Chapter 273 - Chapter 273

(AN: Leave a comment and a review, your feedback helps me a lot.)

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Yeah! Here's the new chapter!


-Room of Requirement – ​​After my conversation with Hermione-

With the Time-Turner in my possession, I said goodbye to Hermione and left for the Room of Requirement, knowing that this was the only place I would be safe and have the privacy to go back in time.

Already in the Room of Requirement I looked at the Vanishing Cabinet that was in a corner of the room, with me having left it there in the morning.

Looking at my ATLAS I saw that it was almost 4 pm, and then I started to feel the magic of the Vanishing Cabinet being activated.

Feeling a very familiar magic rising from the Vanishing Cabinet and knowing what it meant I went behind the cabinet.

And right after I hid myself the doors of the Vanishing Cabinet opened, and I could feel my instincts and my Beast Talk connecting with my future self.

I could feel a connection that I had never felt before establish between my other self, a connection that I had not felt with any other living being.

But with that connection I was able to sense the conflicted and sad feelings coming from my other self, and I immediately started to wonder if I had failed in my mission.

But just when I started to get worried I heard my future self speak.

"Go, you can't be late" my other self said, and if I could have seen him I would have seen that he was looking down at the floor with a frown.

Listening to my future self I looked at the glass hourglass with golden sands of the Time-Turner that was now in my hands, and taking a deep breath I turned the hourglass 8 times.

After I finished giving the hourglass the eighth turn I could see it start to turn by itself, and then the Time-Turner started to glow.

And while I was concentrating on the device in my hands, my future self had his fists clenched tightly, with angry feelings coming from him.

Not knowing what was going through my other self's head and feeling the Time-Turner's magic activate, I started to look around, seeing how the world around me seemed to regress in time, with only me still continuing at normal speed.

After a few seconds in which I was feeling all the magic around me flow in a strange and disorderly way, but still smoothly, time stopped regressing, with the Time-Turner stopping to glow.

Feeling a slight uneasy feeling from time travel I shook my head.

After I recovered I took a deep breath, looking around and not noticing much change in the Room of Requirement, and to confirm if I really went back in time I cast a [Tempus] which revealed to me that it was 8 am.

"I did it" I said to myself, smiling.

But leaving my happiness of being able to travel in time aside, I went to the Vanishing Cabinet and entered it, activating it and teleporting myself to its pair.

After exiting the other Vanishing Cabinet I looked around my room, seeing that everything was just as I had left it.

Using my senses I could feel that my parents were on the first floor, with my father being in the garage and my mother in the living room, and I could feel that they were worried but that they were trying not to think about the trial.

Extending the range of my senses further I felt no one else at home or nearby, and I sighed in relief.

'Apparently Nick and Penny accompanied Sirius to the ministry' I realized.

'That's good, since if Nick or Penny were here I think it would be a lot harder to escape without them noticing' I sighed in relief but then returned my focus to why I was here.

Knowing I was supposed to be discreet when infiltrating the Ministry, I quickly changed into the same outfit I had worn when I faced the Quirrellmort in the Forbidden Forest my first year.

I still wore the same mask, but just in case I used a spell on my hood that left my face covered in shadows.

I could have just used this spell, without needing the mask, but if the hood fell off, the spell would also be cancelled.

But back to the subject, after putting all the necessary items for this mission in my jacket pockets, I opened my bedroom window slowly, taking care not to alert my parents.

With the window open, I leaned on it before jumping, managing to land softly and almost silently on the lawn, thanking my high physical attributes, because without them I would probably have hurt myself in the fall.

'Okay, that was the easy part, now I just hope the rest of my mission goes as well as' I thought, taking a deep breath and trying to quell my concern.

Shaking my head, knowing these thoughts weren't going to help me at all, I returned my focus to the mission.

And with that I cast a powerful Disillusionment Charm and a silent spell on myself, and after checking and seeing that I was invisible to everyone I started running towards the address where I knew one of the entrances to the British Ministry was.


-Ministry of Magic - Just Before the Trial Begins-

It wasn't too difficult to infiltrate the ministry, as once I arrived at the address where the ministry's visitors' entrance was, I only had to wait for a random wizard.

When this wizard who was a middle-aged man with a bored look appeared, I just followed him to a broken red telephone box, which served as a secret passage.

Still under the Disillusionment Charm I entered the box with the witcher, taking care not to bump into him, even using compulsion spells to keep him away from me, and after the process of dialing the password on the telephone set and informing what business he wanted to deal with the ministry the telephone box began to descend underground like an elevator.

From the moment the telephone box started to descend I could feel us pass through a magical barrier, probably one of the hundreds of wards that protected the ministry, and I immediately became concerned, wondering if these wards had even noticed me.

But I shook my head, reminding myself that if the wards couldn't even notice that several Azkaban escapees were in the ministry in the fifth book, why would they notice me?

But while I was thinking about it the telephone box finally arrived on the main floor of the ministry, the Atrium.

The wizard who was with me got out of the box as soon as the doors opened, not even noticing that I was beside him.

Coming out of the telephone box too, I stood still, looking around as it was the first time I had set foot in the British ministry.

And I wasn't too surprised, as he was almost exactly like the ministry described in the movies and books.

'Well, I don't have time to think about it' I told myself, and then I got a serious look of total concentration.

'Now I just need to wait to truly start the plan, and then I can help Pettigrew escape' I thought, and then I left towards the tenth floor, which was where the courtrooms were.


-Courtroom 10 - Wizengamot-

[POV – Amelia]

The day finally arrived, and I was currently sitting in the front row seats looking out over everyone in the courtroom.

Courtroom 10 is the ministry's main court, where major criminals were tried.

This is also where the Death Eaters were tried and accused after the downfall of their master, You-Know-Who, and ironically after so many years this place will be used to judge another of their followers while at the same time clearing the one that everyone thought was his right hand.

The courtroom did not have a very welcoming appearance, quite the contrary. The walls, floor and ceiling were of dark stone, and the room was lit by 4 large stone bowls with strong flames supported by pilasters that stood at the four corners of the room.

Around the courtroom were several seats rising in levels along the walls, and at the very top of the room in the right corner were dark chairs with red accents that were for the main members of the Council of Magical Laws and the Wizengamot.

In addition to these seats there were also two raised thrones, the larger being for the Chief Warlock and the smaller being for the Judge, with a small table and chair at the side for the clerk. In the front row were some seats prepared for the witnesses, the aurors, the prosecutor, the lawyer, and the victim if there were any.

In the center of the room was a large space with an iron chair for the defendant to sit in, and on the arms of the chair were iron chains, making it very uncomfortable for anyone to sit there.

And currently, sitting in that chair unconscious was Peter Pettigrew, in his human form.

'Sigh... I hope all is well on Andromeda's side' I thought.

And as I thought about it, I saw Fudge get up from his seat that was below the judge's seat.

"Hello everyone, today we are all gathered here to carry out the trial of Peter Pettigrew, who is being accused of serving You-Know-Who, betraying the Potters and killing 12 Muggles in broad daylight" the Minister said, and it was obvious to anyone that he'd rather be anywhere else than here doing anything else.

And it's not all that surprising to see this reaction coming from him, since by making this trial he is basically assuming that his Ministry made a mistake by sentencing Sirius to Azkaban while rewarding Pettigrew for his bravery, and he also knew that this would make the Ministry and him a laughing stock in the wizarding world.

"Ahem, and present here as the representatives of the law we have Amelia Bones, the head of the DMLE as witness and one of the prosecuting parties, Philley Aubreham as clerk, and Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore acting in his capacity as Chief Warlock" Fudge continued, gesturing to each of us, with me rising and turning to the jury, giving them a slight polite nod before returning to my seat.

Dumbledore also stood up and waved to everyone with a kind and reassuring smile on his face.

"And to end the introductions, the one presiding over this trial will be Judge Emmeline Stoppard" Fudge said as he gestured to a middle-aged woman with blond and gray hair who had a serious and focused look, wearing the formal robes of a member of the highest Wizengamot's court.

Mrs. Stoppard, after being pointed out by Fudge, looked around the courtroom as she nodded slightly in greeting, all the while maintaining her professional gaze.

"And now I leave the floor to you, Your Honor," Fudge said to Mrs. Stoppard, who rose.

"Ahem" she cleared her throat, getting everyone's attention, "Since all parts of this case are here I say we start the—"

"Hang on!" I interrupted her as I got up.

"Huh? Yes?" Mrs. Stoppard looked at me confused, a little surprised that I was the one who interrupted her.

"I'm sorry your honor, but not all parties are present yet" I said, further adding to her confusion as she looked around at everyone in the courtroom.

"Err...Sorry, but I don't see anyone important for this trial missing," she said, but I shook my head.

"Actually one of the main people and the most affected by this whole situation is still not here" I said.

""Who?"" Mrs. Stoppard and Fudge asked at the same time.

And instead of answering them, I just looked at the dark marble courtroom doors, and said a sentence that immediately changed everyone's confusion to shock and fear.

"Come in, Sirius Black"



(End AN: I had to sort out some issues at my bank last week, and I was reminded why I hate queues.)

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