It's been only an hour but we've gained two new teammates. Where and how you may ask?
Well, a while back when we met Odin he wandered off somewhere. So naturally, I followed my new teammate. After minutes of walking, Odin came to an abrupt stop. Seconds later he started sprinting.
To where he's going, it was unknown but something must have caught his attention. I slowly lose track of him. I've reached the limit of my skill, this cool down has odd timing.
But the sounds of fighting could be heard close by. I wasn't sure so I listed closely for any indication. listing closely to sounds of battle, someone called my name?
Of course, someone was called me and it's no other than Odin. He's somehow was able to hold off five Ursa attempts of attack?
As I'm thinking of that I made my way over to the Grimms. In time I was able to break through the incriminating. As I got closer Grimms started to notice my presents, the attack began. They all swung but missed with me delivering a nice uppercut.
But determined, it resisted dying. Taking advantage of the stunned Grimm I swipe its feet. Dropping it to the floor delivering another fatal blow to its skull.
The Grimm give off a futile roar alerting the others of my presents before dying. The other Grimms seeing me they'll try to attack or kill me.
Two of them try to body slam me, successful knock me back a short distance. As I'm rolling they go for the attack, but before they can I break my roll. bursting in a full blown dash towards them. As my [skills] timing comes to an end, and all Grimms fade I'm still running towards them. I'm just out of time?
But I wouldn't fail in my attack. As I thought that I roundhouse kick an object, mostly the Grimm. With that attack, it was sent flying. As instincts kicked in I avoid attacks in the shadow.
The entity seeing its attack fail tries to bite me. But as all ways missing its attack earning it a knee, dislocating its jaw. But after that, I pressed to turn this poor beasts chest into a punching bag. Which ended nicely with bone breaking punch's, which it died from.
As I did that I pressed not to waste time. As the darkness disappeared. I devour the competition, not literally but fiscally. Within these twenty seconds, I'm the last one standing.
They're a bit harder than I remember but not too bad. After finishing my fight I head to Odin who wasn't alone?
With him are two others, one boy and a girl this girl is a bit battered but okay. Now you know the rest?
If not, well that's odd, I mention the rule set for this test?
[Their name is as followed]
The girl's name's Kade
The boy's Ray.
They don't talk much but that's all I'm able of getting out of them.
Odin: Um, justice watch out!
Justice: um okay now I'm falling again?
[After a couple of minutes], I came out of a hole I fell in. Far a small hole it's deep very deep?
After that, we headed north where we finally made it to the temples. As we approach it to see some students picking their relic. So I made my way to collect ours.
Seen I'm nice I said hello to the other would be students. They all said hello with some exceptions. How nice!
There was this one group I found interesting so I struck up a conversation. I gave them simple instructions since they looked seem cool to me?
Justice: hey I'm justice nice to meet you.
Unknown: Hi I'm Ruby and this is yang nice meeting you too!
Yang: hey
Justice: those are some cool names you got this Odin by the way.
Ruby: hi
Justice: Anyways got to go hope to befriend you in the future since you seem cool to talk with.
Ruby: I hope the same!
Justice: cool talking with you. Talk later I got to see what my teams doing.
Ruby: ok
As I say that I pick a relic and when off with Odin.
Which relic do you ask?
I picked bishop from the chess pieces so, ya.
As we did we took a break with my teammates doing nothing. But that's not life, something was approaching us it looked like a scorpion?
As I say that I was ready for the fight someone was dragging me away from the temple. It was Odin?
[author]: So I'm a keep this short there was an epic fight and justice just helped out in it. She never did anything too big. Just think of her as a supporting character in the fight?
So, ya I'm lazy to add a fight, so thats all for now?