Out of the remaining 749 Life Value points, 474 came from the dozens of Yellow Medicine Grass consumed by Zhang Yanhang earlier. Adding both, the total Life Value brought by the Constitution Attribute and the basic Life Value limit provided by the Yellow Medicine Grass was 1,374 points.
"So, if I calculate it this way, Indestructible Golden Body LV.4 has provided me with a Life Value limit increase of 275 points, a 20% enhancement is indeed quite powerful."
If it weren't for the lack of Soul points, Zhang Yanhang really wanted to upgrade his Indestructible Golden Body to LV.MAX immediately. By then, his Life Value limit might even increase to over two thousand points.
"I remember the third form of Lord Monster Tracker only had a Life Value limit of 1,400 points, but now my Life Value is 249 points higher than that."