Pietro moves towards the building with a sign saying 'Hunter's Association' above the door. As they move Alice looks at the various farmers and monsters planting and plowing the fields. Seeing an especially cute monster she grabs Pietro's hand, trying to get his attention. "Look Look! Isn't it cu-"
Suddenly one of the farmers and his incarnation of regret begin to scream.
"Kill me! Kill me! Kill me! I Can't Take It Anymore! Go away! Leave Me Alone! Someone! God! Please Just Let Me Die!"
He suddenly jumps at his incarnation, pushing it down while beating it's already bruised face. It looks like a young woman wearing a gray wedding dress. Her head is hidden by a bucket but her long wet hair and pale skin show her age. As he continues to beat it, it begins to hug him.
Suddenly the man stops.
"I Don't Care! Just Die Already!"
Seeing this every single farmer in the area begins to run to him. Ignoring them he stands up and grabs the hoe he was using. With tears running down his smiling face he begins to cut into the incarnation. Blood oozes from her stomach, her chest opening, and her ribs poking through her torn skin.
It begins to scream. It's voice grows louder every second. Finally both me and Alice can hear it clearly.
"I Love You! I Love You! I Have Always Loved You! Is My life Really Worth So Little!" She screamed as her body began to split even more.
The farmer ignores this and continues to attack her. "Go Aw-" In that moment all farmer's stop moving. The things dress has burned away, a large cut running from the top of its head all the way to its legs.
Within a second the farmer and the incarnation disappears, a naked middle aged woman taking their place. Suddenly, every single farmer runs, their incarnation of regret wildly screaming in intense fear.
The naked woman has light pink skin, wrinkles all over her face. Her white hair draped down her shoulders and chest, covering a portion of the gray spots covering her body. She has no chest, no genitals, and no butt. In this dead world she appears to be the only truly living thing.
The naked woman looks to Pietro and Alice. Instantly Pietro's blood goes cold. Alice tilts her head then waves towards the naked woman. The woman smiles and waves back. She opens and closes her mouth, trying to say something.
As Pietro and Alice are too far way they can't hear her. Seeing this the old woman walks towards them. Step by step she grows closer to the father and daughter.
Crick crack crick crack go her bones.
Pietro grabs Alice and begins to run away. I don't know what it can do so I shouldn't take the risk, he thinks. Suddenly the old woman's smile goes stiff. The skin on her face tightens as her eyes bulge out their sockets. A wide frown stretches to her ears.
Once again she tries to speak. When she opens her mouth water pours out, covering her clothes and body. She begins to wildly scream, water pouring from her ears and mouth. In that one moment Pietro clearly understands the monster in front of him.
"You're just like him! Killing whoever you want just so you can fix the life You broke! Get away from that little girl you family ruining monster!" The monster screams.
She runs to Pietro, her upper body violently swaying all over. Suddenly her chest and back explode. Large amounts of red water gush from her body. Her light pink lungs and cracked bones covered in holes. Pietro immediately grabs Alice and moves to the nearest building.
As he runs he feels the air around him chill.
Suddenly a childish voice fills the area. "Don't call my dad a monster." Alice said with dead eyes.
She begins to fly towards the old woman. Her head falls off, her skin burst, and her bones creak. Chains explode from her neck, hands, and ankles. Starting off bright silver they grow rustier as she gets closer to the old woman.
Pietro immediately runs to Alice. "Damn it! I'm not fucking up again! Alice! Get over here!" He screams. Alice stops for a second. She turns her head and smiles at Pietro before moving to the old woman.
In that moment they begin to fight. The old woman screams, the red water moving to wrap around Alice. As the water moves the old lady continues to move towards Pietro. Alice tosses her head to Pietro using the chains on her arm after moving towards the ground.
The chains around her feet dig into the ground, the rest moving to grab onto the older woman. In that moment the entirety of the red water wraps itself around Alice's body. Instantly she's seemingly trapped in a house sized ball of watered down blood.
A small portion of the water splits from the ball and moves towards the old woman. Pietro moves to grab Alice's head, fully prepared to kill the monster in front of him. Alice's body tries to escape the red water but whenever she tries to move the water inside will begin to smack against her body.
Alice's body begins to violently twist, the rusted chains growing a deeper red every second. Pietro grabs Alice's flying head, preparing to punch the old woman a few steps away from him.
Ten steps.
The chains pass through the red water following her.
Nine steps.
Cracks begin to fill the ground as the chains try to wrap the older woman's feet.
Eight steps.
The old woman jumps into the air avoiding the chains.
Seven steps.
The ground below the old woman begins to split open.
Six steps.
The red water forms a ball and compresses to the size of a marble.
Five steps.
Chains explode from the ground, trying to cage the old woman.
Four steps.
The compressed water ball moves to the center of the chain cage and explodes, the immense pressure forcing the chains backwards.
Three steps.
The chains originally above ground cover her top and sides, the chains that sprouted from the ground doing the same as the red water recollects.
Two steps.
The chains begin to wrap around the woman.
One step.
Pietro prepares to kill.
Instantly Pietro aim's to poke her bulging eyes. The old woman ignores this and opens her mouth, exposing her yellowed teeth and bleeding gums. Even as Pietro's fingers pierce her eyes and dig into her skull she continues to move, trying to bite Pietro's neck.
The water behind her recollects, this time compressing itself into a small needle. Alice begins to panic. The chains wrap around the the red needle. Instantly a chain ball the size of Pietro forms. Suddenly, the red water trapping Alice's body begins to move towards Pietro.
Once again the older woman screams. Pietro understands her clearly.
"I Hate You! Why Did You Kill Such A Young Girl! What Is Wrong With You! Why Are You So Calm! Do You Not Care! You Don't Deserve To Live!" She screams.
Suddenly Alice's eyes explode. Her shining hair transforms into chains. Instantly chains sprout from her eyes and her heart. Unlike the chains sprouting from her body these are covered in thorns. Several of them move to protect her head while the rest move to protect her heart.
Instantly hundreds of chains fill the older woman's vision. Blood pours from each thorn, faint whispers filling the area.
"Why won't you just listen to your father?"
"Did you seriously fail another class? Do you just not listen when the teacher talks or do you just like disappointing us you stupid failure of a daughter."
"I never even wanted you!"
"Me and your mother would be happier without you! I wouldn't have to drop college and your mother wouldn't suffer from depression!"
Pietro clearly recognizes these voices. They are the people he killed before he found Alice. They are her mother and father. Hearing their deranged rambling Pietro hugs Alice's head harder. Instead of Piercing his skin the thorny chains avoid Pietro, letting him touch the unprotected head.
The house sized mass of red water begins to compress, forming ten small thumb thick needles. Instantly they speed up, appearing in front of Pietro within a second. Before they can explode, thorny chains wrap the older woman.
The thornless chains finally arrive in front of Pietro. Immediately they wrap around the ten needles. Within a second the ball of thornless chains begins to violently shake, thick water sprouting from the bottom, the pressure slicing into the ground.
Just as the red water begins to move again the old woman goes silent. Completely covered in red thorny chains she looks upwards. The chains begin to twist. The sound of skin being torn off fills Pietro's ears. Slowly the chains wrap her tighter and tighter.
Crack Crack Crack.
He bones break and crack, her skin violently smacking the chains, filling the area with a crisp clanking. Within a moment, the thorny chains devour the old woman. They begin to separate and return to the body. As the thorny chains go back to Alice's head Pietro notices that the old woman's body has vanished as well as the red water.
Within seconds the chains vanish, Alice re-attaching her head. Instantly she returns to normal, smiling as if nothing ever happened. "Did I do okay dad?" She said.
In that moment Pietro knows that the thing in front of him is not Alice. Sure Alice may have been cruel to adults, scaring them with her words and pretending to stab them but she has not once killed someone. She has broken people's fingers, ripped hair, peeled skin, burned hands, smashed feet, and knocked out people but she would always leave the last step, killing the victims, to her beloved father Pietro Vitale.
Seeing Pietro's dull eyes and clear disappointment Alice begins to look worried. She immediately tries to explain herself to Pietro. "Umm, dad I'm sorry for killing her. I know your'e always the one to finish them off but she really annoyed me."
Alice stops and points her head downwards. She begins to lightly tap the hem of her dress. "Dad. She could really hurt you. I was scared and when I saw how close she was to you I lost control. I promise I was just going to catch her and leave her to you." She said as tears begin to drip down her face.
Pietro hesitates. Seeing what looks like Alice cry he feels a sharp pain is his heart. He wants to sooth her but he's not even sure that is 'her' anymore. Maybe it really was just a mistake. It's certainly something Alice would do since she has always been especially defensive of Pietro.
Seeing her cry and thinking about their shared past Pietro tosses aside all his doubts. I really am a failure of a father. He thinks to himself. In that moment he hugs her. "It's okay." He said.
Suddenly, as they calm down one of the most grating and annoying voices in the world fills their ears. "Wow! How emotional. I can't believe you just killed and ate some old woman with that appearance."
A young blonde man in his early twenties wearing a white button up shirt with matching black dress pats and shoes with a brown overcoat completing his outfit appears. Pietro immediately moves to punch this man, completely forgetting what happens. His right arm falls off.
Seeing this the young man sighs. "I'm guessing your'e new. My name is Peter." He said while grabbing Pietro's arm off the floor and giving it to him.
Pietro re-attaches his arm and gives the man an annoyed glare. "My name is Pietro and this is my daughter Alice." He said wondering whether he should have Alice kill him.
Peter. smiles in response. "Welcome Pietro and Alice to the city of the damned." He said. Just as he's about to offer his hand a child's scream appears. "Sorry. My daughter hasn't had any sleep. Anyways welcome." He said as a small baby wearing only a diaper appears behind him.