Chereads / Falling And Rope / Chapter 89 - Chapter 82: Collapse

Chapter 89 - Chapter 82: Collapse

Kayn stays quiet after the message ends, shocked at how bad things are . . . he has been so preoccupied with taking down the army while constrained as to follow Daki's wishes . . .

Daki . . . Haco . . . brother!

. . .

"Iza and Dara are having difficulties down there, we need to go help them," says Sharara.

Kayn nods, "I see. Mercy,"

He then looks to his left, noticing a new door appearing there.

Sharara's head turns to look where he is looking, and gasps, "Another door!"

"Let's see what this is about," says Kayn, walking towards the door. He grabs the handle and twists it open.

Inhaling deeply, he smiles sadly as the door open, "The garden, as beautiful as ever,"

He turns his attention to the only person sitting at the round table.

It is the first time she has ever met him so close, his attention on her, the mere gaze makes her feel a suffocating pressure, and she holds her breath, and this isn't even intent on harm, it is just an attentive caution to who she is.

Kayn stares at her, finding it suspicious that someone he doesn't know is sitting in such a highly guarded place without Tahara around.


Another door opens, and white light shines through.

The Mother of Mercy stands at the door.

Seeing her, Ivy finally lets out a breath in relief.

Behind her is a massive, white-walled library with mesmerizingly unique architecture and lights, filled with books, some on shelves and some floating around.

The Mother of Mercy steps out and the crib follows behind her.

She looks at Kayn, holding out a hand, "Stay where you are for me, will you?"

He listens to The Mother Of Mercy and remains on the other side of the door, looking at his daughter in awe and smiling proudly.

Even I am not allowed in there! An infant . . . that's my girl for you.

Noticing his stare, Tahara smiles, "I was surprised as well. After my walk, I had to get back in there to learn more, and I was surprised Mercy wanted and allowed me to bring her in there as well. The keepers of the library loved meeting her and playing with her,"

"And she is?" questions Kayn jerking his chin towards Ivy, making her gulp.

"An ally, I will tell you about her later. So, how are things going? How are you?"

"Well, I took care of the pests here, and I just received the letters and now know how dire the situation is . . . and I am feeling . . . many things. But most of all . . . I am livid!" he grunts, his eyes glowing red.

The Mother of Mercy stands in front of him, and he calms down.

"I presume I am needed beyond that door as well," he glances at the last closed door in the area.


. . .

"Then, do you have an order of events for me? What did you find out from the library?"

"Yes, I do. For you," she glances behind him at Sharara, "And for Sharara,"

Sharara points at herself, raising her eyebrows, " For me?"

"Yes dear, I will need you to do something for us here on the Rope,"

"Wait what? The Rope? But you and Uncle Chad are there! If anything, we need to go and help Iza and Dara right no–"

"Sharara," interrupts Kayn, silencing her, "I promise if there is time afterwards to explain, we will. But right now, things have escalated too far and the enemy we are dealing with is not to be underestimated. We should heed and follow your mother's words from the knowledge she obtained at the library and have faith in it!"

"I have faith in them. They were my brother's closest colleagues and friends," chimes in Dara, telepathically.

Sharara sighs, ". . . fine. I will go to the plane then,"

Tahara shakes her head, "Oh, no need for that, dear,"

"Huh? Through the door then?"

"No . . . you can't. Only Kayn can pass through this one,"


"It will be a . . . new experience– Oh! The time is near! Kayn, please walk three steps to the right and cut the Castle vertically in half when given the go,"

"Wait tell me how–"

Sharara pauses, processing the insanity of the statement.

The Castle in half? What did my mom just say?

Kayn follows as commanded.

First step.

On average, each layer of this Castle has a surface area of Two Fifty Million KM squared . . .

Second step.

. . . and the amount of height is almost a thousand KM except between levels 0 and 1 . . .

Third step.

Kayn takes his stance, holding the hilt of his katana with his left hand.

"Oh, Sharara dear, before I forget, can you do me a favor and put your hand on Kayn's back while standing to his right?"

Sharara stands still, lost in her thoughts.

Tahara raises her eyebrows, "Sharara? Sharara."

"Oh, yes, mom," she follows as instructed.

"There, now they really won't see it coming," she giggles, "I am like a little girl again! Sorry, it's just always so exciting to see Kayn go to the more unrestrained side,"

Kayn scoffs, "They killed my restrained side with Daki . . . also, will it hit him as well?"

"Yes. Also, make the swing normal,"

Kayn smirks a little.

A moment passes.


With a beautiful, complete circular stroke, Kayn strikes. It isn't fast and it isn't slow . . . it is just normal.

. . .

Huh? My view . . . did I get hit by something? Why . . . why are my eyes dislocating vertically?

Aayn wonders, floating in the air from an earlier maneuver, as he continues to get split in half and apart slowly, along with the whole Castle.

He would have lost consciousness immediately, but the will . . . the same will Neo had to save Charlotte back then, keeps him conscious a little longer.

However, for him, it is the will to hold on for as long as possible to see . . . how perfect the event unfolding is, the view from down here, of the Castle being split apart . . . is magnificent.

. . .

Zahtan glances at his compass again.

No response nor indication again? The only way Kayn would do something this drastic is if he understood and knew the actual situation and what happened! Who told him?! Selena was supposed to detect and stop anyone trying to reach him on the third floor to update him! Yet, not only did she not stop them, but we didn't even get notified.

He shakes his head, clenching his jaw.

She has access to Orbit's spying equipment. How did we not get anything about this?

. . .

"Kayn, I am afraid that is all you have time to do, if you wish to talk to him before it's too late. You have to cross and go meet him now, and if you don't want things to go bad up there,"

Kayn puts his sword back and starts walking towards the door.

The Mother Of Mercy holds out a letter to him, "First of all, give this to Sharara quickly!"

He reaches over across the door to grab it, and then hands it over to Sharara, who is just . . . silent and at pause at what she is currently witnessing.

"All done?" asks Kayn.

"Yes, thank you," nods Tahara as she waves goodbye to her daughter.

"Everything about what you need to do next is in there," she tells her.

Kayn goes through the door as it closes behind him, disappearing the same way it appeared.

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