Chapter 42 - Chapter 41

4 Months later

In these 4 months, the establishment of the Roman Empire is the most known thing throughout the world right now.

The free cities under the Roman Empire have been undergoing reconstruction to make the buildings appear better, but cultural things like statues and other historical things were left alone, showing the people that Greg respects their culture.

3 months ago not a lot of people were happy about the whole Roman Empire thing, but they weren't exactly angry either. Most people didn't understand something's and thought that Greg was trying to change their culture, but after hearing that Roman is all cultures combined to show unity.

Of course, there are still some of different cultures who don't like some people of other cultures, but they had to accept it since they saw the power of the Emperor, and knew that they couldn't do anything about it.

Plus, there were some positives to the laws, as people had more freedom and protection. Though the freedom was still limited since Greg knows what happens when people have too much freedom.

Greg also allowed each of the cities to choose a governor from amongst the population. This was an idea from Julius which would raise Greg's support amongst the people and have one of their own govern them.

A Governor would be like a local lord, only he answers to Greg and nobody else. Also, his powers are limited to prevent lords from having too much power.

Greg has appointed Aleanna and Julius to two different positions. Julius is a High General, which is a person who oversees the Military of the Empire. Greg is the Supreme Commander, so the High General is only second to Greg.

Aleanna has been appointed as Greg's right hand, which is a position as a bodyguard, one who goes with Greg where ever he go. She is still a General but spends her time leading the Royal Army which Greg summoned.

The Royal Army consisted of 6k Praetorian Guards, 2k Roman Cataphracts and 2k Royal Chinese crossbowman. This small army alone could fight a force 2x it's number and win, or at least that is what Greg expects.

Arin was appointed as Chancellor and has begun recruiting people that he will train to help him with his duties.

Already, a secret shadow guard was formed to protect Greg with people summoned from the system costing 1k each, so Greg only summoned 10 for now. These Shadow guards were trained in shadow magic and could hide in shadows, much similar to Greg's spies, only the shadow guard was better in terms of combat strength and abilities.


Braavos four months ago was a place that was full of death as many people were killed and enslaved, but over these months since Greg had retaken it life has begun to return to normal for the city as trade has come back to the city.

The Iron bank has decided to support Greg in hopes of him not investigating into them and hoping they remain open. Greg accepted their support since it would boost his standing and he wasn't going to bother them anyway as long as they don't try to undermine him.

The Titan of Braavos which was destroyed by the Prince of Pentos was being rebuilt by Greg but would take some time since it was a very big project and right now Greg already has lots to do. But it would still be built since it has some historical relevance to the people of Braavos, and it was also a good defensive structure.

In the palace in Lorath Greg could be seen sleeping on his desk as he was up all night looking over various reports and signing some documents and such relating to the Empire.

From the door came in some maids who walked in with breakfast for Greg. The head maid Maria had walked up to Greg, tapping him slightly to wake him up.

Greg looked up opening his eyes while hearing a sweet voice telling him to wake up "Wake up your majesty we have brought you breakfast and there is someone here to meet you" Said Maria

"Thank you, Maria" Said Greg as he sat up and yawned, still feeling slightly tired

Greg sat up, and the breakfast was set in front of him as he began to eat it. While eating, he looked at Maria and said "You said there was someone to meet me, who is it" Asked Greg

"Well, he says he is from Pentos and that he is the rightful ruler of the seven Kingdoms, and he requests an audience with you immediately, but since he was so rude Arin made him wait a few more hours before letting you know" Said Maria

"I know who it is, that spoiled little prince who thinks the world is his, but he has no army to help him retake what he has a claim to" Said Greg

"I'll be there in a little, prepare the throne room and have Aleanna meet me there" Said Greg as the maria left.

The remaining maids helped Greg bathe and put on some new clothes since he was still slightly tired, plus he was getting used to being treated like this since the maids do almost everything for him, including fulfilling his sexual needs.

Aleanna was busy sometimes, so the maids seeing this offered up themselves in her place. For the first time since coming to this world, Greg had indulged himself with multiple women at one time, and it has been going for a couple of months now.

After taking the bath and having the maids put on his clothes, Greg went to the throne room.

As he walked in, he had seen Aleanna standing next to the throne waiting, while in front of the throne a few feet away in the center of the room was Viserys Targaryen.

After sitting on the throne, a Royal guard stepped forward announcing Greg arrival and stated for Viserys to began speaking

"Finally, As Lord of the seven Kingdoms, I demand you give me an army" Stated Viserys with a small smile on his face like he was going to get his way

All the Royal Guards looked at each other without moving their heads, letting their eyes speak to each other. They each were thinking, did he really just say that.

Greg looked at him like an idiot, thinking that he truly was as deranged as he was in the show.

"What, didn't you hear me I demand an army and in exchange I will give you my sister as a wife" Said Viserys adding something to offer.

Greg shook his head since this was going to be a long meeting, and he hopes that Viserys leaves this place in one piece since he didn't want to kill him just yet.