Chapter 237 - My Mercy

The details of the plan had me stressed. Wilharrow came up with the plan to find the Demon Lord's schedule, which Leon somehow managed to acquire through her surprisingly high stealth skills. No, they're not actual skills that you activate. I meant skills you learn like on Earth. Anyway, on the day Wilharraow decided on, it was determined to assassinate the Demon Lord during her audience hours.

("There's just one problem though…") [Solace]

The time of the Demon Lord's audience was when most of the guards were positioned. It was practically suicide to attack. That was my second dilemma. Wilharrow wanted to poison all the demons during mealtime.

("...But that means Lemin and Belrick would die.") [Solace]

It's not like they meant a lot to me. It's just… I'd feel absolutely terrible. I've hung out with them, ate with them, sparred with them, and had them spill their hearts out to me. I would say that it makes me feel like I'm going to betray them, but that quite literally is going to be what I will do.

("I could also swap out the poison with something that isn't so potent.") [Solace]

I was thinking either a concoction that would knock everyone out for a while, or just a crap ton of laxatives. You know, to force everyone to occupy all bathrooms and have their own little crisis instead of noticing what my hero's party was about to do.

("...Maybe the laxative one is a little too evil.") [Solace]

Then again, it'll save many lives.

("How the hell am I going to get something that will knock out all the guards though?") [Solace]

I racked my brain within as I lay in my bed, supplied to me in my dorm as a working Royal Guard.

("...The storeroom! I should check the storeroom!") [Solace]

From what I know, this castle has several divisions. Other than the Royal Guards, there are knight, mage, servant, and alchemist divisions. There were more than that in fact, but I simply couldn't memorize it.

("What if I snuck in there to find a potion containing what I need?") [Solace]

There was a problem though. I didn't know the storeroom's location. The only good thing about it is that as a Royal Guard, I am allowed access to almost every part of the castle for patrol.

("I only have one day to find it though.") [Solace]

A day had already passed since Wilharrow made the plan, and tomorrow will be the last day I remain undercover.

("I'll be sure to do it tomorrow.") [Solace]

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

The next day, I found the storeroom. It was really easy to find actually. I just needed to ask Lemin.

"Oh, the storeroom? It's near the south tower. Just go past three- maybe four rooms to the right of it. Why do you ask?" [Lemin]

"Sometimes some servants would come give me some snacks while I'm on patrol so I wanted to do them a favor. I saw that they brought in heavy supplies once in a while so I thought I could bring it for them." [Solace]

"That's very kind of you. You're a really great guy, you know that?" [Lemin]

It pained my heart knowing that I was going to "poison" his meal soon. Either way, I later visited the storeroom on my break. It was a wooden shack or something similar. Kind of like a shed. It was filled with wooden crates and had shelves nailed into the walls holding jars and other strange objects I wasn't familiar with.

("Time to find what I need.") [Solace]

I looked into the crates and found mostly just… food and clothing. Some were tools like hammers, nails, and other such things. I don't know what I was going to expect. I also checked the jars and any clear containers for liquids, but I wouldn't even know what it would be even if I checked.

("Is there even a concoction that can knock someone out in here?") [Solace]

As I started to feel a sense of anxiety due to the fact the end of my break time was coming near, the Spirit Guide spoke.

"Response: It has been detected that a brew containing the herbs hotdew, brackus, tsymis, and waginnac is in the wooden crate third to your left. It is capable of incapacitating the average human for a minimum of six hours." [Spirit Guide]

I don't know what any of that was. I checked the crate anyways, which revealed a bunch of sealed clay jars neatly packed in rows.

"How much can it affect demons?" [Solace]

"Response: Depending on species, the brew will incapacitate a demon for four to eight hours minimum." [Spirit Guide]

Great. That was good enough, I think. The question is, how much do I need to completely knock out everyone in the castle without making it a fatal dose.

("Spirit Guide, can you calculate how many of these I need to safely incapacitate all the demons in the castle during meal times?") [Solace]

It took a moment to respond.

"Response: Approximately eighteen bottles to account for eight hundred twenty demons." [Spirit Guide]

("Eighteen?") [Solace]

I was planning on dumping it all into one of the giant tubs of soup at the mess hall. Judging by the size of the clay jars, eighteen of them is a considerable amount of liquid.

("...I'll take the gamble. It's better than a guaranteed death by Wilharrow's poison.") [Solace]

I stored eighteen of those jars into my |Item Box| and visited Wilharrow.

"Wilharrow." [Solace]

"Huh? Alt? What are you doing here?" [Wilharrow]

I appeared before at the servant dorms. I used the excuse of using the bathroom during my patrol to split off from my group.

"Hand me the poison." [Solace]

"...What? You don't work in the kitchen." [Wilharrow]

"I can hand it to Leon later. It's easier for all of us." [Solace]

Wilharrow gave me a strange look.

"...You're acting a little off." [Wilharrow]

He glanced around to ensure no one was around.

"I suppose we all have our off days. Here." [Wilharrow]

Reaching within his sleeve, he took out a clear vial containing a green liquid. Does he always carry that in there?

"Thanks." [Solace]

I took it from him quickly, just in case he either changed his mind or Belrick saw from his oddly impeccable timing. Once I left, I visited one of the gardens and dumped out the poison. I could tell how potent it was because of how it sizzled in the dirt. I then rinsed the vial with water magic and filled it with some of the brew I swiped from the storeroom.

("...Huh. It's a clear liquid.") [Solace]

It didn't smell like anything either. Pouring it into the small vial was a bit of a challenge, but I got the job done.

("Time to pass it to Leon.") [Solace]

During mealtime, I passed it to her when I was given my meal. Of course, the amount in the vial was far from enough, so I'd have to sneak the rest of the concoction in later myself.

("Now all I have to do is wait for tomorrow.") [Solace]

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

The next day, the plan was set in motion. I snuck into the kitchen and clung to the ceiling like a spider, waiting for the most opportune moment. Jar by jar, I'd dump some into the collective soup the kitchen staff were making.

("...All done. As expected of me.") [Solace]

To be honest, I don't know how no one spotted me. Probably because of how busy everyone was. Either way, my break was ending so I had to go quickly.

"Hey, how was your break?" [Belrick]

"Not bad. Anything happen while I was out?" [Solace]

"Same old, same old. I just can't wait for lunch. I'm famished." [Belrick]

"...Me too." [Solace]

About an hour later, the Royal Guards departed for the meal.

"Alert: You have entered the |Poisoned| state. |Poison Immunity| activated. You are no longer |Poisoned|." [Spirit Guide]

I ate the meal with my coworkers knowing full well that it contained the concoction. Everyone went around their day for about thirty minutes before I saw people dropping like flies. Once that happened, I knew the plan was in motion.

("Time to head to the audience chamber.") [Solace]

I passed through familiar hallways, walking over my coworkers. After a while, I entered the garden near the north gate, the one used to accept guests. It had a large main path leading to wide and unnecessarily lengthy stairs. This also led to unnecessarily large twin doors to the audience chamber where my allies awaited me.

"What took you so long?" [Raon]

"I walked here. I wanted to take in the view before we inevitably leave after slaying the demon lord." [Solace]

"Don't be too hasty now, we've yet to even defeat his Feerae." [Wilharrow]

"It's a girl. The demon lord is a girl." [Fina]

"The demon lord's a female?" [Raon]

So you're telling me neither Wilharrow or Raon knew?

"Can we take off these things now?" [Leon]

She pointed at the demon disguises we've had on.

"You may." [Wilharrow]

Upon hearing that, we all took the disguises off.

"Are you guys ready?" [Wilharrow]

We all nodded in agreement.

"Let's go." [Wilharrow]

Placing his hands on the doors, I was a bit shocked to see Wilharrow pry them open himself. They creaked loudly for all to hear, which would have been bad if we didn't knock out all the demons.

"Your strength is impressive. Did you get stronger?" [Raon]

"I practice here and there." [Wilharrow]

Once the doors were opened wide enough, we began to move forward.

"Wait!" [???]

A familiar voice called out from behind.

"Huh?" [Wilharrow]

We turned to see someone only I was familiar with.

"A demon?" [Raon]

"How did he get past the poison?" [Fina]

"...Belrick." [Solace]

How did he wake up? I saw him eat the poisoned food.

"You know this guy?" [Wilharrow]

Belrick was standing at the bottom of the stairs, staring at me with an expression of mixed emotions.

"...I'll handle him. You guys go on ahead." [Solace]

"Seriously? Why don't we all just finish this guy off together? It'd be faster." [Raon]

"No, let Alt do it. We're short on time." [Wilharrow]

There was an awkward pause.

"Alright. If you say so." [Raon]

I felt a pat on my back.

"Finish quickly, alright?" [Raon]

"I wish you luck." [Fina]

"Mmh…" [Solace]

There wasn't much to say when they left. It was just me and Belrick.

"...I trusted you." [Belrick]

"I'm aware." [Solace]

"I even kept your secret!" [Belrick]

"I'm aware." [Solace]

"And then you poisoned our food?!" [Belrick]

"I'm… aware." [Solace]

He must have seen me in the act. Belrick always did have impeccable timing.

"Alt, tell me. Was anything real?" [Belrick]

"In what regard?" [Solace]

"You saving Lemin. Saving… me. You protected everyone from those heroes. Are you telling me you are one of them?" [Belrick]

I felt a painful tug in my chest, like something was squeezing my heart.

"...I am a part of the hero's party. That, I do not deny." [Solace]

A tear streamed down Belrick's face.

"So your goal is to kill the demon lord. To kill the one person who could fix Lithik." [Belrick]

"I'm sorry it has to be this way." [Solace]

Belrick clasped his hands together, opening them to slowly reveal a sword within.

("...That's new.") [Solace]

 It didn't look like your average weapon. It was mostly composed of vines wrapped around a blackened blade to form a guard and handle. I knew it Belrick's main element was plant based so I assumed it was his innate magic.

"I will stop you." [Belrick]

I opened my |Item Box| and equipped my Vermillion Eclipse in turn.

"That will not be happening." [Solace]

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