Re: Incarnation The Demon of Evelyn Peak Ascends

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Chapter 1 - A New Era Begins

The Intergalactic era, at this point of time humans have expanded their reach beyond their initial galaxy, claiming more and more throughout the universe. The human species' population is at an all time high, having over 900 trillion people born over the years, and that in itself is just a rough estimation.

This leap in evolution was not due to humans alone though, there are 91135 recorded years, but in the year 40000 Gaia awoke, and with her so did the spirits of myth and legend who were created by her.

Soon after Gaia awoke invaders came, killing many humans all around the world and kidnapping countless others, their teeth were sharp, their ears were pointy, they had long tattoos all over their dark skin. Gaia defended the earth and slayed them all, these invaders were a species called Zenoikians.

Sometime in the year 91119, A member of the Celestial army and a Zenoikian had affairs in secrecy, and the Zenoikian had given birth to a child, whilst hiding in secrecy the couple had given birth to a second child four years later.

Higher-ups found out about the scandal and ordered a secret assassination on both of the parents.

After the news had gotten out the two children were left unharmed as some of the humans and some of the higher-ups saw it as unfair that children should pay for the atrocities of their parents. Their names are Ikimono Saikyo and Ikimono Seicho.


"MOM, DAD." Saikyo said with his hand reaching out as he woke up in his bed.

"Why did that memory show up all of a sudden?" He thought as he turned to look outside as the three suns were shining brightly, as the sunlight hit his eyes, images flashed of a group of people surrounding a fire.

I remember it vividly, their screaming, as I watched helplessly holding my one year old brother in my hands, it was cruel, too cruel. He thought.

Damned humans. Saikyo thought as he grabbed his head because of the excruciating pain.

Footsteps scurry through the halls as Saikyo's brother comes bursting through the door, "Big brother are you ok, I heard a loud noise."

"Yeah, I'm fine, it was nothing, don't worry about it."

He looks at his older brother suspiciously as if he knew he was lying.

"Really, It was nothing Seicho, I'm ok." He smiled.

"Ok." He said saddened.

He definitely knows. Saikyo thought with a wry smile on his face.

"If we show them that if there can be good Zenoikian, that we are just the same as them, we can finally be at peace, that way we won't end up like mom or dad." He said as he chose to speak out.

Saikyo looked at him with a cold stare, "That's irrational. The vast majority of humans hate Zenoikians with a flame that burns hotter than a thousand suns. Peace isn't an option, fact is, the only reason we are alive is because the civilians pity us and the higher ups of society couldn't care less about our lives."

Seicho wanted to say something but held back his words.

"Look, I know how much you want to believe in them, how much hope you have, but the odds of there being humans that are willing to be friendly to Zenoikians are simply too low, and I don't want you getting hurt by those types of bad people like I have."

"You are the second person to tell me that." Seicho said in a rather low tone.

"Did you say something?"

"No, it was nothing."

Saikyo gave off a kind of sad expression before saying "Get ready for school, we are going to be late if we don't hurry."

"Ok". Seicho said before walking out of the room.

Saikyo was visibly sighing at this morning's turn of events.

Maybe I was a little too harsh on him, he's still only twelve, I suppose I'll spoil him a bit later to cheer him up

As the two were walking out of the small apartment Saikyo called out to Seicho "Hey Sei." As he pointed to his back with a smirk.

"Aren't I a little too old for this big brother?"

"Don't worry, plus you'll get to see how much stronger I've gotten."

Finally giving in, Seicho had climbed up on his big brother's back.

"How fast." Saikyo said with confidence.

"Push it to the limit." Seicho said with a slight smirk.

Saikyo quickly jumped leaps and bounds through the air from building to building, Seicho's face was full of excitement and with it, Saikyo was brought some happiness.

Even with how fast they were going they both were almost guaranteed to be late but Saikyo didn't think anything of it, especially since he was the top student with the highest grades in his school.

According to the research of explorers and spies within Zenoikian civilizations, the average speed, strength, and intelligence of a Zenoikian is superior to that of the average human.

Letting Seicho off at his stop Saikyo waved as he went off to his own school.

He walks into class and all the students look at him up and down.

"I know, I know, the purple hair and eyes are really breathtaking aren't they, or if it's the tattoos, don't worry it's genetic." he said in a mocking manner.

In all honesty, neither Saikyo nor Seicho had the signature Zenoikian brandings on their bodies, but they haven't gotten the slightest reason as to why, seeing as how in history books Zenoikians always had been on record having strange black tattoos somewhere on their body.

The class looks at him in disgust and disdain, as he bets he knows what they're all thinking.

The audacity of this rotten halfling.

In the back of the class a girl chuckles and bursts into laughter. The students turn around to look at her.

"Oh come on, that was funny." She says while still calming down from the laughter.

Hageshi Kori, her short white hair and deep cyan eyes fit her cold and cocky demeanor. Saikyo had never once actually spoken to her or even been near her enough to hear her talk, but based on the rumors that surround her at this school, she has to be the worst of the worst. The type of human that makes him all the more sure that the species is disgusting.

Saikyo goes to sit in his chair next to the window, the teacher comes in a little later and starts to give the lesson.

The day is spent mostly the same as any other day, avoidance, disdain, and unrivaled hatred. Meanwhile none of these people ever actually spoke to him, it was just something that the students and staff made normal on the very first day of school.

In Saikyo's last class of the day, he walks in and immediately heads towards his chair ignoring the awkward stares. He starts to fall asleep as his teacher walks in.


"Hey, someone wake that filthy Zenoikian up, it's bad enough he's a part of that despicable species but he is also not paying attention to the lesson I am giving." the teacher said with a look of disdain written all over.

One of the students came up to Saikyo and hit him directly in the head "Wake up, you disgusting Zenoikian, I really pity you for being born into such a sh*tty species." The student said with his head up high.

Like you're one to talk, cocky bastard, hitting me for no reason, but if I were to hit him back or even attempt to defend myself I wouldn't know how these paranoid humans will react.

Saikyo thought with an angered look as he raised his head up from on the desk.

Everyone in class saw the whole thing go down, the blatant disrespect from the teacher and even the constant abuse from the student, they witnessed it on a day to day basis but no one ever did anything. That student, Takeshi Retsu, Saikyo really hates his guts.

"I'm sorry, it was my mistake, please continue with the lesson professor." Saikyo said with a forced smile, trying to calm this situation down as usual.

The professor went back to teaching and Retsu went back to his desk like nothing happened.

"After Gaia fought back against the Zenoikians, humans picked up some of the tech they left behind during their invasion, this is how we made it here in the farthest explored galaxy, galaxy 19. Don't be fooled though, this is all thanks to the Celestial army, capable soldiers whose strength was forged by the power of Gaia herself."

A student raised her hand and asked "How was the Celestial army formed, how do they continue to push back the Akuma following Gaia's initial protection."

"Well, the Celestial army was formed by humans and Gaia on equal agreements and consists of 100 million of the strongest humans. These people are more than capable of defending against the Zenoikian, the regular armies of humanity can't even begin to compete with these select few. The Celestial army consists of five types of fighters."

"Reincarnations, people who's true mind and body came from the past or even a different reality after dying and now being summoned by Gaia."

"Incarnations, people who are blessed with a spirit that has either been recorded or a spirit that Gaia newly made, these spirits are purely made from human inspiration as Gaia has explained herself."

"Architects, people who are not chosen by Gaia but still wish to try their luck in getting into the Celestial army are given combat suits or weapons that have been derived from the technology of the Zenoikian and a new found metal, Dark Shine metal."

"Mages, people who were blessed with the pure energy of Gaia and are capable of all types of elements and magical powers."

"True Incarnations, people who are blessed with an original spirit, these were the spirits who defended the earth alongside Gaia during the original attack from the Zenoikian. Gaia has brought back these spirits to serve humans, although Gaia has explained that there are 10 of these spirits yet only 7 of these spirits have been recorded."

"As for protection, well they only have hard security over the first 8 galaxies, which is why the richer families push to get back to earth. As the poor get moved farther and farther from earth, they are more likely to get attacked by the Zenoikians. As you can see humans have only explored as far as galaxy 19 which is where we are, if the Zenoikian ever decide to invade a second time, this'll be the first territory we lose."

The student gleamed in awe upon learning this new information "Woah!" she said with her star filled eyes after being overwhelmed with the newly found knowledge she gained.

"Ok class, that is enough for today, remember to be prepared for tomorrow, I'm sure you know this but it is selection day tomorrow and Gaia will choose those who have the will to walk the path of evolution." The teacher said dismissing the class.

After being dismissed, Saikyo started to walk home. When halfway there he heard something behind him, he turned around and standing there was Retsu, "Well, well, well, you have sharp senses even if you are a lowly halfling, huh, Saikyo." He said as he came from around the corner with his head held high.

Saikyo sighs as he says "I'm not in the mood for your bull*hit today Retsu, plus selection day is tomorrow, get some sleep and maybe gaia will choose scum like you." He said, while trying to confirm if there were no humans near.

"What, and you think you'll get chosen? You're a Zenoikian, not to mention, even if there were a one percent chance that Gaia picks you I won't give you the option to be there." Retsu said as he punched Saikyo to the ground.

As Retsu did this Saikyo was fully prepared to get beaten up yet again, but then, Saikyo looked around and no one was here, normally the park beside the street he was on would be full of children and adults alike, but it was just dead.

There was not a single soul around, a smirk immediately appeared across Saikyo's face showing his sharp and pointy fangs.

This bastard came alone?

"Hey prick, don't you know that the average Zenoikian is stronger than the average human, or were you not paying attention in school moron? I'm gonna make you pay for all those years of making my life miserable." Saikyo said as he started to stand up.

Saikyo's words made Retsu swell up with anger as he motioned his hand as if he were saying.

Come out

A moment after gesturing this another student from his class, it was one of Retsu's friends. The guy came around the corner with a knife held up to a kid's neck.

"Oh yeah? You're going to make me pay? Go on then; show me." He said as cocky as ever.

"Big brother?" The kid said as he looked up with a scared and teary eyed face.
