Chapter 269 - Chapter 269

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Yeah! Here's the new chapter!


-Back to Hogwarts-

After the initial shock over the article in the Daily Prophet wore off, everyone in the Great Hall began talking and whispering, having found a new source of gossip and news.

But while all this was going on I was looking at Harry who stood up with an empty look, and ignoring the call of his friends I saw him leave the Great Hall

I wasn't the only one to notice this, as I also noticed the look the Headmaster was giving the closed doors of the Great Hall.

I then felt the Headmaster's gaze fall on me, and turning to him I saw him look at me with a solemn look, but behind that look I could see his request almost begging me to do something.

And nodding, I got up, at the same time as Ron and Hermione.

And without paying attention to those around them and the conversations, the two left the Great Hall, with me following them, knowing that if there was anyone besides me who could find Harry in this great castle, it was them.

I started to follow Hermione and Ron without them noticing as they walked hurriedly looking for Harry. I then used my senses, managing to catch the scent of Harry and his magic, which told me he had left the castle.

And unsurprisingly, his two friends knew he wasn't in the castle, probably realizing that at a time like this he would like some fresh air, away from the whispers and glares of the other students.

Once outside the castle we headed towards the Stone Courtyard, and seeing someone with black hair bent over one of the marble benches in the courtyard Hermione and Ron immediately ran towards him.

Seeing this, I decided to stay behind, hiding behind a tree, listening to their conversation and seeing if the two of them would be able to help Harry or if I needed to interfere.

"Harry mate, are you alright?" Ron asked with a worried look, stepping in front of Harry, only to receive no response.

"Harry, please talk to us" Hermione begged, kneeling down in front of him, and looking up at his face she saw that Harry had a blank look on his face.

"Harry... I know it must have been hard to read what was written in that article, but you can't let that get to you" Ron said, also kneeling down.

"Yes, we know you're strong, so please talk to us," Hermione said, taking one of Harry's hands in her own.

And to Ron and Hermione's delight, for the first time since they arrived Harry showed another reaction, lifting his head to look at them, but that joy turned to concern when they noticed the tears in his friend's eyes.

"I... I don't know what is true or not anymore." Harry said, bending over as he placed his free hand on his head, gripping his hair.

"Harry" Hermione tried to call out to him, but he continued as if he hadn't heard her.

"He didn't betray my parents" he said, "He wasn't the cause of their deaths... He might not even have killed all those 12 Muggles..."

"We don't know that, the Daily Prophet could be lying" Hermione said.

"But what if they aren't lying?! What if Black really is Innocent?!" Harry screamed with a face of anguish, and taking a deep breath he continued, "He spent 12 years in prison... 12 years where I could have had a real family..."

"12 years I thought those who were supposed to love and care for me had abandoned me with my relatives," he said, spitting out the word relatives with extreme disgust and contempt.

Harry then put his hand on his chest, with a pained face, "But actually someone who could be taking care of me, not abusing me, someone who could be my family... has been locked up in the worst place in the world all this time."

"I could have had a real family" Harry finished, looking at Ron and Hermione with such pain and suffering that they didn't know how to react.

And finishing saying that Harry broke down, not being able to control his emotions anymore, crying and clinging to Hermione who was in front of him.

"Oh Harry" Hermione said, not knowing how to comfort her friend, which is why the only thing she decided to do was hug him feeling her own tears running down her cheeks.

And Ron, who was worse than Hermione when it came to feelings, just put a supportive hand on Harry's shoulder, but his gaze was solemn, as the only thing he could think about was the things Harry had said to him the day he found out that Sirius was his godfather.

Remembering how devastated his friend was, and how he said he felt unwanted and that he didn't think he was someone worth loving, Ron felt a tightness in his chest, and for the second time since meeting Harry and became his friend he realized that being the Boy-Who-Lived wasn't such a good thing.

And I, who was seeing and hearing everything, also felt a wave of sadness hit me, realizing that Harry was just a boy who dreamed of having a family.

And not wanting to let him drown any more in his negative and depressive feelings I walked out from behind the tree.

Walking towards the golden trio the three heard the sound of my footsteps, but only two of them reacted, turning to me.

"Ethan?" Hermione asked, using the free hand she wasn't holding Harry's hand to wipe away her tears.

"What are you doing here?" Ron asked, and all I could do was nod at Harry.

"Harry, look at me" I said, and he turned to me, and I tried to ignore the guilty feeling that surged through me at the lost look in his eyes.

I knew that not telling him the whole truth that day would only result in more confusion, but in my mind I thought he wasn't ready to know everything.

And thinking about it, I realized that I ended up acting like the Headmaster, hiding information that was important from other people just because I thought I knew better.

With a fresh wave of guilt flooding through me I sighed, but a determined look came over my face, and so I decided I was going to tell Harry the truth.

"I heard what you said, and you don't have to worry about it anymore" I said, "And Sirius being innocent or not doesn't change the fact that there are people who truly love you"

"But what if he really is innocent? What does that mean to me?" he asked, and I reached down to place a hand on his shoulder.

"It just means you'll have a new chance to start over with the family you've wanted so much" and hearing this Harry just looked at the floor, but then he seemed to realize something, because he looked at me again with a slightly wide-eyed look.

"You know…" Harry said, not a question but a statement, and I remained silent.

"He knows what?" Ron asked confused, and before Harry could say anything I answered for him.

"He means I know if Sirius is innocent or not," I said after getting up, and that immediately caused Ron and Hermione to turn to me in surprise.

""Do you know?!"" they asked, but I didn't answer them and just continued to stare at Harry, who held his gaze, and I could feel the sadness and anger coming off of him.

"You know, I think you're wrong," I said to him.

"No, I'm not wrong, I'm sure you know the truth and—" Harry started to say, but I cut him off.

"I'm not talking about that," I said, and Harry stopped, looking at me confused.

Noticing his confusion I sighed, "Harry, I meant that I think you're wrong about not having a real family."

"You might not have noticed it yet, but like I said that day, there are a lot of people around you who care, worry..." I looked at Ron, "And even love you" and I finished looking at Hermione, who blushed a little, but she looked sideways at Harry and at their hands that were still clasped together and I could see her back straighten and I saw her look of conviction.

Smiling slightly at that I looked back at Harry and continued.

"You have many friends, many admirers, and many people who respect and care for you, even if you never realized it"

"And it's not just them, your parents—"

"My parents are dead!" Harry cut me off, getting to his feet.

"And that doesn't change the fact that they are your parents and that they loved you," I continued, and Harry couldn't deny it.

"And even though your parents died, you still have a little bit of them in you, and I'm not just talking about looks and personality, I'm talking about it" I then pointed to his chest where his heart was, "Your parents gave their lives for you to live, in one of the greatest demonstrations of love, and now whenever you cry, laugh, smile, or feel any other emotion, know that you can feel it because you are alive, and living is what makes the sacrifice of your parents important"

"...But I still wish they were alive" Harry mumbled, and I sighed sadly.

"Yes, I can understand you" I said with a hint of longing, thinking of my own parents from my first life, since in a way it was death that separated us.

The trio upon hearing my tone looked at me confused, and realizing this I decided to get back to the point before they asked questions I didn't want or could answer.

"But now you have so many other reasons to live, reasons to keep moving forward, reasons to smile…" I said, opening my arms and gesturing around us, and Harry seemed to understand that I was talking about his new life in the wizarding world and at Hogwarts.

"And that's not all, you're going to have the family you wanted so much, I'm sure of it" I said, and then took a deep breath for the big revelation, "After all, Sirius, your godfather, is innocent"

And as soon as I said that Hermione and Ron opened their mouths in shock, but I was really paying attention to Harry's reaction.

Harry, upon hearing the confirmation that Sirius was innocent, felt as if a weight had been lifted from his shoulders, and he fell to his knees, crying again, only this time with relief and happiness.

And seeing Harry like this Ron and Hermione recovered from their shock, kneeling down to see if Harry was all right, only to find the big smile on his tearful face.

Seeing their friend so happy, Ron and Hermione looked at each other before letting small relieved but happy smiles appear on their faces.

And feeling the negative emotions disappear at the same time as the positive ones emerged, I gave a small smile, realizing that I had made the right choice.



(End AN: The month of March is almost over, which means that April, the month of Easter, is just a few days away.

I still don't know what my family and I are going to do for Easter, but we're probably going to make and buy Easter eggs for the kids in the family.)

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