of tits fell into his awaiting hands.

"Aahhh! Awwhhh yeah," she bucked her hips faster, "you sure know how to make a southern bitch proud," she crackled.

Al's hands grasped her buttock. He struggled to work his hips and thighs to match her vigor. Sallie's large buttock barely gave him room to make good with his thrusts. That plus the steady manner she was rocking her hips back and forth made it seemed as though she was gaining the upper hand. Al wasn't happy about that, especially as he continued listening to her cat-calling him, goading him to do what he had promised.

"You ain't fucking me back, boy," she leered. "I thought you boys knew what to do with your big black cocks. Uuhhh! You're getting me disappointed here."

"Bitch, I'm just getting fucking started on your ass!" Alphonso growled.

Al pinned her down with one arm wrapped around her backside, while the other grabbed on tight to her butt cheek. He lifted his legs into an inverted angle and proceeded to thrust upwards as fast and as hard as his thigh muscles could muster. Sallie's tits pressed against his face while he panted strenuously as he kept on his frantic fervor. Him pinning Sallie to his torso seemed to do the trick, as he got a momentous whimpering report from her that grew louder as he went on fucking her. Al felt like celebrating the more he listened to her harsh cries.


Sallie raked her fingers against his shoulder, and still, Alphonso kept up his ramming thrusts. He let go of her seconds later and was surprised when she remained as she was, not moving a muscle but relinquishing control and letting him take charge of her. Al slowed his pace and took a moment to catch his breath. He slapped her buttock while he lay there, gasping and sweating. His cock remained jammed inside her pussy; it felt like it was swimming in a river of flowing cum.

"OHH YES!" Sallie exclaimed, "that's how I want to be fucked, ya hear me, boy? Go on, then. Don't fucking stop, or you'll get me mad here."

Al didn't want to stop either. He felt possessed of some exotic new energy as his body kicked back into action, and he resumed feeding his cock in and out of her pussy. Officer Sallie was now rocking her buttock against him, wanting more of his cock each time he pulled out. Al grasped her butt with both hands. He slid his fingers down into her ass crack and inserted a finger into her anal orifice.

He turned over on his side, pulling Sallie along with him. She locked her feet as he then had her on her back. Alphonso drew his knees under her buttock and went on slamming his bulk on top of her. Sallie groaned and gasped in response, taking his cock all the way. He slid his hands underneath her skirt to grasp her buttocks and went on grinding his pelvis against her.

There came a knock on the door that got them to stop. Al groaned in annoyance while Sallie slapped his shoulder and continued thrusting against him.

"Better not stop, ya hear," she warned him. "The fuck is that anyway?"

"Dunno. I'd best go see. Might be the management."

Sallie groaned as he pulled out of her. Alphonso thought of putting on some clothes but feared that might kill the remainder of his sexual appetite.

There came a knock on his door again; Al wiped the sweat from his face before opening the door.

He was startled to find Linda standing there, and made sure he had the door between them to shield his naked body. Too late, Linda caught a glimpse of his nudity and embarrassed standing there.

"Hey, what's up?" Alphonso broke the tense silence.

"Hi," Linda replied. Her cheeks glowed red as she attempted to find her voice. "I'm sorry . . . I asked the man at the lobby for your room number. I came because I wanted to apologize . . . the way I responded to you was unnecessary—"

"No, no, no need to apologize. I was out of line saying that—"

"Who the fuck is that?" Sallie called as she came from behind Alphonso. "You expecting some other chick beside me, honey?"

He wanted to head her off, but too late, she pushed the door further open, exposing their nudity for all to see. Al caught the shocked look on Linda's eyes as she saw Sallie. Her eyes expanded in size behind her glasses, and she uttered a gasp, while Sallie stood there, unashamed about her nude self.

"Hi," Sallie addressed Linda, "you wanna come and join in the fun, or ya just wanna watch? Be cool to watch."

Alphonso was so flabbergasted he couldn't think of any credible response. Linda spotted a ghastly expression on her face, as though Sallie had slapped her; even she didn't know how to respond. When she finally spoke, her voice came in a stammering whisper.

"Well, I think . . . I think I'll leave you alone . . . for now," she addressed Al. "I'm in Room 57. If you find the time . . . I'll be seeing you."

She turned and headed toward the stairs. Al wanted to say something, but the words didn't make it to his mouth. It was Sallie who then closed the door, turned the key in the lock, and then led him back to bed.

"Whoever that bitch is," Sallie said as she climbed back on the bed, "ain't no way in tarnation's hell she's coming between me and this gorgeous black dick of yours. Come on, big boy. Show me what ya got. Make this slut's pussy sing!"

Sallie twerked her booty at Alphonso who stood there stroking life back into his hard-on. Apprising her swinging buttock got his erection back to full hardness as he then jumped onto the bed and plugged her pussy. Sallie rested her face on a pillow while sticking up her butt at him. Alphonso gripped the top of her skirt as he got busy slamming her with every ounce of strength his hips would allow. Sallie bit into the bedsheets while taking the pounding; she was having as much fun and pleasure from the experience.

"Aww! Aaaww! Fuck yeah! That's what I'm talking about, big boy! Uuhhh yeah . . . fuck that pussy! GIMME THAT FUCKING BLACK DICK!"

She howled and whimpered as her body jerked forward. Al could feel a hurting pain starting to grip his thighs down to his calves, yet he was reluctant to stop. Pools of sweat popped on his brow and rolled down his eyes as he exerted himself further. He could hear himself grunting harder and harder. His gasps aligned with Sallie's lewd cries, which excited him to keep fucking her harder.

"You about to cum, big boy?" Sallie inquired. "Gimme that cum, y'hear? Ohhhh fuck! I WANNA DRINK YOUR FUCKING RICH, BLACK CUM!"

Al gritted his teeth from the sensation building in his scrotum. He nearly stumbled when he finally pulled out of her. Sallie whirled around and was on her knees, waiting for him with her mouth wide open. Alphonso inched closer toward her, aiming his cock at her face, not wanting to miss his aim.

"UHhhhhh!" Alphonso grunted.

The force of his ejaculation thrust him forward, as though he had suddenly turned on a water hose, unprepared for the force of the spray. He caught sight of his semen shooting into Sallie's mouth. She caught every ounce of his ejaculation and down her throat it went. Sallie moaned while she caressed his cock and went on jerking spurts of cum into her mouth like she was drinking water.

"Ooohhh yeah, babe," she muttered, "I just love drinking black cum all fucking day."

She continued jerking him even as his penis became flaccid. She gave it one final kiss before letting him go, then collapsed on the bed, satisfied with their workout.

"Oh, wow. I fucking enjoyed that," she said. "I haven't had a good piece of dick like yours in weeks."

Alphonso came and sat beside her, wiping sweat off his face. "I thought you all got black dick so easy wherever it is that you work."

"The Squad house. And we do get some good dick, but there's plenty of bitches getting into the game, wanting what every other horny slut wants. And some bulls tend to weasel out when it comes time to show. But you . . . you're a fucking exception."

"You're something too," he said.

"I'm gonna tell the squad folks to give you a discount," she said. "I shouldn't be telling you this—you being a client and all—but that was some good fuck you gave. If you make another request for me, I'll slash the price even further."

"Really? Is that how it works?"

"Ain't supposed to be that way," she laughed, "but we bitches love the dick more than we want the green. You feel me, big boy?"

"Yep, I sure do fucking feel you," he grinned.


Evening had settled. Linda was at the table, perusing some office documents with a cigarette in hand when there came a knock on the door. That moment changed her entire disposition for the day, including her outward feelings regarding the blasted quarantine.

Linda was in her panties and bra. This was how which she went to bed since arriving here. Linda stopped her reading to rest a bit, recalling back what she had witnessed at Alphonso's door hours ago. The sight of him naked with that woman beside him . . . Linda had hurried back to her room and finger-fucked herself to an explosive orgasm. Gosh! How long has it been since I got with a man? Not just any type of man—a real man with a huge cock between his legs. She was divorced from her ex going six months now. Within that period till present, she had succeeded only once on a date with another man. Not that it lasted long—he was engaged, and that had been an experience she hoped never to repeat. Her excuse was that she had no option at the time. Linda was forty-three; way past the age of feeling young with herself or being noticed by a singles guy.

It was why she had been astounded when Alphonso presented her with that proposal. She had been so lost for words and knew it showed on her face. Instead of saying yes, she had opted to her sense of feminine and regretted it when she returned to her room and thought deeply about it. There was nothing for her to do with herself here, and she was damn horny!

Linda took another drag from her cigarette before returning to her reading. That was when the knock happened, and she wondered who it could possibly be at this hour.

"Just a minute," She stubbed out the cigarette then went to grab a towel from the bathroom that she then wrapped around her body before going to answer the door.

She opened the door and was immediately surprised to see Alphonso standing there carrying a plate with a cheesecake on it, smiling.

"Hi," he said, "I thought I'd get you some cake, if you don't mind." He lifted his other hand, which held a nylon bag. "I went over to the Seven-Eleven shop and bought some beers, too."

Linda blushed and was starting to choke on her words before she finally getting it out of her chest.

"Whatever . . . what about your date?"

"Gone back to wherever she came from."

"Was she a . . . hooker?"

"Not exactly," he said. "But I figured I'd come to find you. Unless you're busy."

"What would we do?" She asked the question when it was apparent that they both knew the answer.

"We can feast on the cake," Alphonso offered it to her. "And we can drink the beers and get plastered while we're at it."

"That all sounds good," she unhooked the towel off her body for Al to appreciate her nude figure. "Anything else you think we can do besides those?" she asked.

"Maybe we can skip everything else and just fuck," he smiled.

Linda smiled back, happy with his answer. "Now you're talking."

Alphonso came into her arms, and they locked into a kiss while he then kicked the door shut to the night.