Angelo and Angela was riding in the bike going to the company that Angela wanted
"Wait you already know that I'm a V-tuber"
"I got my suspicious when I gone in your room and notice the Laptop and Monitor, and YOUR SO LOUD AT NIGHT"
"How you found out my Channel? Bro"
"Ah... About that"
Angelo pass by the Company
"BRO You pass by it"
"ah Sorry"
Angelo Park the motorcycle and Angela was Super excited
"Yo this is Big" Angelo said
They enter the front door, Angelo look around to the picture and one of the Employee said "Did you know that the Company used to be a Yogurt stand?"
"Wait seriously?"
"Yeah, I'm actually surprise too"
Angelo was Drag by Angela and was in the Counter
"so Audition suppose?"
Angela response "Yes Ma'am"
Angela Hand out the Document and the Ms. said "Please wait for a moment, Here's the Number please sit down over to the next floor room, After that you will be guided by Examiner"
Angelo thank the Ms. and headed to the next floor, They where Guided by Employees and waited for the Numbers to count up for Angela's number
"It's number 50... Where at number 68 It will take awhile"
In their waiting Angelo start watching anime and Angela is using her Phone looking at her Channel comments
And couple of hours later
"Number 68 Please raise your Number"
"Oy, Oy... Oy! Angela wake up"
"Huh? did i pass?"
"no if you didn't even started"
"Huh? ah!?"
Angela Raise her arm and the Examiner Asked them to be Escorted to the stage room
"Sir, please stay here"
"thank you" Angelo Said
Angelo waited and couple of minutes
"Sir, please follow me"
Angelo was in the Examiner's room where they Observe the Candidates
"Are you her Manager?"
Angelo in his though
"MANAGER??? My god Angela what did you do this... I guess I need to act this"
Angelo response
"Yes I'm her Manager, what's the problem Sir?"
"nothing really, Your kid is pretty good, anyways I will ask you"
Angelo confused
"What is it?"
"does she have any Experience with Livestreaming or video records?"
Angelo response
"Yes, She have, She also have a channel"
"Cool, what's her Channel name?"
"Anghel Tenshi"
"Oh She's already have a V-Tuber? Interesting, most of the Candidates doesn't have V-tuber model, but are already knows how to Livestream but She's already have one is a Huge sign"
After a quick conversation and shake hands We manage to get a Reserve Spot, My sister is waiting for me in the next room where She need to do an Endurance stream, But since is a long time, they make the Candidates Exercise while talking and stuff
And Somehow Angela manage to pass and get to another room
i was seek out and called by the next Examiner and said "Your Angela's Manager right?"
Angelo said
"Yes sir, I'm taking good cared of Angela ever since she started"
"about the Virtual model, we will used the old one, by the way whose the creator of the Model so we can contact it for permission"
"I think Angela design it by her self, She's being that for along time"
"Cool, now we need a major answer so be Truthful"
Angelo Nervous and the Examiner said "Your not actually Angela's Manager right?"
Angelo Widen his eyes and he knows that he screw up but in the End he said the truth
"I'm sorry, I'm not actually her Manager I'm just her brother, but please do not tarnish her dream"
"Oh I'm not saying that she's going to be denied we already know that your his sister, by the name and how Comfy Angela on you is kind of amazing actually"
"So she's not rejected?"
"No, no, no Impact that she was accepted"
Angela walk to the door and hug Angelo "We did it" She said
The Employee's Cheer because they finally have the Finale official Idol V-Tuber in the Company