After the talk with Lilith ,We decided to go to the student council room together and tell Mira my decision.
We arrived at the student council office and I knocked on the door.
"The door is open please come in Mark."
I opened the door and see Mira in her desk looking very elegant like how a student council president should be.She was very different from this morning I guess she is in her "work mode"now.
"How do you know it is me."I asked.
"Is that the first thing you said when you see me.Well it is because only you ,the headmaster and vice headmaster dare to come in without an appointment. Since the vice headmaster got taken out by you and she is in training now and the headmaster is properly too busy from the upcoming tournament."
"Wait what."I said.
From what I heard apparently the vice master will to face me again and a tournament is coming up???
"Oh the tournament will be announced later and you should expect more people to come challenge you from now on since you are basically famous or infamous now."Lilith said.
I am always impress by Lilith being able to read my mind even though she actually can't .
"Oh I see."
Suddeenly Mira bowed down and said "Greetings Ms Lilith nice to meet you I am Mira vandeler from the vampire clan,it is an honour to meet you."
"Oh you recognise me."Lilith asked.
"Yes, my father always talks about you and your strength."
"I see. Well stand up we are here for another reason."
Mira stood up and invited us to the sofa and table in the student council president room.
"Mira Iam here to give you my answer."
Mira looked at me seriously in the eyes without any hesitation.
Looks like she is very serious about this.
"Mira I love you please go out with me."I confessed.
"Yes I will be glad to."Mira said when a cheerful smile.
"With this now we are sister.Lilith said.
"Nice to meet you Lilith."
"Cheeky brat."Lilith said.
Looks like Mira instantly drop the formality from just now.Looks like she also hates formality like me.
Liltih then communicated with me through a channel no one can hear or notice.
"Mark she is a good girl,she really loves you most people fear me and she is not an exception but she had the courage to listen to you despite my knowing Iam here.Looks like you have a good eye."
"Oh really i just fallen in love with her at first sight like when I first met you."
"Looks like Mira and I also had the same experience when we meet you."
The day ended smoothly and it was the beginnings of my harem .