This the report which Governor Swain de Peck have read.
The forces of the Top Region's 46th Punitive Regiment
The colonel of the Regiment: Vlastimir Rovcanin, a Stage 7 expert
The lieutenant colonels of the eight battalions: eight Stage 8 experts
The captains of the 32 companies under the battalions: 32 Stage 9 experts
A thousand of lesser officers and support officers: 1000 Stage 10 experts
Eight thousand active soldiers: 8000 mortals with D rank military equipment
Reserve military personnel: one Stage 9 expert, 100 stage 10 experts, 1000 soldiers
Naval Elements:
1st Squadron of the 46th punitive regiment:
D rank Corvette: OGES Capable Captain: Alan Adamec, stage 9 expert
2 E rank Corvettes: Captains: stage 10 experts
4 D rank torpedo boats Captains: stage 10 experts
16 E rank torpedo boats Captains: mortals
2nd Squadron of the 46th punitive regiment:
D rank Corvette: OGES Old Reliable Captain: Riette Suring, stage 9 expert
2 E rank Corvettes: Captains: stage 10 experts
4 D rank torpedo boats Captains: stage 10 experts
16 E rank torpedo boats Captains: mortals
3rd Squadron of the 46th punitive regiment:
D rank Corvette: OGES Silent Geasse Captain: Loke Wulff, stage 9 expert
2 E rank Corvettes: Captains: stage 10 experts
2 D rank submarines (stealthed ships): stage 10 experts
2 D rank torpedo boats Captains: stage 10 experts
6 E rank submarines: mortals
10 E rank torpedo boats Captains: mortals
4th Squadron of the 46th punitive regiment:
D rank Cruiser: OGES Unpunctual Captain: Commodore Gima Sekien (overall commander of the naval elements in the Top Excursion Zone E1Z1), stage 8 expert
E rank Cruiser: OGES Rampart Captain: Yoshimura Erika, stage 9 expert
4 E rank Corvettes: Captains: stage 10 experts
8 D rank torpedo boats Captains: stage 10 experts
32 E rank torpedo boats Captains: mortals
Transport Squadron of the 46th punitive regiment:
25 support vessel
32 massive transports
89 dropships
Forces of the Four Institutions:
Investigator Polotentsev Ludomir Kirillovich and 250 orderkeeping units on the vessel OIV Diligente
over a hundred smaller orderkeeping stations all over the Zone
Judge Emanuel Martí and his personal entourage
Adept Eric Teicher and his 10 personal disciples on the factory ship TFV Krettech
10 smaller factories all over the Zone
Teacher Eva Berg and his 10 personal students on the teaching ship LTV Floriana
10 smaller imperial schools all over the Zone
Forces of the Five Church:
Forces of the Emperor's personal guard: