Chereads / Detective Fang / Chapter 1 - Globe Ball Detective Agency

Detective Fang

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Chapter 1 - Globe Ball Detective Agency

A 170 cm tall figure with light brown hair touching her shoulders sits at a desk overlooking foot traffic on Main Street. The pure blooded vampire is slim in figure, and holds herself with a sense of confidence that makes the most arrogant supernatural show a level of respect when in her presence. As the rain pours down on this Monday morning in 1809, Chespeca Fang has a feeling today will be more exciting than usual at Globe Ball Detective Agency.

"Detective Fang, come into my office straight away, I have a request befitting of your, talents."

Bartholomew France is the lead detective at Globe Ball: a portly vampire of 200+ years with a 193 cm height, unpleasant attitude towards most individuals, and purple-black hair. Chespeca does not care how old France is nor has she asked him his age. Asking a vampire how old she or he is could lead to instant death: especially among the pure bred vampires.

"You had called me into your office for a debrief Sir Frances."

"Take a seat and do not address me with a cocky attitude every again."

Detective Fang's face remains stoic as she walks to an open chair facing France's desk. She pushed her long sleeved, light green dress to the left of her body, crossing her ankles, and revealing black riding boots under her petticoat. She removes a black bonnet from her head.

"What I am going to share with you is to be treated with the upmost respect and discretion. Do you understand my dear?"

"I understand clearly Sir Frances and would appreciate if you would not refer to me as dear. We are not related nor lovers."

"Here is a file and request from the Quentella Royal Family. It is unusual for them to request our services, especially from a woman."

Detective Fang ignores Detective France's blatant sexist comment: it is the 1800's and women do not have much power compared to men. However, Detective Fang is not an ordinary woman who allows others to bully her.

"You are to report to their manner no later than noon today. Lord and Lady Quentella will go into more details on what they expect from this case, how you...and by extension, the Globe Ball Detective Agency...will handle said case, and other pertinent information. Do you have any questions?"

"No sir, I do not have any questions. Kindly stop treating me like a child. We both work for Globe Ball."

"I will pretend I did not hear our defiant tone Detective Fang. See yourself out of my office immediately."

Detective Fang walks out of Detective France's office and figures she has two hours before her report time at the Quentella Manor. She walks back to her desk, takes out a leather bound notebook, dagger, and two blue ink pens. Never go into a situation underprepared, a motto Fang has taken to heart.

On her way out of the agency, Detective Fang is stopped by a fellow detective. A strapping young wizard who is around thirty years old, blond haired, green eyed: he could melt the hearts of anyone he come into contact with.

"Detective Fang, I do apologize for getting in your way. Please forgive me miss."

"Remind me of your name wizard, I have only seen you in passing and would like to address you properly next time we meet."

"Albert Frost miss, I mean Detective Fang. Where are you headed if you don't mind me asking?"

"I am heading out for an afternoon stroll. Thank you for introducing yourself and have nice day Albert Frost."

Detective Fang extends her right hand towards Albert Frost. Albert is taken aback and unsure what he should do. After looking around to make sure nobody is watching the charged interaction, Albert firmly shakes Detective Fang's hand. He immediately turns around and runs away from Detective Fang.

"Young wizards always amaze me, with their charming personalities and wit. Albert, he seems like an interesting character."

Once outside the agency doors, Detective Fang replaces her black bonnet on her head and looks towards the sky. She knows how far the Quintella Manor is from the Globe Ball Detective Agency and walks towards her destination. A dark, mysterious figure starts trailing her when she is 10 km out from the agency. Palming the dagger in her left hand, Detective Fang braces herself for a potential fight.

"I can smell your presence. Kindly show your face so we can talk, there is no need to shed blood."

Detective Fang nearly avoids running into an older Wizard: he is 189 cm in height, long white hair extends to his heels, he is wearing a dark green robe covered with a dark purple cloak. An unsettling feeling buries itself deep within Detective Fang's stomach: an Elder Wizard has not graced her presence in several years.

"It has been close to 100 years since we last met Fang. I am surprised to see you are still alive. How is your family holding up?"

A sinister grin flashes across the wizards face, and Detective Fang maintains her composure.

"You and I can both answer your question, now please get out of my way I am on the clock."

The Wizard grabs Detective Fang by the arm as she tries to pass him.

"If you think you can go around acting all high and mighty because of your job, think again. And tell the Quintella Royals I say hello."

The Wizard disappears, leaving Detective Fang speechless. She is not easily shaken by other supernaturals, yet, this Wizard has left a bitter taste in her mouth. Once her nerves are shaken off, Detective Fang puts her dagger away and continues towards Quintella Manor.

A young house keeper with pale skin, blue eyes, and blond hair spots Detective Fang as she makes her way up the cobble stone driveway.

"Oh dear, she is early. Lord and Lady Quintella, Lord and Lady Quintella!"

The housekeeper has broken out in a full fledge sprint to the parlor room where Lord and Lady Quintella are resting.

"Miss Samantha, what is the meaning of your panic? Has something caught on fire again?"

"No, it is regarding Detective Fang. She is coming up the driveway as we are speaking!"

Ding dong.

"Well, I never expected her take make it here this quickly. I should not be surprised, she is a vampire. Don't just stand there Miss Samantha, let our guest in at once. Bring her in here and while you are at it, fix up some tea and snacks."

"Right away Lord Quintella."

Miss Samatha awkwardly leaves the parlor, crashing into the table right by the door, sending a vase to its inevitable end.

"My love, is it necessary to be this harsh on the new house keeper. She only started here a week ago and I would appreciate keeping her for more than a month."

"Dear, if we do not establish boundaries and expectations early on, Miss Samantha will never learn her place in this household. Now put on you best smile our honored guest is here."

Detective Fang does not believe in showing up late, it wastes time, energy, and resources. She has been outside on the front door step for five minutes: leaving her five minutes before the meeting starts. She notices the young housekeeper sprinting to open the door. Clearly the housekeeper is nervous and unsure what to do with herself.

"Lady, no, Miss, no, Detective Fang it is nice to meet your acquaintance we are expecting you. Please remove your shoes and coat so I may hang them up. Would you prefer a black tea or herbal tea?"

"Please tell me your name young vampire before I place my tea order. And here are my belongings."

Detective hands her black bonnet and black duster coat to Samantha. She removes her boots in a deliberate fashion waiting for Samantha to answer her question.

"My name is Samantha, Detective Fang. I am new here and really nervous, do forgive me Detective."

"In that case, Miss Samantha, I will take black tea. Kindly escort me to where Lord and Lady Quintella are residing: we have urgent business to attend to, and I do not wish to wast time."

"Follow me down the hallway Detective, Lord and Lady Quintella are in the parlor." (Good grief she carries herself well. I know vampires can be intimidating, yet, I feel calm around Detective Fang.)

Detective Fang and Samantha make their way down a long hallway: there are family portraits on both walls, a crystal chandelier hangs on the ceiling, and a stain glass window marks the halfway point between the front door and the parlor.

Once outside the parlor doors, Samantha announces Detective Fang's arrival and opens the doors. Lord and Lady Quintella are standing up: Lord Quintella bows towards Detective Fang while Lady Quintella curtsies towards Detective Fang. Detective Fang bows towards the couple.

"We appreciate you coming to our Manor on such short notice Detective Fang. May I offer you a seat?"

"A seat would be wonderful Lord Fang. Thank you kindly."

Once everyone in the room is seated, Detective Fang gets down to business.

"I have in my possession three documents containing sensitive information. My understanding is you and Lady Quintella are to divulge more details regarding the documents' contents. I have briefly looked over the documents, and would like to get down to business."