Several days had passed since Ben and Tia finished their work on the Nihonto and left it with Val to handle and deliver.
Currently the both of them were working on the armour for Drav, but some pieces of materials they wanted to use had to be processed further manually before Ben could use his transmutated ability on the materials.
He could have worked the materials after the used his ability, but he felt it would be easier to work the materials with the tools currently available.
On the day they began crafting the leather armour, Ben visited Billy at the butcher shop for his help treating particular hides into leather.
Ben gave Billy a list of the beasts he wanted to treat into leather, but Billy let him know that the next delivery would happen in a few days would contain all these and more treated into leather.
Gunthir and Val gave Billy the order to treat a portion of each beast into fur pelts, hides, and treated leather.