Chapter 237 - Chapter 237

(AN: Leave a comment and a review, your feedback helps me a lot.)

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Yeah! Here's the new chapter!


Two days after the Dementors invaded the Quidditch pitch, conversations and discussions on this subject ended up waning, and now that the students were calmer things went back to the way they were before.

But something everyone noticed was that tension and fear continued to hang in the air, as no one knew if or when the dementors would strike again.

I continued to study and train as I normally did, but even I couldn't help but worry, as the situation with the Dementors made me realize that I had to learn to cast a Corporeal Patronus urgently.

Not being able to do anything to help reminded me of my dreams where I was helpless in front of that scary creature, and I really don't like this feeling.

The feeling of being useless, of not being able to do anything...

Knowing that this could happen again put me on edge, and if I didn't like Dementors before, now I loathe them.

When I said that I would create a spell to destroy Dementors I didn't think it was possible, since they are amortal creatures, but as it turned out, I can also hurt this type of creature.

And now my thought of destroying them all has become a goal, a goal I'm going to complete, one way or another...


-Library - Study group-

"Well, so now I proclaim that our '93-94 school year study group has begun," I said, looking around to see several of my friends and other classmates sitting around a large table in the library.

And as soon as I finished talking, as if it was rehearsed, all my friends started clapping, not caring about the sound as I had already thrown a barrier over us to stop any sound from leaking out, so Madame Pince wouldn't would complain about any noise.

A few of the group didn't clap and simply remained quiet, and it was no surprise that most of them were Slytherins, not telling Lily of course.

When everyone calmed down I saw Anthony stand up, straightening his tie in a professional manner, and I already knew he was going to say something stupid.

"Well, and as Co-Creator of the group, I'd like to say that- Hmh uhn!"

"Since no one else has anything else to say..." Lisa started to say with a calm and dangerous smile, looking at everyone especially the remaining Ravenclaw boys as she held out her wand she just used to silence Anthony, "I think we should start our study section by reviewing our lessons from the last few weeks first, then we'll move on to our current lessons later."

"I agree" Sue nodded.

The remaining group members also nodded and we all grabbed our materials, settled into our seats.

"Don't look at me" Terry said after Anthony sat back down and turned to him with a sad expression, pointing to his mouth, but no sound came out.

"Sigh..." Anthony sighed with slumped shoulders.

We had all decided to ignore them, as scenes like this were common in our study group sections.

With each taking a scroll, we started writing down all the things we've been taught since the beginning of this school year.

We also write about the things we learn in our elective classes, and it was a surprise to me to find that there were more people doing Divination than Runes and Arithmancy, two subjects that study important branches of magic.

'Sigh… I should have stopped trying to understand wizards' minds by now' I thought, shaking my head in disappointment.

"I wasn't expecting there to be so many people in this study group" Hermione, the newest member of the group, muttered in surprise, and I turned to her.

"Can you blame them? It's hard to resist joining a study group that has me, the smartest student in school," I proclaimed proudly.

Hermione listening to me just looked at me with a blank face.

'How can someone like him be better than me in classes?' she wondered with a blank stare.


-Room of Requirement - In the afternoon-

"I forgot to ask you, but do you have the Marauder's Map with you?" Sirius asked me, causing me to look up from the book I was reading.

"No, the map is still with the people who found it," I said, and that made Sirius raise an eyebrow.

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"Well, the map is in the possession of the twins, and they had found it in their first year at Filch's stuff and took it, thinking it might be something interesting" I shrugged my shoulders, "They were the ones who showed me the map, and after some research and study I replicated its magic to my bracelet, making some modifications"

"Hmm, so you mean no one used the map after Peter lost it? That's sad." Sirius sighed.

"Why is this sad?" I asked.

"Well, the map is such an amazing item created by us, and knowing that it has been sitting around gathering dust for so long without being used by anyone is kind of disappointing," Sirius replied.

"Hmm, I see," I said tapping a finger on my chin.

I then looked at Sirius again.

"But I think you can be happy now, as whoever found them is actually a duo of notorious Hogwarts pranksters," I said and that caught Sirius' attention.

"Really?!" he asked a little excitedly.

"Yes, and actually, they're both Gryffindors and also big Marauders fans," I said with an amused smile.

"This is wonderful!" Sirius said, eyes twinkling, "I would love to meet these little fans of mine."

"Well, you may not know them, but you know their family," I said.

"Their family? Who?" he asked.

"The duo I'm talking about are called Fred and George Weasley, and they're Arthur and Molly's kids, and you've met her brothers," I replied.

"Weasley?" Sirius repeated in surprise, "What a coincidence" he said.

"Yes," I huffed, "The two current castle pranksters are from the same family as your godson's best friend, who also happens to be the current 'owner' of Pettigrew. Not to mention the fact that their mother is Molly Weasley née Prewett, who is the younger sister of Gideon and Fabian who were also twins, and who were once members of the Order of the Phoenix" I said.

"Wow, I didn't remember that last fact... That makes things even more surprising" he said, and then stopped to think for a moment, "Actually, I hadn't noticed that before, but those twins in the newspaper really look like Gideon and Fabian" he muttered scratching his chin.

"And I know something else that might surprise you" I said catching Sirius' attention, "It's a secret, but the two of them are also members of a prankster group, or a trio to be more exact, and they are quite famous here at Hogwarts and great pranksters, even better than the Marauders"

"That's a pretty bold statement to say," Sirius said feeling challenged. But then he seemed to notice something as he turned to me with narrowed eyes, "Wait... You said threesome... It should be a secret but you know... They trust you enough to show you the map. .. You proclaim with certainty and pride that this group is better than the Marauders... YOU are the third member!" he finished, pointing at me accusingly.

And the only answer he got from me was an innocent smile.

"How did I not notice this before?! It was obvious you were a prankster too!" he said, considering my smile a confirmation of his suspicions, "Hoho, you almost tricked me. A smart Ravenclaw is a great cover for a big prankster."

"I never tried to hide my prankster personality" I said with an amused smile, "Actually, I said it was a secret that we are the Three Musketeers, but probably everyone at school knows it's us"

"Three Musketeers? Like in the novel? Cool" Sirius said, nodding his head appreciatively, "And if everyone at school knows that the three of you are the members of this group of pranksters, then that means you're not all that good."

"Oh, that's where you're wrong. In fact we're so good that even the teachers know it's us, but there's nothing they can do about it," I said, smirking.

"What do you mean?" he asked confused.

"Well, what's the point of them knowing we're the pranksters if they don't have evidence to accuse us of anything?" I said, and Sirius' eyes widened in realization.

"Oh, you bastards," he said, and then started to laugh.

"Yes, even Professor McGonagall and the Headmaster know it's us but they don't do anything, not even a point reduction or a detention," I said.

"That's amazing! McGonagall always found out when we played pranks and gave us detention," he said.

"Well, what can I say? I'm amazing" I said with a shrug, "Unfortunately not all professors need proof to accuse and punish someone. Professor Snape punishes the twins even for pranks they didn't play. The only one who doesn't get punishments is me, but that's because I always manage to stay away from him, and only in Potion classes can he do something, but he's more focused on tormenting other students."

"Oh, don't worry about that greasy idiot, he's probably just pissed off because he needs a shower" Sirius said waving his hand carelessly, still chuckling.

"I don't really care if he gives me some punishment. In fact it just makes revenge all the more satisfying" I said with a cruel smile, "And that's why I'm preparing that" I pointed to a corner of the room, where there was a table with a cauldron and some items on top.

"Sigh! Don't tell me that is..." Sirius said with wide eyes pointing to the things on the table.

"Yeah" I nodded.

"And you're going to use that to..."

"I will" I nodded again, getting more and more amused to see Sirius' excitement.

"And then he..."

"Yep" I said popping the P.

"Okay, now it's official. I'll help you prank Snape," he said, grinning wildly.

"I thought you'd never offer your help," I joked, a huge smile on my face, drawing a chuckle from Sirius.

'What will be the reaction of the twins when they find out that one of the Marauders helped me to make a prank?' I thought, laughing just imagining their expressions.

And if anyone walked into this room at this very moment, they would be surprised and scared to find a Ravenclaw third-year and a fugitive criminal laughing maniacally.



(End AN: December is always a busy month for everyone, but at the same time it can also be considered the most awaited month.

Are you excited for Christmas and New Years?)

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