Chereads / The Rats / Chapter 1 - 1. Dirty Rodents

The Rats

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Chapter 1 - 1. Dirty Rodents

Paris, France

November 26th, 1945

2:34 P.M.

"Let it go, Miguel!"

"Why should I? The thing ate a hole in my boot. I oughta stomp it!"

"So what? Your boot already has three other holes in it. Now stop it, you're hurting it's tail!"

Two young kids stood arguing in flickering lantern light. They were siblings. A boy, Miguel, and a girl, Adelaide. The older brother held a squirming rat by the tail, dangling it just out of his sister's frantic reach. He laughed as she tried to jump and save the suffering animal.

"Why do you care so much about this little pest? There's about six million more of them down here anyway." Miguel sneered, holding the squeaking rodent up to his face. He watched its rapid breathing with a fierce predator's gaze.

"Because it was just hungry like us, Miguel! The poor thing was so starved that it had to chew leather. Show some mercy, will you?" Adelaide reasoned, jumping once again to try and snag the rat out of Miguel's hand. She failed. In response, the boy flicked out a battered knife. He poked the rat's stomach with it. Both the creature and Adelie screamed.

"The reason why we don't have much food, Adelaide, is because these dirty rodents keep stealing all of it. And you feeding them your rations doesn't help either. So, without further adieu, I'll help solve our food shortage. How does a rat kabob sound?" Miguel smirked as he jabbed his knife further into the belly of his prey. Though his so-called heroic action was quickly cut short as Adelie lunged at him. Both siblings were sent tumbling to the puddled floor. They began pushing and shoving, fiercely wrestling for the decision of the rat's life.

"Agh! Get off of me, you idiote!" The Predator yowled as he furiously kicked his rat-chewed boots at Adelaide. The girl's tackle had caused Miguel to drop his prized knife, and an echoing clatter rang through the hall as it hit the ground. Though Miguel had not given up yet, for the rat was now firmly grasped by both of his hands.

Adelie didn't heed her brother's plea. Instead she was absolutely determined to pry the emaciated creature out of his hands. Her nimble little fingers began to haphazardly pull each of his digits back.

"Seriously, knock it off, Adelie! You're hurting me!" Miguel winced, struggling to shake her death grip off of his wrist. Though once again, the girl ignored him. She only continued to bend his fingers in the wrong direction in desperation to save the animal. That is, until there was an unhealthy snap, Miguel shouting, and the rat now being in her grasp.

Armed with a sudden rush of adrenaline, Miguel's boots finally found their mark. He kicked the rodent's savior square in the stomach. The blow sent Adelie off of Miguel and crashing into their lantern. Along with this, her head smacked against the wall of rotten bones behind them. Adele's world went black.

Well, both of their worlds went black, actually. For they no longer had any light. The lantern had been smashed. There was only pure darkness, old bones, pain, and a struggling half-dead rat.

There was a moment of silence as both children began to register what had happened.

"...Miguel...? Miguel? M-Miguel, I... I can't see!" Adelie began to panic as she felt at her face with her free hand. She could feel that her eyes were open. Yes. But they didn't seem to work. All she knew was that her head hurt, and the world was so impossibly dark.

"Ta gueule, Adelaide! You're not blind, you ruined our lantern, Idiote! You managed to break my finger over that stupid rat, too!" Miguel hissed, cradling his wounded hand. "And now we're going to die in these god-forsaken catacombs. We'll be just like the rest of these rotten skeletons. Dead and forgotten. No one will ever even know who we were!" He hopelessly whined, whimpering as he held back tears from both fear and pain.

Adelaide gasped as she heard her brother's condemning words. Miguel was three years older than her, making him the wise old age of eleven. The boy was in the double digits, which clearly meant that he knew everything. So hearing Miguel prophesy their death was a clear indication to Adelie that they were absolutely, and utterly, doomed.

Adelie fell silent in pure shame and uneasiness. She felt that it was all her fault. If only she didn't fight for that rat none of this would've happened. But she couldn't have just watched the poor little thing die. That would've been so very wrong. It's death would have no justification other than Miguel craving violence.

The damp room was unnaturally silent, save for Miguel's breathing and the rustling of his clothes as he felt for his knife. The rat, however, now rested in Adelie's arms. It was bleeding from Miguel's blade. Wet splotches of blood began to seep into the girl's coat. Despite its recent trauma with a human, it seemed perfectly calm in Adelie's arms. Perhaps it was still frozen in fear, or maybe it knew that it was now safe from its savage predator.

After a few moments of unbroken silence, Adelaide carefully tucked the rat into her pocket. She began to crawl over to the sound of Miguel's breathing, helplessly groping at the thick darkness around her. Eventually she caught the scratchy wool of her brother's coat, and Miguel flinching away from her touch. She huddled up close to his side, shaking with worry.

"Miguel... Do you really think we're going to die down here?" Adelie spoke up, her voice trembling as she fought back her tears. She was trying to be brave. Mama always said to be brave even when you're scared.

"I don't know, Ad. The others should be looking for us by now. But who knows if they'll check down this way. We aren't even supposed to be down here." Miguel sighed, feeling at his broken finger.

"Mama Manon is going to be very mad when she finds out we didn't listen." Adelie sniffled as she thought about the possible punishments.

"That's really what you're worried about? Manon being mad? I'm more concerned about becoming food for your 'friend' there!" The boy scoffed, stumbling to stand up. "Come on, Ad. I'm not going to let us die down here without some sort of effort." He blindly felt for his sister's arm, hoisting her to her feet.

"But how? In the catacombs, no light means no life, remember? Moisey always said so-" Adelaide's recitation was quickly shushed by the sound of boots marching down the hall. Adelie ducked behind her brother, clutching to the back of his coat. She could feel Miguel stiffen as he cautiously began to move forward. His knife defensively outstretched by a trembling little hand.

"Who's there?" Miguel called out in sloppy German. The boy tried to make himself sound tough, but his fear was easily heard. The duo listened in terrified silence as the heavy footsteps marched closer. Bones rattled and puddles splashed under the enemy's boots. They didn't pause for a second.

"I-I said who's there? Show yourself, c-coward!" The boy shakily demanded as he frantically waved his knife about. It sliced through the impossible darkness, but never met its mark. Adelie held her breath as she braced herself for the worst. The footsteps were so close now that they could almost hear the enemy's steady breathing.

"Dein schlimmster Albtraum..." A gruff voice growled in harsh German. With one swift movement, Miguel's beloved knife was viciously smacked from his hand. The boy recoiled with a cry of terror. The fear alone sent him crashing into his sister, sending both children to the ground. They screamed in pure horror, clinging to one another as they braced for the worst. The predator had now become the prey.

But then they heard the enemy snicker. Then chuckle. Then give full blown wheezing laugh. Their worst nightmare shone a flashlight on them. The siblings simultaneously raised trembling hands to their eyes as they winced from the brilliant light.

"Didn't I tell you kids to not come down here?" The enemy had switched to perfectly fluent French. His suddenly calm voice sounded oh-so familiar... But the children still clung to each other, frozen with fright. The man frowned as he crouched down to their level.

"Aw come on now, I was just messing with you. I thought you Leons were scared of nothing!" As he spoke, his features slowly became clear to the children. The subtle stubble, the smiling crows feet, the warm brown eyes and crooked smile. He was a friend.

"Monsieur Moisey!" Adelie cried as her eyes finally adjusted. She scrambled to her feet as she ran to greet the familiar face.

"Little Adelie!" Moisey grinned, outstretching his arms to pick up the young girl. Adelie laughed as she hugged his neck. Moisey smelled like cigarettes and gunpowder, which immediately told Adelaide that she was safe at last. She breathed it in with a shaky sigh.

"What are you two doing down here alone? Where is your light?" The Frenchman questioned, looking back and forth between the children.

"Adelie knocked the lantern over because she attacked me! Look Moisey, look at my finger!" Miguel immediately blurted, holding up his middle finger to display it's slight bend. He made direct eye contact with his sister as he held it up. Moisey raised a brow before chuckling.

"Mon Dieu! You kids are a mess! We'll have to visit Nurse EsmƩe as soon as possible then, Miguel. She can fix you right up. Now, if you'd kindly stop flipping me and your sister off..." Moisey smirked, motioning for Miguel to lower the offensive gesture. The boy showed a mischievous smile as he dropped his hand to his side.

"Adelie, are you going to explain to me why you broke your brother's finger? That was extremely uncalled for." The resistance fighter now turned his attention to the child in his arms. She seemed to be thinking very hard about an explanation.

"I-I didn't mean to! Miguel started it! He was going to kill a rat so I stopped him!" Adelie quickly spilled out her excuse. Reaching inside her coat pocket, she pulled out the small rat. She held it right in front of Moisey's face. "See? They're bleeding where Miguel cut them!" Adelie pleaded.

Moisey recoiled as the rat was suddenly being shoved in his face. Its whiskers tickled his nose, and he looked into its dark, beady eyes. The rodent sniffed at him, showing two yellowed teeth.

"Oh, and you still have the rat with you I see! Hello there, little one." Moisey gently pat the rodent's head, causing Adelie to laugh and Miguel to roll his eyes.

"Alright, it's your turn now, Miguel. Why would you try and kill one of our own?" The man resumed his interrogating as Adelaide lowered the rat.

"What do you mean 'one of our own'? It's a weak little animal, Moisey. That's gotta be an insult. Plus, it chewed a hole in my boot!" Miguel lifted his foot, pointing at one of it's many holes with annoyance.

Moisey sighed at the boy's tone. He shook his head as he gently set Adelie down. As he took the girl's hand, he motioned for Miguel to follow. The boy refused.

"It is not an insult at all, Miguel. If anything, it's a compliment." The man explained. Beginning to slowly walk away. Adelaide peeked over her shoulder to curiously look at her stubborn sibling.

"You should know that a rat is a very resilient little beast, my friend. They are incredibly smart, strong in numbers, and multiply like wildfire." Moisey explained, letting his flashlight dance along the walls of bones. The glowing eyes of the resident rats and spiders beamed back at him. Adelie protectively hugged her new pet, shuffling closer to Moisey as she stared at the numerous eyes.

"I still don't see how we're anything close to being like these pests..." Miguel grumbled as he hurried to catch up. He found himself cautiously eyeing the creepy-crawlies that lined the walls.

"Rats take care of their wounded. They feel sad when alone. And best of all, they have an excellent sense of direction. Once they learn a path to home, they will never forget it." Moisey continued as he ignored Miguel's mumbling. The man just kept on walking.

"Is that true, Moisey? Can rats really do all of that?" Adelie piped up. She was staring at the wounded rodent that rested against her chest. It seemed so small and harmless.

"Oh yes. It's all very true, Adelie. I'd even argue to say that rats are far more human than most people." Moisey nodded.

"But they're not! I don't want to be like a rat, Moisey! I am a Leon! We are fierce beasts who can eat a thousand rats for breakfast!" Miguel complained, wrinkling his brow as he stared up at the fighter. Moisey chuckled once more as he glanced at the boy.

"Mon Dieu, you remind me so much of your father... A fierce and stubborn beast you are indeed, Miguel." Monsieur Moisey ruffled the little lion's hair. The young cub batted at the man's hand in agitation.

"But you should still wear your new title with pride, little beast. We rats are mere pests to the world of wolves above. But we are incredibly strong, smart, and loyal creatures. Someday, we will prevail." Adelie watched Moisey's face as he spoke. He sounded so confident in his words. He was promising them that someday everything would be alright.

"But, in order to do that, you must be a rat with the heart of a lion. Be small and quick. Be so insignificant that you slip through the cracks. But when the time is right, reveal your mane and bare your claws, little cubs. Then, you will be unstoppable." Moisey's strong voice softly echoed against the damp walls of the catacombs. He pulled Miguel under his arm and gave Adelie's hand a squeeze. Together, the rats walked through the home of the dead.


"They did what!? They know better. Oh, yes they do! I have told them numerous times that this graveyard is not their playground. There could be a collapse, they could fall down a hole, be found by the Germans..." A fiery woman's voice erupted. Her words bounced off the walls. Manon.

"They're only kids, Manon. They're going to explore. This is all a big change, and it's confusing to them. They just don't know the real danger that's out there. They're clueless." A low, mellow tone responded to the woman. Moisey.

The Leon siblings stood with their ears firmly pressed to the stone wall. They were straining to eavesdrop on the muffled conversation. That is, until they heard a familiar voice whisper behind them.

"Oh! What are we listening too?" A young lady mimicked the children as she too pressed her ear against the wall. Miguel and Adelie jumped. They had been caught.

"Esmee! We weren't listening to anything!" Adelaide obviously fibbed. The nurse shook her head with an amused smile. Her warm umber skin was highlighted gold against the flickering candles that illuminated the room. She had a kind and beautiful aura about her. A fellow child deep down.

"Oh, no need to lie, Adelie! It's hard not to be nosey down here. You can hear just about everything." EsmeƩ gestured around the cavernous room. She was right. The dying tune of a gramophone, distant conversations, and the rustling of papers could be heard echoing throughout the place.

"But nevermind that. Monsieur Moisey told me that you two had done some exploring... And that a certain boy and a rat had suffered some battle wounds." EsmeƩ commented as she began to scan over a makeshift shelf that hung on the wall. It was full of scavenged medical supplies.

"You can make my rat better too?" Adelie asked. The rodent was now asleep under her coat, protectively held against her chest.

"Well of course I can! Bandages and antiseptics can work wonders, Adelie." The nurse winked. "Now, why don't you two come have a seat?" She patted a nearby table, and the siblings accepted the invite. EsmeƩ pulled a first aid kit off the shelf and set it on the tabletop between the children. Miguel and Adelie watched with wonder as she cracked open the box of healing.

"Miguel, Moisey said that you broke your finger. Can I see?" With a hint of hesitation, Miguel held out his left hand for EsmeƩ. His face twitched into a wince as the nurse prodded at the busted digit.

"I don't even feel it anymore, EsmeƩ. Honest. I think it already healed itself. That's possible, right?" The boy lied. Adelie steadily watched his nervous expression as she pet her rat. She now began to feel rather bad about bending Miguel's finger the wrong way. Adelaide hadn't meant to really hurt her brother.

"Oh no. You can't feel it? Do you know what that means, Miguel?"

"No... What does it mean?"

"It means I'm going to have to amputate it." EsmeƩ's expression turned serious. Miguel became ghostly white. His jaw dropped. All he could do was stare at the nurse in pure disbelief. Next to him, Adealaide covered her mouth and audibly gasped. Though the young nurse's stoney expression quickly faded into a glowing smile.

"...I'm kidding! Kidding! It's not very serious at all, Miguel. Just a tiny little fracture. I'll put a splint on it and you'll be as good as new in a couple weeks." EsmeƩ chuckled as she rifled through her supplies. The two stunned siblings looked at each other for a few moments before beginning to crack up.

"EsmeƩ!Don't scare me like that!" Miguel laughed.

"You should've seen your face, Miguel! You really thought you were going to get your finger cut off!" Adelie giggled, shoving her brother's arm. Miguel playfully pushed back.

"I did not!"

"Did too!"

"Did not!"

"Did too!"

"Did not!


"What you Leons did do is get yourself in a lot of trouble."

All laughter among the nurse and the children came to a halt. They hadn't realized Manon was now standing next to the table. Her arms were crossed, and her expression was stern.

"You two know better than to run off on your own. What were you thinking?" Manon questioned. Her boot impatiently tapped the ground as she waited for a response. EsmeƩ wordlessly began to wrap Miguel's finger, doing her best to act as though she wasn't listening in.

"W-we wanted to practice being fighters just like you a-and Monsieur Moisey, Manon!" Adelie stammered. She gulped as the elder woman sighed.

"And how were you planning on doing that, Adelaide?"

"Me and Miguel were going to patrol the tunnels and catch any Germans that snuck in." Admittedly, Adelie felt rather sheepish as she said their plan out loud. She could feel Manon's stare burning a hole through her.

"I-It's true, Manon! We wanted to do our part in keeping everyone safe." Miguel chimed in. Manon shook her head as scratched at her bleached hair.

"I appreciate the eagerness you two have to help. I do. But you must understand that I have rules for a reason. They're to keep both of you safe." The resistance fighter's expression softened. She now looked more tired than angry. "We made a promise to your parents to keep you out of harm's way, and I intend to keep that promise."

"I'm sorry, Manon." Adelie mumbled as her eyes flicked down to the floor. She hated disappointing Manon, especially if it involved her parents.

"It's alright, Adelaide." Manon sighed. "But I'm not going to let you and your brother off the hook this time. You need constant supervision. These catacombs aren't kind to anyone, especially kids your age." She added, looking over Adelie to make eye contact with Miguel, who had been refusing to look her in the face.

"And that's where I come in, right?" Moisey was leaning against an adjacent wall and watching from afar. A smoldering cigarette balanced between his lips.

"Moisey is going to babysit us?" Miguel asked as he saw the man walk over. Manon nodded.

"Yes. Moisey here is going to make sure that you two are-" Manon paused. The children were looking past her with stifled smirks. Moisey had been dramatically mimicking the woman's miserable expression behind her back. Though when Manon looked back at him, Moisey quickly snapped his boots together and stiffened into a salute. He shot a wink at the Leon siblings.

"...As I was saying... Moisey is going to be your guardian from now on. His job is to keep you safe and to make sure that you two don't wander off again. You are to stay down in this main room at all costs."

"And...?" Moisey looked at Manon expectedly. The woman huffed in response.

"And, he is going to help train you two for eventually becoming fighters for the resistance."

"YES!" Manon could barely even finish her sentence before the kids cheered in unison. With pure exceitement they leapt off the medical table and ran to Moisey. They giggled as they clung to his sides. The man gave a soft "oof" as the cubs had nearly knocked him over.

"Now this doesn't mean that you'll be shooting guns, throwing knives, and crafting molotovs right off the bat. You are far from that." Manon stood with her hands on her hips. She almost instantly regretted her decision.

"We'll get to make molotovs? That's awesome!" Miguel gasped. He and his sister high fived in celebration. While the children babbled on about their future possibilities, Manon leaned in close to Moisey's ear. She spoke quietly so that only he could hear.

"Don't make me regret my decision, Eugene."

"Relax, Manon, relax. I've got everything under control."

"Remember what I said. Keep them safe, teach them how to hide first, and whatever you do, do not let them above ground."

"Oui, Oui, Capitaine Manon." Moisey nodded, showing a twitch of a mischievous smile.