Chereads / Falling And Rope / Chapter 100 - Chapter 93: Awakening

Chapter 100 - Chapter 93: Awakening

"Most of my lifespan was spent in a cycle of sleep, wake up . . . sleep . . . and so on. Numbing doesn't begin to describe it. The only thoughts that filled my mind were, why do I exist? Can I not exist? I begged into the endless void before drifting back to sleep, hoping never to wake again. The only time I felt any semblance of life was when I had an epiphany, as if whispered to me one day, to play with a button on my shirt. But that didn't last long, and I lost it. Fearing to lose more, I never tried it again . . . I continued on until, finally, I saw light for the first time!"

"The Pilot saved me. He was strange, but I was too happy to care. After what felt like an eternity, there was change. And things might change to life!" Neo continues his story.

We, on the other hand, will skip a bit ahead. One nod in agreement, eager to move things along. Impatience hangs in the air, so I'll let their will pass for now . . .

. . .

"I was . . . I can't think of a word to describe it . . ."

"Enchanted?" Kayn suggests.

"Oh, that works, maybe."

"Enchanted—that's the state I was in when the castle doors first opened. It was all so overwhelming, and Zahtan kept guiding me through this high. I was truly grateful for him as I got to experience many things on the first floor. I went along with it until she appeared . . . For some reason, I could feel her breaking me away from my enchantment. But then, perhaps, I became enchanted by someone else."

"It's a natural progression, though you are a candle that burned too bright and too hot for itself, perhaps. Continue, and tell me the rest," Kayn urges.

One push the story further.

. . .

"Daki and I talked a lot, and he taught me many things during the time we had together. But the one thing he kept telling me about was satisfaction . . . Though, at first, I didn't fully understand what he meant. In fact, even now, I might not."

"Well, of course, you don't. His purpose in telling you wasn't to make you understand, but merely to plant a seed. The rest is up to you," Kayn clarifies.

"A seed?"

"Daki is smart, and he learned much wisdom from his brother Dara. He knows the power of words and can even bring me down with them. But he also understood their limits. Words are our best attempt to communicate with one another and ourselves, but they are only one part of the equation. The other part we need is . . . time . . . and to live, I guess," Kayn muses.

". . . I kind of understand . . ."

"I'm pretty bad at expressing this to others. The only reason I can say any of it is because of my time with Dara, Daki . . . and especially our mother."

"Our mother? Where is she? What was Habil's life like?" Neo asks.

. . .


"Ah ah ah—no spoilers. That's for another booketh," Yara interjects.

Both brothers lift their heads, looking at the One standing above them.

"One!" Neo exclaims in surprise.

"How did you get here? You can create wormholes as well?"

"How we did get here doesn't mat—"

"Mercy, wouldst thee mind if we hadst some privacy with these two?" Yara asks kindly.

"Ah, I see . . . thee and that gent still want these folk to witness it . . ." Hami and Yara both look outside the page and screen . . . at you.

. . .

After exchanging glances, Yara and Hami nod.

"Alright, fine. We'll serve as an anchor for this pointeth of view and flip the page to thy current event when it's done. However, the lady won't be allowed to witness from here on further. Dismissed, Mercy," One proclaim.

Kayn and Neo look at One, confused by the conversation.

"What brings you here? What do you want?" Kayn asks.

"I heard they seek you, actually . . . for battle," Neo says.

"Well, if that's what you want, I'm sorry, but you'll have to wait a bit," Kayn chuckles.

"Backeth to the matter at hand. Do not worry, Kayn, Lord of Triumph. We has't witnessed all we needed to in thy earlier battle. What we really cameth here for is thee," they point at Neo.


"Aye, we art here to see the results of our work that beganeth an eternity ago."

". . . began an eternity ago? Are you insinuating what I think you are?" Kayn's eyes widen.

"Aye, Lord. We art the ones responsible for all of it. All those drawings on the walls thee did see inside the caves upon the mountain were telling our story."

"And how does all that relate to me?" Neo asks.

"Well, the largest reasoneth we didst it wast so that a being such as yourself wouldst cometh to be. And once Kayn shatters the crystal, thee will have reached thy final stage," Yara and Hami look ahead.

"We wouldst tell thee more about this, but first, thee must breaketh his crystal. That takes priority at the moment."

". . . you are too eager for this, and I don't know much about who you are. What if I decide not to break it yet?"

"Then thee might endeth up dealing with him," they point, and Kayn sits up straight, looking intently.

. . .

A shadowy, wraith-like entity made of swirling darkness with a vaguely humanoid shape appears. The edges of the figure blur into the surrounding void, giving it an almost liquid or smoke-like appearance.

An empty void with no discernible features or perhaps a swirling vortex where a face would be, symbolizing the unknowable nature of death.

Tendrils or wisps of dark energy instead of hands, reach out as if to grasp the souls of the departed.

This is death, in all its meaning, standing before them.

"One, the hourglass is empty, and you've dared to tread where only I reign. There's no more escaping it—what I'm owed, I claim without delay," it states in an ethereal voice.

The instant Neo lays his eyes on it, he begins to breathe heavily and nervously. While his mind forgot, his body remembered. He has seen the presence of this being before. Kayn, on the other hand, remains on guard, his eyes focused on the battle of life.

It is but a moment and this line only. But just as fast as it appeared, it disappears.

"If we're late, thee shall has't to dealeth with him before thee get out of here. So, we're on a schedule. Wouldst thee please shatter the crystal so that the awakening may befall?"

"Awakening?" Kayn questions.

"Aye. Do not worry, he won't be harmed. Things shall go down more or less as thee expecteth. That, we put our nameth upon and giveth our word," Yara assures.

"Tell me why, at least," Kayn demands.

. . .

"We promiseth to reveal many of thy questions once this is done. But first, I believeth the entire audience ought to be here," Yara looks at Neo, indicating that he needs to be whole.

"Not to mention, he is extra annoyed by us because we tooketh one of his subjects, so this sequence of events wouldst be most wondrous."

Kayn looks at Neo, and Neo closes his eyes, laying on his back . . . preparing for what is to come.

"Kayn . . . whoever we become . . . promise me we will save Charlotte if we can."

. . .

"I promise," Kayn says.

. . .

Crack . . . crack! Shatter!

The alpha Ianite that belonged to Habil glows brightly, and so does the Omega at the Nexus.

. . .

. . . nothing happens for a moment.

And then . . . massive pillars of element zero erupt, and a pool of element zero begins forming above.

The Ianite places itself upon Habil's chest, and he floats to waist level. The pool above begins to converge into the Ianite, and his body is fully covered in highly pressurized Ianite.

The Alpha begins to create a new set of armor around him!

Moments pass, and the armored Neo . . . Habil? Whoever it is, stands upright and emerges from the pillar, the rest of the element zero absorbs into his back as the entire upper pool is gone.

". . . I promise," the newborn being declares.

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